The truth is…
Business is changing at an alarming rate, and those who don’t keep abreast of fresh, exciting “NEW” ideas will share the same fate as the Dodo. (becoming lost in time – like a f*rt in a wind tunnel: )
Direct Response Copywriting is a vital skill for any business. And if you want to race ahead of your competition, you need to be able to write copy that packs a punch and persuades customers to buy your products or services.
But how do you know if you’re doing it right?
And what are the most effective techniques for writing persuasive copy?
Read on, and I’ll show you…

But before I do.
Here are some important questions for you. And think carefully when answering them…
- Can you remember the thrill of your first BIG win?
- Have you ever secretly wished you could conjure up a whirlwind of profitable ideas (at will)?
- Do you believe you have what it takes to compete with the best?
- Have you ever wondered how elite companies stay on top?
- Do you “secretly” wish for a stress-free life (a life where you can spend more quality time with friends and family)
- Are you tired of letting BIG opportunities slip through your fingers?
If you’ve answered “YES” to any of these questions,
listen up…
because I’ve got a surprise for you.
You’ll be shown methods, tips, and strategies most business owners are clueless about – creating explosive results for your organization.
But first…
Here’s a little about me…
I’m David (aka Dedo, Director of Dedo Harrison Ltd)
Coached and trained by the best in the world…
… conducted business (self-employed) since I left the schooling process over 30yrs ago…
And have studied all forms of human psychology.
In other words,
I know “direct response.”
and have the skills to snuff out the torch of boredom, transforming it into a blazing hot beacon of motivation…
…Igniting the deepest passions of your most distant customers.
And if they don’t buy what you’re selling, you can bet I will – because It’s my job to delve deep inside your prospect’s mind. And I want to ensure they’re motivated enough to do whatever it takes to buy YOUR stuff.
Being convinced to say “YES!” (I have to Become Your customer). It’s how I create the experience that drives their desires. And how I get them to take out their credit cards.
It’s not easy, but I promise you it will be profitable.
So if you want your customers attracted to your business, like iron filings to a Thermal nuclear magnet.
Keep reading…
There’ve been many times in the past when economies around the world seemed like they were tanking (and they were, for many)
But disasters can turn into massive opportunities for those with a handful of street smarts and a sprinkling of forward-thinking.
All it takes is just one small profitable campaign – then leveraging that bad boy with incremental strategic moves (a tweak here and there), exploding profits to unbelievable amounts.
> Profit Multiplier <<<<
This is where I can help.
Think about it…
If you owned a Formula 1 racing car – It’s not going far with a tank full of horse manure.

Similar to choosing your “copywriter.”
Don’t settle for lame (lose the race and feel like a numpty)
When you can fill your tank with rocket fuel.
Leaving the competition smelling your exhaust fumes.
(Knowledge = Formula 1 = more cash than you can shake a dipstick at)
Don’t get me wrong… there are plenty of good copywriters who know “direct response.”
Far more belong to “Cheap Copy Inc,” charging a massive $100 per sales letter…
(I know, scary)

Because let’s not beat around the bush.
Time – once spent – is lost forever
So please, don’t waste a fortune ($100) on toilet paper…
Ingredients of “proper” fuel:

G.A = Get Attention
E.W = Expand World-view
S3d = Story (dimensionalized)
H = Hope
E.A = Eliminate alternatives
I .P/s = Introduce product/service
… and quite a few other trade secrets.
Okay, let’s get started…
One of the keys to your message being successful rests on “specific reasons WHY” your prospects should buy YOUR product (other than your competitors)
This is why a “strategically” structured sales letter is vital.
It’s Here… The Truth About Powerfully Structured Headlines, Leads & Body Copy.
The architecture of your sales copy should always reflect your market (which is why templates are next to useless). It should grab “attention” and drag you through the copy like a dairy addict clucking for their next fix.
This is because your market has made a “decision.” They need to know more about your product than its features or benefits.
They want to know how it will make their lives easier, better, richer, and more fun.
It’s the most important secret I’ve ever discovered, but few entrepreneurs seem to get it.
So, before you put pen to paper…
Take a deep dive into who’s screaming inside for your product/service. (This is one of the crucial skills that sorts the novice from the champ).
Knowing your audience to the core – is an essential first ingredient…
even before writing a single word of copy.
So here’s what I’ll do for you…
… research your market with a fine-toothed comb (digging out all the essential nuggets).
Turning that gold into weapons of influence, transforming your customers into hoards of screaming fans. (I hope you’ve hired some bodyguards)

This is where most “copywriters” go wrong (NO, not the bodyguard thing)
They think if you string together a few fancy words with some highlighted text – Your customers will come banging down your door.
No! No! & No!…
(Without going into my methods) – Keep in mind – The key to persuasive copy is (I say again) having a very precise structure in place, fine-tuned for your market.
For instance…
Astro-physicists MUST follow specific universal laws, so their rocket ships (when launched) land safely where they’re supposed to.
If they didn’t… “BOOM”! Goodbye, Mr Chips!
I’m not claiming it’s that drastic for the copy, but if there’s no specific structure in place – the message won’t hit its target.
And will spiral aimlessly into the abyss of… (where the f*%k am I)

Don’t go down that hole.
Anyway, enough of my ramblings; here are “some” of the things I’ll do for you.
- Full-length “precision-engineered” custom-made sales letters (weapons) for your product or service.
- Laser-focused ideas that’ll grab your customers by the balls (eyeballs)
- Driving home vital, punchy selling points
- Golden nuggets of highly persuasive language that’ll force prospects to eat from the palm of your hands… willingly
- Uncover your product’s most powerful benefits. (that’ll make your business stand out like a hot dog at a hamburger party)
- Avoid common mistakes made by most “copywriters” (that will KILL sales in a heartbeat)
- I’ll drop powerful “NLP” bombs into the language that eliminates buying resistance, so your customers will start DEMANDING ownership of your product/service.
- NO “alarm bells” going off inside your customers’ heads. Of insincerity or hype. “OVER” promising things that are “off the”radar” unbelievable
And get this…
Your odds of success will shoot through the roof.

One of the top copywriters in the world (Stefan Georgi) bats 50-50.
Meaning 50% of his sales letters make a profit straight out the gate.
The other 50% don’t make a bean (until certain critical elements are tweaked)
In other words, it can be the toss of a coin, even for elite copywriters…
Note: Stefan commands up to $50,000 per sales letter, although the return on investment for his clients is astronomical.
As you’re aware, there’s no such thing as a sure thing because if there were, everyone and their dog would be making a fortune. In short, it takes knowledge and skill to move the needle in the right direction.
BTW: If one of the world’s top copywriters creates those odds (which are out of the ballpark brilliant). What chance do you think “cheap copy Inc’s” got – charging $100?
I won’t promise to double your income overnight… but what I will do…
Is work with you to weave the best possible solution to your customer’s problems.
Fare enough?
So, get in touch and schedule a call right NOW!
All the best ( Your Semantic Architect, Marketer, Businessman, and Friend)
David Harrison
PS: I’ve been mentored by the best in the world…
David Garfinkel, Paul Hancox, Stefan Georgi (RMBC method), AWAI, Kendrick Cleveland, and many more.
Let’s get you where you want to be – faster and more cost-effective than ever.
You can do this.
I’ll show you exactly how.
And it could start today.
>>Your success is my motivation.<<
Makes sense?