January 15

Starting With Your Mind…

See How Easy You Can Prepare Your Mind For Success & Glory… Are You Ready?

Did you know…

If you have an “internal locus of control,” it means you recognize how responsible you are for the quality of your life and accomplishments. Many people blame others and their circumstances or make excuses when things don’t go their way.


Why aren’t you happy? Because you had a hard childhood.

Why aren’t you rich? Because that only happens to people with opportunities laid out on a silver platter.

Making excuses is easy because you don’t have to “DO” anything. The reality is, there are people worldwide who are much more disadvantaged and still become successful. Ending up happy, content, richer, and stronger. And do you know the most important ingredient?

It’s YOU…

But more specifically, your mind. It’s from your mind all action takes place (or not). Where your mind leads… your body follows.

If you’re low on energy, you might think it’s time to change your diet or training regime. Although the truth is a lot simpler… your mind needs fixing first.

Everything in life includes shitloads of other factors, whether you’re talking about relationships, your career, or your financial situation. I mean…

How do you find your dream job when you don’t have the option to leave your current one?

How can you stop being broke when too many debts pile up?

Well, think about it…

You got into the situation, and you can get out of it too. Yes, it can take time, but it always starts inside your head. Remember… where the mind goes, the body follows… Dwell on this…

“The grass isn’t greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it”

Time To Change Your Mind…

This is all good and well, but how do you go about changing your mindset? How do you regain control, reclaim happiness, and start living a fulfilling and inspiring life again?

The best thing is to diagnose the problem… what’s wrong with your mind, to begin with? And how will you fix those issues?

Most people’s minds are NOT correctly organized in today’s society, and it isn’t their fault. It’s a sign of the times. But there are solutions… here are some to get you started.

#1 – Responsibility

The first problem many of us have is we don’t take responsibility for our actions. And most don’t WANT to.

Now, we all know someone who doesn’t take responsibility – they blame others and make excuses for their actions (they play the blame game). These are the people who have an “external locus of control.”

But while this might seem like an irritating problem for those around them, it goes much deeper and affects THEM much more than anyone else.

Because… and get this…

Their refusal to accept responsibility means they also reject their autonomy and control. If you believe nothing is your fault, you become a slave to your thoughts. And you give over complete power to outside forces. Constantly being guided by those who do have autonomy… make sense?

And it gets worse…

If you’re too used to shirking responsibility for things you do in life, that will also rub off on all other aspects of life. Having a negative knock-on effect makes you less impressive, decisive, and confident.

Responsibility breeds competence leading to much greater confidence in everything you decide to take hold of.

Unfortunately, society has made it too easy for us to learn a “lack” of responsibility. Being looked after for the most part. not only by our Governments but also by the latest technologies. Our childhoods have become extended to a massive degree. Most people in this generation still live with mom and dad well into their 30s.

This is where they would have been settled, managing a house and a family only 30 yrs ago.

And what can we do to fix this?

Well… we can explore this in more depth further down the road. But the key here is to acknowledge you have to accept responsibility for everything you do. Even though the outcome could be less than expected… accept there will be times things go very wrong, and it’s your fault. Only then can you look at your actions and remedy them for the future.

That’s what it means to become an adult. And that’s what will give you the strength to start taking more chances and making bold decisions.

#2 We Care Too Much about What Others Think

When all’s said and done, the number one problem comes down to killing FEAR stone-cold dead. And this is another topic we’re going to smash further on. But for now, let’s drill down specifically to one fear.

And yep… you’ve guessed it.

We care TOO much about what others think. This is something that fills a lot of our thoughts and can be a huge drain on our energy. Many people are trapped in this life-long cycle of living other people’s “opinions lives.”

When you care too much about how others “perceive” you… you’re always living a lie. Lying to yourself and others constantly. Never taking responsibility for your actions. Appearing weak and indecisive. And the irony is that people lose respect for you for doing this.

Many of us struggle to strive for the things we want because we’re too busy worrying about pleasing others. We’re so busy saying yes to invitations we don’t want to accept and spending money on things we “think” we should own. So, ending up having no time or resources – to spend on the things we genuinely want out of life.

