September 2

“THE” Sales Letter


The Sales Letter Template That Works For Just About Any Offer - All You've Got To Do Is Fill In The Blanks, And Wait For The Money To Start Pumping Into Your Account!

Use This Sales Letter Template To Quickly And Easily Craft A High-Response Profit Machine!

NOTE: Keep in mind - for all sales generated, 60% has to do with the list, 30% the offer, and 10% the copy.

Combined - this makes for a winning combo'

Here's goes...

"Now You Too Can [Get a Great Result], Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible!"

If You've Ever Wanted [A Desired Outcome] But [You Were Unable To Achieve It], Then You're Going To Want To Read Every Last Surprising Word On This Page...

Dear [Type of Person, such as "Aspiring Novelist"],

Are you tired of [experiencing some problem or frustration]?

Do you ever feel like [insert how the person may feel about this problem]?

Do you sometimes wish you could [take some step to eliminate the problem, or quit, or something similar - e.g., "wave a magic wand and make those unwanted pounds disappear"]?

Look, I get it...

We've all been there.

When I first [started in this niche], I [explain the poor results you were getting]. No matter what I did, [you continued to get poor results].

Then one day I discovered a simple trick that changed everything and put me on track to [getting some desired outcome].

But it wasn't easy. [Explain how it took time and/or money and/or a lot of trial and error to come up with the trick that works].

Sure, you may look at [all the success I've had in the niche] and think that it just dropped in my lap. But, I can assure you that's NOT the way it happened. I was once EXACTLY where you are right now, so I know how it feels to [not achieve niche goals or dreams].Are

But I also know exactly what you need to do - to turn things around, starting today, so you too can finally [enjoy the desired outcome].

Introducing "Product Name" - The Quick & Easy Way to [Get Some Great Result]!

Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey that will revolutionize the way you [achieve a goal, solve a problem or enjoy a hobby]?

Prepare to be captivated by the awe-inspiring [Product Name], a breakthrough solution engineered to unleash your true potential and set you on a path to [desired outcome].

Close your eyes and envision a world where [desired outcome] becomes your reality. With [Product Name], you'll be able to enjoy [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and even [benefit 3]. This isn't just another [type of product]; It's a transformative force that will redefine the way you [specific action].

Here's what makes [Product Name] different than everything else on the market: {Insert your USP).

And that's not all...

Here's what makes [Product Name] the go-to choice for [people in a specific niche/those trying to solve a problem or achieve a goal]:

  1. [Feature1]: This cutting-edge system allow you to [enjoy a specific benefit]. Say goodbye to [Common frustration] and say hello to [feature benefit]!
  2. [Feature 2]: This innovative process ensures you'll be able to [take a specific action] effortlessly. No more wasting time on [inefficient process]!
  3. [Feature 3]: We've incorporated [unique feature] into [Product Name], giving you such an awesome [type of] advantage, it feels like you're cheating!

But don't take my word for it - see what [type of] customers just like you are saying about [Product Name].

[Insert two or three of your best and strongest testimonials here]

And how are these individuals achieving such amazing results, and how can you do the same? 

Well... just look at what you get when you order right now:

  • You'll discover a simple way to [get a benefit] in just [small number of minutes] per day!
  • You'll discover the truth about why [you keep getting poor results] - and you'll know what you need to do instead to finally [get a desired outcome]!
  • You'll discover [number] little known tricks for [getting a benefit] - you won't believe how easy it is!
  • [Feature] empowers you to [benefit] like never before, giving you the tools to achieve [desired outcome]!
  • You'll findout how to streamline [a process] so you can [get a desired outcome].

And that's not all...

Order Now And You'll Get [Bonus]... Absolutely FREE!

Sometimes it can take [some long amount of time] or [require a considerable effort] to [achieve a goal or complet a process]. That's why we developed [this bonus product], which is designed to [get some specific result as quickly and easily as possible].

Here's a sneek peek at what you get:

  • You'll get [a type of tool] to make [getting a desired outcome] a breeze!
  • You'll find the best way to [get a benefit] - and it's probably not what you think!
  • You'll get my personal [tool, system, or similar] for [getting a great result] - it's been my secret [type of] weapon and now it can be yours too!

I know you're liking what you see, but I'm guessing you have just one question...

How Much Is it?

When you act now, you get everything you see on this page for only [$X]

This is a great deal...

You know it, and I know it.

Just think about it for a mo'...

If you [took an alternative route], you could easily expect to spend [some high dollar amount] - and you probably wouldn't even [get some benefit or good result]. But for a wise investment about the price of [some commen thing], you can [get some extraordinary result]!

