January 30

State Of Mind

Give Me 5 Minutes & I’ll Give You The Secret To Controlling Your State Of Mind In Every Situation…

Unlimited Strength… Perfect Focus… Incredible Creativity & A Charisma To Die For!

What if certain “secrets” were withheld from you when you were a child?

Secrets that, when discovered, could release your “TRUE” potential.

If you could genuinely master your emotions… taking complete control over how you felt in any circumstance. You’d be unstoppable in a fight, relentless in a gym. And you’d apply yourself to tasks in ways you previously thought impossible.

Imagine being able to approach any man/woman in a bar and deliver your wittiest conversation ever.

Imagine being able to talk in front of an audience with passion and conviction, enrapturing them completely with what you’re saying.

Imagine being able to work on projects for hours on end without looking up…

No fear, No doubt, No sudden bursts of anger or unwanted emotion.


What you’re about to discover will show how to do all of the above and much more…

I imagine you’re probably rolling your eyes at this point. And thinking… Dave’s lost the plot, he’s been reading too many hippy blogs and fluffy self-help shite.

But I’m being serious because most people underestimate the power and influence of their emotions. So, allow me to throw a light and demonstrate how you to can finally regain complete control of your mind.

Emotions & Strength

Want to increase your strength?

Well, some of the most feared warriors in history (known as “Berserkers”) marched to battle in a trance-like state. Becoming almost indistructable, accomplishing incredible feats of strength. And there have been recent accounts of similar “hysterical” feats of strength… where mothers lifted cars off of their trapped children – or a rock climber who lifted a 200 kg boulder to free himself from certain death.

Think it’s just a myth?

Turns out there are solid “scientific” explanations for how this might be possible. You see… under extreme stress, the body produces excess amounts of testosterone, adrenaline, and cortisol. And these hormones increase the heart rate, focus, awareness, and muscle tone, releasing your superpowers to the max’.

In fact, it goes a bit deeper than even that…

We all have limits to our strength imposed by our minds and biology. When you’re lifting weights, you recruit muscle fiber (little bands that make up the muscle and contract to give us our strength). Under normal circumstances, the average person can recruit around 30% of these fibers and the fully trained athlete around 50%.

Think about it…

A highly trained athlete only uses “half” of their full potential! This is what we mean when referring to the “mind-muscle connection.”

Ever seen someone get electrocuted in a movie? (think Jurassic Park). The little boy is climbing a 20ft fence when the electricity suddenly comes on, “POW” he’s flung 50ft into the air instantly! And guess what throws them?

It’s the muscle…

The electricity causes all the muscles to contract at once, creating such a jolt that the person goes for a flying lesson. Now imagine being able to harness that power at will. Leaping tall buildings in one leap. Okay, that’s a bit far-fetched.

The reason being we’d more than likely do ourselves an injury. But under the right circumstances, being able to dip into these huge reserves of power can be incredibly useful (ya don’t say). Times like screaming your lungs out when lifting weights at the gym increase adrenaline, thereby enhancing muscle fiber recruitment.

Now imagine tapping into even 80% of that power…

Simply by harnessing your emotions.

Emotions For Calm… Collected Focus

Leaping tall buildings and saving busloads of passengers from a train wreck is more for the movies… In the real world, physical strength isn’t what matters.

And this is where the “flow state” comes to play. These states are often described as feelings of calm, focus, and bliss. It’s what happens when the world seems to slow down. I mean… have you ever opened a cupboard and seen something fall but moved in super-fast motion to catch it?… that’s a flow state.

Or when an entire band synchronizes during a jam… this is a flow state. Times when you’re writing and the whole world seems to stand still, again… “a flow state.”

So, what is flow?

It’s another emotion. Another “mental state” that’s triggered by the release of hormones and neurotransmitters. A subtle variation in the fight or flight response. It’s just as crucial as fighting for your life… but much more fun!

Your entire body and mind become consumed by excitatory and calming hormones, giving you an overall feeling of bliss. The hormone associated with bliss is called anandamide. This suppresses activity in the prefrontal cortex, triggering a state known as “temporary hypofrontality.” Which is what prevents us from worrying, second-guessing, or overthinking. We just do it!

