October 19

Self-Image & Motivation


5 Beliefs That Limit Your Success

And A Simple Switch That’ll Smash Those Limits Instantly

What if you lived in a world without barriers? Where you could live the life of your dreams. Enjoying the love of your neighbors, friends, and family every single day.

Communicating freely without prejudice.

How good would it be when you woke up in the morning and knew that the day would bring so many joys – you wouldn’t want to go to sleep at night?

Feeling so excited you’d be frightened to blink in case you missed anything…

Well, keep on reading, and I’ll show you how it’s not only possible, but can happen in a heartbeat.

The Blame Frame

If I said you were already super successful, and the only thing getting in your way was something surreal?

Something like the thoughts in your head – imagined ideas…

You’d think I was nuts!

They’re REAL, you shout.” I can’t do the things others do. I’m not qualified enough, not tall enough, beautiful, strong, handsome, and haven’t got the time. Life keeps getting in the way, blah blah blah.

It’s fascinating how an invisible force keeps us from all the great things we want to achieve. A little voice inside our heads that keeps us from stepping forward and making our stamp on the world.

Plus, what if you stopped blaming and could override that beast and do those things anyway?

Did you know that when you make a purchase, your emotions dictate your decision? And when you make the decision NOT to buy, it’s also your emotions making that decision.

Although when I say the word “emotion,” It’s not what you think. Read below…

NOTE: Imagine running cold water from a mixer tap, and now add a little hot. Over time you’ll feel the sense of varying levels of temperature. Now think of your emotions (energy=motion) having labels (stories wrapped around them). This is how you eventually make meaning of the varying degrees of high energy and low energy.

It’s a nurtured thing. Read some of Lisa Feldman Barrets’ stuff (she’s a world-renowned neuroscientist who’s studied “emotion” for decades)

There are hundreds of irrational fears. Emotions that are rationalized by the little voice in your head. Not life-threatening fears, nope, just made-up shit you repeat inside the playground of your mind.

So, if you can make sense of Lisa Feldman Barrets’ research, you’ll understand it’s your brain “re-acting” or predicting your future experience. In other words, your programming dictates how you experience your life.

And get this…

When you’ve mastered the art of designing your own inner world (on your terms). Limits to your potential become boundless.

So, there’s no need to play the blame frame anymore; get out there and have some fun.

I’m Waiting For The Right Moment To Be Happy

“If you’re doing things in order to be happy, you’re doing them in the wrong order.”

Michael Neill

Happiness is a tagline for an emotion that swims within all of us. It’s only real to the extent we wrap a story around it.

Like most things in life. We seem to have things upside down and back to front. Allow me to explain…

Our “society” has, over many years, programmed us to believe we have to strive toward happiness. It’s a journey toward an end goal. And one day, we’ll reach our destination.

If you’ve read my other post, “Get Rid Of Procrastination Once And For All!” you’ll realize most of the things we’ve learned are misleading. In reality, when we do what we want on a continual path, the journey in and of itself is the cause for satisfaction.

OR happiness, depending on the label you want to attach.

However, you never reach happiness. Taking action is the fuel that causes the feeling.

And not doing it (taking the action) – waiting for the right moment until it arrives keeps you in a constant loop of dissatisfaction.

Self Esteem (REALLY)?

Go and Google self-esteem (did you notice I used the term “Google” instead of “search for”? How easy new meanings come into existence). and you’ll find a mountain of explanations stemming from

  • Your subjective sense of your overall personal worth or value
  • How much you value yourself
  • Comes from how the self-concept of a person relates to their own measures of success
  • Confidence in one’s own worth or abilities.
  • Indie pop singer (Rebecca Lucy Taylor)

Rebecca is a prime example of how to move on from the insane thoughts that keep you a prisoner of your mind.

Are you starting to notice a theme running through this post?

Think of it like this…

If someone had a “supposed” physical restraint from taking action ie; they didn’t have enough confidence to get up and speak or sing in front of a crowd.

Do you suppose it’s their body that holds them back or their mind?

The chitter chatter of all the built-up accusations and associations of their past life, telling them they’re not good enough. That folk will laugh at them, people will judge them harshly, or they’ll be embarrassed. (Think of the political environment at the moment. Do you think it’s making matters better or worse)?

I Need The Right Mindset To Achieve My Goals

For most of my life, I thought I had to be qualified or have the right mindset to do well. And that if I couldn’t think right, I wouldn’t be able to perform to the best of my abilities. Guess what?

It’s a load of bol%*cks!

The fabric of “society” is all about fitting into the engineered weft, and when folk think similarly, you’ll believe it’s normal. (That’s why only 2% of the population are extremely high achievers) Because their thoughts and then actions are different.

Think about it… If you said to one of your friends, “I’m going to go out and earn $30,000 by the end of the week”, they’d most probably laugh their arses off.

Now regardless of how you felt at that moment. If you knew a method to achieve that goal, you’d do it, no matter what state of mind you were in. So it seems there’s a fine line. You can either let your mindset dictate your actions or…

You can get off your arse and do it anyway, regardless. BE the 2%…

But the question is, have you got the cahoonas?

My Past Life Defines Who I Am

Here’s the 5th and last belief, and you can most probably guess by now where it’s heading.

When I was a young pup, I remember a TV program called “Mr Ben.”

It’s all about a man called Ben, (obviously) who every morning heads to a magical costume shop. He’s invited by the shopkeeper to try on any costume that takes his fancy. And then – when fitted – he cheerfully walks through a magical door at the back of the changing room.

Where he enters a world matching the clothes he’s chosen.

In essence, he lives a different life every day (of his choosing)

BTW, his normal attire is a bowler hat, suit, and tie.

So, NO your past life only dictates who you are if you let it. Switch to a different costume and see where it takes you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this short post and…

all the best on your journey into the future.


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