You won't find a better way to [get a result] at a better price, so take out your credit card and click the order button to get started.

[Order button]

Here's to your success!

[sign off]

P.S. This is the best way I know to [get some great result]. It works for me, it works for [number] satisfied customers, and I'm confident it will work for you too.

In fact, I'm backing that promise with a 100% unconditional money-back guarantee. If you're unsatisfied for ANY reason whatsoever, get in touch within 90 days, and I'll issue you a prompt, cheerful... and FULL refund - no questions asked!

Click here to order risk-free - and do it now, because [insert reason - you deserve it, you need to eliminate this bad thing, limited discount, etc.].

So there you have it!

A complete short-form sales letter you can adjust to your market, that will pump money into your account without fail. 

(As long as you've got a targeted list and a great offer). 

So, go for it!

We're always in your corner.

See you in the next installment


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  • This sales letter template is like having a secret weapon in the world of marketing. 

    It’s incredibly well-structured and takes you through the entire process of creating a persuasive sales pitch. 

    What I love most is how it addresses the reader’s pain points and offers a solution that seems almost magical. Adding testimonials allows for authenticity; the bonus offer is the cherry on top. 

    This template is a must-try for anyone looking to up their sales game. It’s simple to use yet incredibly effective

    Thanks for sharing this invaluable tool!

    • Hey Matias!

      Wow, thanks for the shout-out!

      We’re stoked you’re taking this treasure trove of value into your marketplace.

      But hold on to your hats because here’s the deal…

      We’re all about action here, and it’s music to our ears you’re diving in headfirst.


      The next step is like crafting a bespoke suit – you’ve got to tailor it to your ideal customer, Matias. Specificity is the name of the game.

      Picture this…

      When you connect with your tribe personally, the magic happens, and you start impacting lives like a superhero!

      But wait, there’s more…

      An exclusive secret just for YOU!

      Tap into those deep-seated “pain” points, then swoop in with your product or service like a knight in shining armor to banish those irritating “frustrations.”

      My friend… with that approach, the sky isn’t just the limit – it’s your playground!

      Wishing you all the best because we’re your biggest cheerleaders, always.

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • This is a very ‘you’ centred sales letter. It is nicely spaced and bullet pointed so that the person reading the letter is drawn to the main points that they need to read if they are short of time, and it’s interspersed with large texts to highlight what’s most important. Lots of white space and short, to-the-point phrasing is essential these days. We all get so much email and we need to be able to weed out the ones that are worth our time. 

    Just one small gripe, I prefer it when something says it costs $X to ‘only $X’ or ‘just $X’ this is because most of us are in a cost of living crisis here and nothing is ‘only’ or ‘just’ something, but if something is worth buying it can be unashamedly the price it is and be worth it if you will benefit from it!

    • Hey Michelle!

      Thanks a million for your incredibly insightful comment (seriously, are you a professional educator or something?😉).

      We thrive on the fresh perspectives of our fantastic audience – you keep our mojo rocketing sky-high!

      Now, about your concern…


      You’re bang on point! 

      Your angst is as valid as they come. Your critique is right on the money (if you’re our target audience). 

      You see…

      Our “Sales Letter Template” is like the blueprint for your message, but you’re the maestro who conducts the symphony for your unique market (if you catch my drift?)

      Here’s the deal…

      If your market talks the talk you’re describing, you’ve GOT to speak their language, or your message will be as effective as a mute mime at a rock concert.

      Hope this clears up the muddy waters, Michelle.

      Wishing you all the luck in the world, because we’ve got your back always!

      Cheers to your success

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • Hey thank you for this post!

    This is a great and helpful information you have decided to show the world! I personally believe this is a clever idea you have thought about. After reading through your post, I can certainly see it fitting well with my sales plan therefore think it would be ideal to use this template.

    Thanks again and have a great day!

    • Hey Sariyah!

      We’re practically doin’ backflips, and the confetti cannons are in full swing, BOOM!

      And we’re pumped you’ve not only read our message but have also taken action (seriously, rarer than unicorn poop)

      Now, let’s get back to the brass tacks with our “Sales Letter Template.”

      Here’s the scoop…

      You’ve gotta pair up that killer offer with a crowd who gives a shit!

      And when you do, you’ll have to close the doors on your business. Leaving a sign on the door saying…

      “OUT OF STOCK, off to the Bahamas!”


      If there’s only one thing to remember it’s this.

      Sell To A Hungry Crowd, and You’ll Never starve again!

      All the best, ’cause we’re always in your corner.

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

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