September 9

The How-To Of High-Response Sales Copy


The "NO Hype" Ticket To Crafting High-Response Sales Copy

Follow the steps below if you want to create Sales Copy that sucks in more money than an electro magnet on steroids...

Understand These Steps and Watch Your Sales Go Ballistic!

Step 1: Knowing Your Audience

The first thing to do is profile your audience  (if you haven't already). This is vital if you want to speak to people who give a shit about your offer. And when you do, it'll be like a friend whispering in their ears. 


This makes ALL the difference.

Step 2: Review Your Offer

Next you want to list all the features, and what those do to benefit your customer. Because I don't care if you're selling vitimin C tablets. I want to know what they can do to make my life better!

Show me a picture of a before and after... get my juices flowing - kick my ass into gear.

Step 3: Create An Eye-Sucking Headline & Sub-Head!

As you've most probably heard. The headline is the spark that'll shock prospect into action. If it doesn't grab attention like a poke in the eye... they ain't gonna hang around - period!

Step 4: Open With A BANG!

Now you've got your audience's attention, you must hold their attention and interest with a kickass opener.

You might tell a story, share a startling fact, elaborate on the benefits, remind them of the pain their problem causes.

Also, it's good to ask intriguing questions, to lead your prospect to the solution (your product) and an end to their pain.

NOTE: Make sure you know your audience's biggest pain points to align your copy with their challenges and offer your product as the bridge between where they are now and where they want to be. 

  1. Question opener example:
    Are you tired of wasting countless hours and hundreds of dollars trying to generate targeted traffic to your website... with nothing to show for it?
  2. Story opener example:
    Jack could barely keep his eyes open as the clock ticked past 2:00am.
    He was exhausted. Night after night, he sat in front of his computer, trying to make money. He had a good offer, he knew that, but no matter what he did, he couldn't seem to drive targeted traffic to his website.

    Jack's wife told him he had one week to figure it out, and then he'd better start looking for a "real job." He was feeling a little desperate as his deadline closed in.

    That's when he discovered a simple yet little-known strategy that was about to send his traffic numbers soaring...

Step 5: Share the Benefits

Once you introduce your product, you want to show its value and build desire for it. You do this by sharing benefits in an easy-to-read bulleted list. Use these benefits to arouse curiosity about the offer, like promising to reveal a secret. For example...

1. Discover a simple trick for [getting a benefit]
2. Are you making costly [type of] mistakes? Find out on page 23!
3. You'll find out the quick and easy way to [get a benefit].

Be sure to craft the benefits for any bonuses you're offering

Step 6: Overcome Objections

The next step is to raise and handle the objections to your offer. These sales objections are the reasons your prospect is thinking they shouldn't buy your offer. For example...

1. "It won't work for me." You can provide testimonials, case studies, and other forms of proof. You'll also want to present a money back guarantee.
2. "It's too expensive." Show how the alternatives are more expensive (and the cost of NOT taking you up on your offer right now). Payment plans are also good for turning prospects into customers.
3. "It takes too long." You can offer a bonus tool that makes the process faster and easier.

Those are a few of the common examples, You'll need to identify your audience's objections to your offer and overcome them to make the sale!

Step 7: Call the Prospect To Action!

You've built value and desire for your offer, so now it's time to get your prospect to take action. But, before you do that, you'll also want to justify the price.

Example: "If you hired a freelancer to create all this content, it would set you back thousands of dollars. If you did it yourself, creating would take weeks or even months. That's why this PLR license is a great deal - you get everything on this page for just $97..."

Step 8: End with a Postscript

The postscript (P.S.) is another crucial part of your sales page, as skimmers will read the headline, skim the letter, and then read the postscript.

That's why you'll want to make sure your postscript is compelling. It might recap the main benefits of your offer, share a benefit not mentioned elsewhere, and provide proof. Make sure it also includes another call to action.

For example: P.S. You won't find an easier or faster way to [get benefit], so take out your credit card and click here to start [getting a benefit].


Once you've created your sales letter, be sure to make a plan for testing and tracking it to improve response rates. If you're struggling with conversions, check the following...

