The overall success of your website relies heavily on copywriting.
Is the quality of the product important? Yes!
Is the traffic important too? Of course…
But without an effective sales letter and effective strategy, it won’t matter a fig how good your product or service is. And it won’t matter how much traffic you get to your site if you can’t sell anything…
The Modern Day Copywriting Compendium
No limits shortcut to direct response success
Only read this if you want to dramatically change your business and life… for the better.
Don’t waste your time reading the hundreds of great books on copywriting. Gary Halbert, Ben Suarez, Joe Karbo, Robert Collier, Claude Hopkins, John Carlton, John Caples, Vic Schwab, Gene Schwartz, etc.
Yes, these books have instilled long-held principles that have worked throughout the ages.
But there’s a better way,
A faster way,
And an easier way.
Read on at your Peril
Life will never be the same again!
You’re going to receive a key.
One that’ll unlock doors – preventing you from wasting more money on ads, funnels or trying to scale your business.
Imagine “think & grow rich” for a new breed of entrepreneur. A go getter, who wants to become wealthy & impact the lives of millions of people across the planet.

“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas“.
The ideas and understanding you’ll get – that you can implement into your orders, your stack – or ongoing challenges are impressive, and nothing’s overlooked, no over-whelming jargon. Just good old fashion straight talk.
And the beauty is, its information that can be put into action right now—granular stuff with real-life examples.
All the information is tried, tested and true. It’s completely authentic, realistic and actionable.
The best way to get the most out of this information is to unf**k your head, believe in yourself, trust the knowledge that’s in it and continue to take action.
I’ve read over 200+ business books, and I’ve spent multiple 6-figs on coaches/consultants – this is hands down, in the top 3 resources. Not only are complex topics made simple, but they’re made actionable with examples. The ideas are SO easy to extract and implement – that it would be a mistake to delay reading. Get stuck in, unless you’re a competitor of mine, in which case please ignore this…
How To Make Offers So Good
People Feel Stupid Saying No (Alex Hormozi)
Yep, that’s what all the hype’s about.
But not just any ole book…
It’s a book that’s crammed full of age-old principles that have been whittled down and simplified so anyone can use them.
Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated with this product in any way, shape or form. But I had to promote it, so folk can benefit from how Alex has condensed complex ideas into an easy to follow format.
Here’s a snippet to whet your appetite:
The point of good writing is for the reader to understand.
The point of good persuasion is for the prospect to feel understood.
Niches are where the Riches are!
Keep filtering down until you get to the “concentrate”. It’s mighty sweet and tastes as good as hell.
The more specifically your delve “deep” into their wants, the more you’ll be able to nurture the exact problem.
Monetising is just extracting the proper “value” and getting paid for it.
Warren Buffet said: Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.
Price increases only after increasing the value (think buying $100,000 of value for $10,000). It’s “money at a discount”.
Most business pricing proposition goes something like this…
- Look at marketplace
- See what everyone else offers
- Take the average
- Go slightly below to remain “competitive”
- Provide what their competitors offers with a “little more”
- End up at a value proposition of “more for less”
The higher the price, the higher the perceived value!
“We question all of our beliefs, except for the ones we really believe in, and those we never think to question”
Orson Scott Card
The Value Equation
- (yippee) The Dream outcome (Goal: Increase) It has to be them arriving at their destination and what they would like to experience.
- (yippee) Perceived Likelihood of Achievement (Goal: Increase)
- (Boo) Perceived Time Delay Between Start and Achievement (Goal: Decrease)
- (Boo) Perceived Effort & Sacrifice (Goal: Decrease)
The top side of the equation is where beginner marketers make bigger and bigger claims. It’s easy and lazy.
Anyone can make a promise!
The harder part of the equation to fulfil is 3&4 . This is where Amazon and Apple have made such a difference—making things “immediate” and “effortless”.
There you go, a short promo’ to motivate you to take action.
A couple of bucks on Amazon will open up a new world with far-reaching tentacles.
That’ll help you grasp hold of all the power you deserve.
And keep in mind…
The vast majority of people will never take the action required and will leave all the spoils to those who do. So, reach out, take it, it’s yours.
P.S. There’s only one thing stopping you from reaching out and making your dreams a reality. But it’s invisible, and can be felt as “REAL”. It’s a thing called F.E.A.R. Click Here>PRESS HERE< and discover what you may not know.