"Digital Investors Looking To Partner With the RIGHT Business - Contact Dedo For More Info!"

Listen Up "ALL" Successful entrepreneurs!

  • Fed up with the status quo?
  • Wanna reach NEW eyeballs?
  •  With No EXTRA Effort
  • Savin' YOU Time
  • And FREE Yourself From The A.P. (Accounts Payable) Sledgehammer!
  • Or Any Other VITAL Obligation

Here's a LITTLE of what we do...

  • We generate BRAND NEW leads 
  • Write all the copy 
  • Manages OUR virtual sales team
  • And close all the sales (On Our Dime!)
  • Handing over SHINY new customer/clients... and that’s it!  
  • There are NO “deposits” or monies upfront. 
  • NO Shenanigans
  • We only get paid AFTER you get paid (We take "ALL" the risk)
  • And for the right person, this won't cost one red cent!

This Won't Work For Everyone.


If You Wanna Know More, Raise Your Hand👋& We'll Map it Out Together.

Have somewhere between a $500 to $50,000 offer and an email audience of somewhere between 30k to 100k?

If you’re a coach, expert, or service provider with an existing business (a working offer of $500 to $50,000+ and a customer email list)…

We can add $50k to $100k in 14 days using just email, a Google doc and a lil' Mojo magic... without our partners lifting a finger.


Discover how we make the "impossible"... possible

With so many distractions in life and business, it's sometimes hard to make the right decisions at the right time. 

So, come on over, because we might be able to point you in the right direction

 Changing DOUBT into "CERTAINTY"... every single time!


Check what our peeps say about us

If you want to get the write things done at the right time... you're in the right place

Sarah James

Marketing expert

The internet is a confusing, overwhelming minefield... So, I'm glad I've met a true pathfinder, helping me see the wood through the trees!

Mike Tatum

Designer ui/ux

What can I say...


Lisa Bellucci

CFO of "the company"

post list

World Of Discovery

Discover everything you've ever wanted to know about how to create a legacy you can be proud of, right here... 

From email marketing, business essentials, mindset, checklists, how-to's, copy-writing, & much more.


Any niche audience will have (on average) 8% millionaires.
(Do you have a list of 10,000?)
That means you've got 800 MILLIONAIRES on your list.
And they'll say they're "skint" when PITCHED slapped!

Find a current pain-point
Find a problem they "REALLY" give AF about.
Find shit they wanna fix NOW!
And watch them bang down your door, even if the market is tanking, unemployment is in double digits and the gas price is $7 a gallon.
There's no reason to fear the economy...

...**IF you find a desperate problem folks want to fix now!**

Your one-stop hub for everything "BUSINESS."

We’d love to talk about what matters to you.