And this is how we limit our potential and quality of life.

Now, I’m not saying you’ve got to be an ass or ignore what others say. Although, you can learn a subtle difference…

  • Care if others are happy
  • Don’t care what others think of you

This is a ballsy mindset because it means you’re not only kind but also don’t mind looking foolish. And you’ll be much happier because you won’t live up to the expectations YOU believe other people have of you.

You’ll be able to take more responsibility for yourself and have one less HUGE thing causing stress.

So, how do you make the switch?…

Well, stop holding yourself to other people’s standards, and start holding yourself to your own… and judge yourself on your own terms and by your own code of conduct.

Note: A Standard is the flag soldiers stuck in the ground to claim land after a battle. And anyone living under the protection of those conquerors was to live by their rules… under their “standard”, i.e., “Culture” or way of life.

#3 We’re Impulsive And Reactive

With all its temptations, modern life has caused most people to become impulsive and reactive. I mean…

Did you know our attention span has dropped over 25% in the last 22 years to a staggering 8 seconds? Think about it… If I don’t find a way to hold your attention continuously, you’ll be off like a fart in a wind tunnel. This is why platforms like TikTok and the like have skyrocketed.

You’ll be habitually flicking through the “entertainment,” providing yourself with a daily fix of dopamine. And we’ve become so good at quickly skimming and assimilating this information that we’ve unthinkingly trained ourselves not to focus and sustain our concentration – resulting in a society bent on self-destruction.

Adverts are designed with bright colors and attractive sexy models to grab our attention. There’s noise everywhere. So we’ve also learned to become “reactive.” Never giving ourselves “time” to think things through. Every one of these temptations distractions leads to a dopaminergic response. Eating sweets, loading up your fav’ porn site, playing computer games, watching YouTube…

This cements the same pathways in the brain that are present in “addicts.” And it undermines our ability to take control of our attention, deciding for ourselves how we want to behave. I mean… have you ever sat down to work towards a massive deadline, and you decide to make a cuppa, check Flakebook, or grab a snack?

So, how do you get yourself out of this rut?

There are many ways, although we’ll delve into them further. But one of the simplest fixes is to give meditation a go. And not the meditation you imagine… sitting cross-legged while dinging your symbols. No, all you have to do is sit without fidgeting and learn to focus your mind on one thing at a time. And doing this for longer and longer periods.

And by taking part in this first exercise, you’ll build self-discipline. While at the same time killing the demon of “procrastination.”

#4 We’re Lazy & Tired

The other problem holding us back and causing a lot of unhappiness is laziness. Most of us know we should do certain things but lack the motivation to do so. When given a choice, we take the path of least resistance… an easier route!

In the short-term, this is GREAT cause it means you can spend your time transforming into a couch potato. Eating your favorite chips, watching your fav’ trashy T.V “program.” But over the long term, it’ll destroy your ability to grow. And get this…

Growth is perhaps “THE” most important thing we need to be happy.

We need to be progressing towards or away from things. Being still isn’t a natural human condition. If you’re not growing, you’re regressing. So…

So, if you don’t exercise, your muscles atrophy waste away. And likewise for your brain… use it or lose it. Part of this isn’t necessarily because we’re lazy. After all, most people typically live busy, stressful, fast-paced lives, running on the spot (getting nowhere fast). leaving the end of the day feeling totally fked spent.

Add malnutrition on top of this for many of us. Halogen lights, loud noises, air pollution. All these things do little good and cause physiological stress, which puts us into a permanent state of “fight or flight” (it’s no wonder most people are so fragile).

It’s exhausting… leading to eating fast foods, skipping our workouts, and is a big cause for relationships breaking down.

And this isn’t half of it…

I haven’t touched how many of us are stuck in our own heads. how anxious and worried we are about things that don’t matter, how we’re ungrateful, and how we don’t know what we want. But…

These are the things we’re going to fix as you read on… are you ready? Click on the button below, and it’ll take you straight to phase 2 of 8…

Pressing for a better future button


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