  1. Did you engage your audience on an emotional level?
  2. Did you focus on the benefits of your offer?
  3. Does your sales copy provide hope?
  4. Did you avoid sales "tricks" and strongarm tactics?
  5. Did you show the prospect what it will be like to solve this problem?
  6. Did you handle objections so your prospect has no reason to say "no" to the offer?
  7. Did you format the letter in a way that skimmers will get the gist/benefits of your offer?

Good luck, and see you in the next instalment!


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  • Hi, your blog post is a refreshing take on a topic that’s often inundated with overblown promises. Your emphasis on authenticity and avoiding hyperbole in sales copy is spot on.

    I appreciate how you’ve broken down the process into actionable steps, making it accessible for both newcomers and experienced copywriters. Your tips on understanding the target audience and conveying value without resorting to excessive hype are invaluable.

    My question for you is this: Could you share an example or two of sales copy that successfully strikes the balance between being compelling and honest, as you recommend in your post?

    • Hey Jake!

      It’s great we’re on the same wavelength when it comes to helping folks tackle their challenges head-on!

      (And I’ve got a hunch that you’re already onto this).

      You see, at the end of the day, people just want to know they can trust the info that’s coming their way. If it means following a few steps (like the “How To’s” in High-Response Sales Copy), then heck, we’re all in!

      Think about the people you trust in your circle. Do you doubt the promises they make? 

      Probably not!

      Because you know they’ve got your back.

      And let me tell you…

      Making decisions based on their recommendations feels a whole lot better than feeling duped by a stranger, agreed?


      Swing by my about page and dive into the letter hyping up my copywriting services. It’s a deep dive into walking the talk and staying true to your word!

      Cheers to trust and rock-solid recommendations!

      We’re always in your corner.

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • Hi Dedo, this is a very useful and insightful article on how to write high-response sales copy. 

    I really enjoyed reading your guide, and I appreciate how you explained everything in a clear and simple way. 

    Your proven formula of four elements: headline, sub-headline, body, and call to action, looks great, and the examples of high-response sales copy from different niches are very helpful to understand how to apply the formula to each business.

    For those who struggle with writing effective sales copy – reading your article can make them more confident and inspired to improve their copywriting skills.

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience with us.

    • Greetings Pablo!

      Muy agradecido my friend, and kudos to you for recognizing the importance of good copy.

      And as a close friend once said to me…

      “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it!”


      Your words are important, but the real magic happens in “how” you deliver those bad boys.

      Picture this…

      1. Expressive Energy: Your words burst with energy! it’s not about blandly reciting facts – it’s about injecting life and enthusiasm into your message.

      2. Emotional Connection: Your tone can build bridges of connection. So infuse your words with empathy, positivity, and sincerity, to forge powerful emotional bonds.

      3. Contextual Mastery: Adapt to the situation! Your tone should blend in like a chameleon, seamlessly fitting the context and leaving everyone amazed by your ability to adapt.

      4. Clarity and Harmony: Speak with clarity. Your audience should dance to the rhythm of your words, not stumble in confusion.

      So, keep practising Pablo, and you’ll become the sought after diamond you were born to be!

      Always in your corner

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog post. As a copywriter, I’ve always been keen on improving my skills, and this article provided some valuable insights and practical tips for creating persuasive and high-converting sales copy.

    Dedo’s expertise shines through, and the step-by-step guide is incredibly helpful for anyone looking to boost their copywriting game. 

    Thanks for sharing this informative piece!

    • Dave, I’m pumped my article lit a fire in your belly!

      Because, and get this…

      Every day, I jump out of bed, knowing that someone out there will soak up the hard-earned wisdom I’ve gathered.

      But, It’s a shame that many folks have a negative association with “selling.” 

      Deep down, as you know… 

      We all crave the opportunity to be problem solvers.

      It’s not about the money—it’s the sheer joy of making someone’s life more enjoyable… taking away their pain!

      But enough of that (I could write a book on this shit)—let’s get back to conquering the day.

      Dave, have an AWESOME day ahead, knowing we’re always here cheering you on!

      (Chief MEME Officer)

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