It’s the opposite of how most of us live in today’s fast-paced “unhealthy” society. Many live their lives frozen with fear and anxiety. But imagine doing all the things you’re “normally” terrified of and not giving a damn.

Seducing the opposite sex, public speaking, completing huge projects easily… No doubt, No bursts of anger, and No FEAR! This is when our best work is done… it’s when we’re the happiest.

This is why in some of my other work, I’ve suggested you “slow” down and introduce more “fun” into your life. You’ll get much more done and be far more content.

And hopefully, after absorbing this material, you’ll understand the reasons – even though they’re opposed to what you’ve generally been told. (work hard, keep running on the rat wheel, be stressed, unhappy, angry, sad, lonely… yeah, sounds like the remedy for a successful life… NOT!)


To stimulate your creative juices, all you need to do is sit still and daydream. Relax and let your mind wander. It’s the opposite of the “flow state,” but it allows the unconscious part of your mind to connect with… you guessed it… your conscious mind. Just ensure you’ve got a notebook handy for all the great ideas that will come flooding through.

Social Skills

Listen… if you want to seem confident, you need to stop worrying about what others think. Being a leader means taking command, not second-guessing yourself, not getting upset and visibly riled when things don’t go your way. Life is full of ups and downs. So deal with it. (BTW, you can get much more in-depth “knowledge” right here if you want to know more. And it’s all FREE!).

If you want to engage others and make friends and lovers, you need to be charismatic, engaging, and entertaining. All these things are based on having control over your emotions. And as you’re aware… most don’t.

Think of the last time you sat down to watch a movie… whether it was sad, funny, horrific, or dramatic. I bet you’d say the films made you feel a certain way. The reality is…

Nothing outside of yourself makes you feel anything. It all starts with how YOU process the information. This determines whether YOU think the film is either sad, horrific, funny, or serious. And to prove a point… imagine ten people watching the same film. How many would process the film exactly as you did? So…

If it were the film, everyone would perceive the same shit!

Taking Control

Okay, here’s a little analogy to make sense of emotions. You ready?

Imagine turning a tap on and placing your hand underneath the pouring water. Now think of the running water as energy in motion (which it is) E = motion.

Now, slowly turn the heat up while your hand is underwater. So the water goes from cold to hot. What’s happening is the water has more energy going through it when the temperature rises. (the little molecules vibrate faster). And if you compare the varying temperature of the water to the feelings you get inside your body…

Is it similar, do you think?

Now imagine growing up and not knowing how to act out the feeling of sadness. It’s definitely a feeling you get. But you haven’t yet had someone to teach you how to act out this specific temperature. (If you haven’t learned how to disassociate yet, this is going to be hard to get your head around). The main point to understand is you’re NOT sad, happy, or scared. It’s just a feeling you get that you’ve learned to associate with. Make sense?

The REAL feelings or drives are…

Hunger, Thirst, Propagation Sex, Survival, Social approval, Progress. And all the emotions/temperatures in between are stories we tell ourselves… or told by someone else.

So, the next time you stub your toe and feel like screaming out in pain. Don’t!

Hold the feeling in your head, and breathe… because this thinking process, rather than “re-acting,” will gradually improve your life to levels you’ve never imagined.

There you go…

One way to quickly change your emotions is not re-act to them (performing the same action every time) Take the time to hold on to the feeling and start asking questions. This leads to a method called CBT, or “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.” The idea’s similar to what we discussed earlier on.

If you’re walking along a ledge, and you’re worrying you might fall. Take a breath and think about where you’ve focused your attention.

Focus on walking steady and true, and you will. This idea applies to everything. So be mindful of your thoughts because they’re the very platform life sprouts its branches.

You can use CBT to bridge the gap between your thoughts and physiology in the long term. You see… your physiology and emotions are designed to drive you toward desirable states… sex, food, shelter, love, success, and social acceptance. But the short-term tasks don’t “seem” to get you to your long-term dreams because there seems to be a disconnect.

This is why it’s important to plan BIG and then think of all the little steps it takes to get you there… knowing you’re on the right track and not disconnected. The aim is to get all your birds flying in formation… ’cause cognitive dissonance is a bitch!

Okay… click the button below for the next installment (3 of 8)

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