June 22

3. Unique Business Systems


3 Ways To Create A System So Unique, It'll Blow Your Readers Minds...

Getting Them To Beg For more, More, MORE!

Welcome Back! 

At this stage, you've developed an outline listing all the steps of your process in the order you want to present them. In future related posts, we'll talk about how to fill the outline in, so you can develop an in-depth system your audience LOVES.

But before you do that...

You'll need to think how you'll inject a fresh approach into your system.

The thing is...

You're NOT the only one showing this specific process, there may  be tens, hundreds, or even thousands of like minded enthusiasts who've listed the steps across their products, platforms, and other content.

Which is why you NEED to set your content apart from the rest by making it stand out.

Of course...

If you're presenting a strategy that's so unique... NO ONE's doing it yet. Then yes, you're golden, and I want to hire you!

If on the other hand you're like 99.99% of everyone else - read on...

The three methods I'm going to show are:

  • Alliteration
  • Analogy
  • Acronym

So, lets dive in on each of these separately...

1. Alliteration

This is a simple method where you use the same first letter for each process step. Here's an example...

Suppose you're showing people how to craft an eye-sucking sales letter. You might pick the letter "D" and then create a system where each step begins with that letter. Like this...

  • Define Your Audience
  • Draft a Headline
  • Develop Your Opener

And so on, with each step starting with a "D."

One note about this strategy... make sure the first words are the same "open-class" categories. Either all verbs, nouns, or adjectives. In the above example, they're all verbs. Because (in my opinion) it's always best to paint a picture in your readers minds, and verbs are more "action" orientated.

Secondly, create steps with similar amount of words... you'll find it helps keep the flow 


This is where you'll compare the topic of your process with something else and then build your system around this analogy.

For example...

Similar to when David Ogilvy made this comparison in one of his famous ads:  "At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in the new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock" 

A subtle, but great comparison.

Look at the system you want to show your audience and ask yourself what it could be compared to. Say for instance...

You're teaching people how to market their businesses, you might compare this marketing to dating (E.G., The stage of polishing your sales letter might be akin to preening yourself for a hot date).


This is where you can let your imagination go wild. The idea is to turn the steps of your system into a relevant acronym, where the first letter of each step reflects one letter of your acronym. A bit like...

If you're sharing a "S.A.L.E.S." system, step one would begin with the letter S, two... A, and so on. 

Here are some tips for creating an acronym...

First, you want to brainstorm relevant words that would be a great name for your system. For example...

If you were sharing a business system, you might use the word: "B.U.I.L.D."

(Don't worry if the number of steps matches the letters in your acronym - brainstormdump all relevant words).

Once you've finished emptying all words from your brain, focus on the words with a similar number of letters as the steps in your system. For example...

Something related to sales might be: S.A.L.E.S. - C.A.S.H. - or M.O.N.E.Y.

At this point, you can adjust your system to fit the word better. I mean... 

If you have a four-letter word and a five-step system, you'll need to combine two steps.


As with alliteration, It's best to make the first word of a step a verb when creating an acronym around your system... because you want to paint the most vivid picture you can in your readers minds. 

And make sure you use all the available internet tools... to help make the best choices for your system.

See you in the next post, where we'll be talking about talking points that'll add lots of value to your system.

P.S: Drop me a comment if you need help with any resources!


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  • Thank you for sharing these insightful and creative methods to make our content stand out. It’s true that in a world filled with similar processes and information, it becomes crucial to inject a fresh approach to captivate our readers. The three methods you mentioned, namely alliteration, analogy, and acronym, provide effective ways to create unique systems.

    The concept of using alliteration, where each step starts with the same letter, not only adds a memorable touch but also creates a cohesive structure for the process. By selecting “open-class” categories such as verbs, you emphasize action-oriented steps, allowing readers to visualize the progression more vividly.

  • Writing a captivating text on a topic and also a title, for that matter, is important to keep your visitors reading an article and your content really does the trick as a good example.

    I would love to learn how to write like this… and are there any online classes that could teach me how? 

    Also, in your opinion, which of the three methods discussed in the article (alliteration, analogy, or acronym) is the most effective in creating a unique and captivating system? Thanks!

    • Hi Lizzy,

      Glad you’ve found my article useful… and thanks for the compliment : )

      As for your question about finding an online class… Go here  >>https://dedoharrison.com/copywriting-facts-part-1/ All about writing persuasively, and getting people to consume your words like there’s no tomorrow…

      Also, when you’ve finished, and you’re interested in more – I’ve got TONS of great information for you. And it won’t cost you a Bean, Zilch… NADA!

      (only the time and effort to discover what you don’t know, already).

      Have a great day.



      P.S: Alliteration, Analogy, and Acronym all have merit… but I’d go with analogy for explaining ideas, SIMPLY. 

      Bit like this one from a famous prime minister in the UK…

      “A good speech should be like a woman’s skirt: long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest”. – Winston Churchill

      (would be considered “Sexist nowadays,” but he said it back the 1940’s – I think).

  • I recently came across this fascinating article about unique business systems, and I must say, it left me inspired and motivated to explore innovative approaches in my own entrepreneurial journey. You have beautifully highlighted the importance of adopting unconventional systems that can set businesses apart from the competition.

    The article dives into the concept of unique business systems, emphasizing that a one-size-fits-all approach may not always be the most effective. It encourages entrepreneurs to think outside the box and tailor their systems to align with their specific goals, values, and target audience.

    I would like to express my gratitude to the author for shedding light on the significance of unique business systems. This article has sparked my imagination and motivated me to challenge the status quo. I am excited to explore unconventional approaches and integrate innovative systems into my own business endeavors.

    To all the fellow entrepreneurs reading this comment, I highly recommend giving this article a read. It offers valuable insights and serves as a catalyst for reimagining the way we approach business. Let’s embrace our uniqueness and unlock our full potential by adopting unique business systems that can propel us toward unparalleled success.

    • Hi Pasindu,


      Thanks for the recommendation, and I’m glad you’ve found my article inspiring.

      Also, I’d like to mention…

      I don’t know how long you’ve been writing, but your eloquence is off the charts compared to other neophyte entrepreneurs I’ve spoken with. 



      And good luck in future endeavours.



  • Thank you for this detailed look at building a business system. 

    I like the use of analogy…  

    A system where you compare your own with others will help you stay ahead. We’ll adapt it going forward.

    And I must say a big thank you for the “free” book on email marketing. I’m taking to email marketing to improve our conversion rate and overall sales

    • Hiya Owoeye,

      It’s great you’re making use of the knowledge I’ve shared with you. 


      You’re different from the tire kickers out there… people who REALLY want to make a success of their lives… ( but don’t take action to make it happen).


      Also, make sure you dip into my FREE email book regularly, and you’ll continually discover tips that will push your business to where you want it to go. 

      Every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, until finally you’ll wake up and say…


      Look how far I’ve come.

      Have a great day.



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