"Offer Magic, and the Secret To Makin' 'Em Sing... ding-a-ling, KaChing!"
Winner winner chicken dinner.
“No matter if you’re introverted, have zero belief in yourself, or…
… If you’ve just got outta prison.”
But, first... here's what NOT to do.
Don't hide yourself in a corner and "mentally masturbate" - thinkin' you have to be a genius, lucky, or super talented to make off the chart offers.
Because, there's a cardinal rule in business, which is...
"YOU" don't get to decide what works.
Just as this lil' girl discovered in the little town of Everspring.
She dreamed of composing a symphony that would sweep everyone off their feet.
She got caught up in her "OWN" imagination - thinking she could create the magic without knowing her audience's true desires.
After weeks of isolation and jackin' off some creative juices, the big concert arrived.
The hall filled to capacity...
The curtains parted...
Silence fell...
... but as lil' Em' played, the crowd mumbled in unison, shuffeling awkwardly in their seats.
The beauty of "HER" notes felt distant and cold... bringing down polite applause with little to no clout.
Emma went back to her dressing room, and instead of moping about feeling sorry for herself - she racked her brain (once again), and came up with a ______?
The very next morning Emma (the little girl) hit the streets, this time listening with laser-like-focus.
She heard children arguing...
Laughter from the bakery...
And friends sharing stories while milling around the market place.
The natural pulse of Everspring - its joys and struggles - suddenly came alive in her.
With fresh inspiration and a new sense of purpose, Clara rolled up her sleeves and got to work - composing a brand NEW symphony... woven with the sounds and emotions of her community.
… the crowd erupted with genuine enthusiasm, clapping and cheering every note with a the energy of a nuclear fire-cracker.
When you align your creation with your audience’s heartbeat, you build lasting connections that’ll echo into eternity.
… it doesn’t matter if you’ve zero belief in yourself, your IQ is below par, or your self-esteem is lower than a champions limbo bar.
(and what your audience REALLY wants, NOT what you THINK they want)