September 3

Sales Letter Optimization Calendar


Never Feel Overwhelmed Again... 'Cause its Yours - The Sales Letter Creation & Optimization Calendar!

You've gotta take plenty of steps to craft a high-response sales letter, including...

  • Audience profiling
  • Competitor research
  • Letter creation
  • Optimization

And if you haven't done this before, it can seem a huge mountain to climb, to even know where to begin. 

That's why we created this optimization calendar just for you. It breaks the process down into bite-sized steps that you can quickly and easily complete.

Here's the day by day approach, which will take 6 days to complete. 

You ready?

Here goes...

7 Days To Create & Optimize Your Sales Letter

Day 1. Get Clear On Your Offer

Today, you want to sit down and figure out what your offer will be. Specifically, you want to hammer out the following details...

  • What's the price of the product?
  • Are you offering anything special?
  • Are you offering any payment plans or similar?
  • What bonuses are you offering?
  • How are you positioning the product in your market?
  • What's the USP (unique selling proposition/point)?
  • What are the features of the product?
  • What are the benefits?
  • What sort of guarantee will you give (be specific).
  • What else does the audience need to know to make a buying decision?

Day 2. Understand Your Audience

Next,  research your audience to understand your ideal customer. 

Take note though... the research portion of this step will take about a day, but if you survey your audience, it might take several days to a week to collect the relevant information.

What you want to do is find out everything you can about your competitors, including their demographics and how they think, feel, and behave.

E.G., Perhaps your ideal customer is a 30-something-year-old woman, middle income, married with kids, lives in the suburbs of the United States. She wants to lose some weight, but she's tired of the fad diets, yo-yo weight gain, and plans that don't work. 

She's looking for a safe and healthy way to lose weight that won't take up too much precious time (she's also a busy mother with a demanding outside job).

Day 3. Research Your Competitors

This step helps your customers decide to buy from you and not your competitors. So, it's vital you do your research and ask these questions...

  • How are they positioning their products?
  • What's their pricing?
  • What bonuses are they offering?
  • What benefits do they list?
  • What are YOU doing that's better or different?
  • Why should they buy from you, and not the competition?

Day 4. Start Crafting Your letter

Now you know who your audience is and how your competitors are selling similar offers, you can start constructing your letter with that information at hand.

For the purposes of this calendar, you'll take two days to write the letter - but depending on your experience level, it may take you more time.

Today you'll begin crafting the following items...

  • Benefit statements
  • Headline / sub headline
  • Postscript (P.S)

What you're doing is focusing on crafting benefit-driven statements. This will put you in the right frame of mind to construct the rest of the letter, which should be focused on what your product will do for your customer.

Day 5. Finish The Sales Letter

Now, you'll finish the sales letter by crafting your opener, handling objections, making a guarantee, justifying the price, calling readers to action, and completing the rest of the content as needed. 

This may take longer than one day if you've got a high-ticket or complex offer that requires more explanation.

Day 6. Polish And Brainstorm Alternatives

Today, you'll review your letter again to polish and refine it. You'll also want to brainstorm alternatives for the main factors you'll test to see which version performs the best.

For example, you can brainstorm alternative headlines, openers, benefit statements, calls to action, guarantees, and postscripts.

Take note that now we'll go to weekly rather than daily tasks. Depending on how much traffic you're driving to your sales letter, you may be able to complete a test in a day or two (such as if you're sending large amounts of traffic via paid advertising)

In some cases, testing each component may take a week, or it could take even longer if you don't have enough traffic to gather data quickly.

The point here is that the weekly timeframe is just and estimate. Here's a sample schedule, where you focus on the big-impact factors first:

  • Week #2: Optimize pricing
  • Week #3: Test the headline
  • Week #4: Refine the title / name of product
  • Week #5: Tweak the opener
  • Week #6: Tweak the postscript
  • Week #7: Refine the call to action
  • Week #8: Test and track the guarantee
  • Week #9: Optimize and overall design / graphics.
  1. If you're using multivariate analysis AND getting tons of traffic, you can significantly reduce the time. For example...You might be able to test multiple factors in only one week, rather than taking a week to test one factor.
  2. If you're new to testing, you may stick with A/B split-testing. This is where you test just ONE variable at a time (such as a headline) while holding all other variables constant. That way, you'll know when your conversion rate changes, it's due to that one variable you're testing.
  3. If you don't yet have a testing tool, you can search Google for "A/B split testing tool." Or you can use a good tool like


You can do the required research in about a week and then craft your sales letter. At that point, you'll be able to have your sales letter go live so you can start accepting orders and making some money. 

You can then spend the next several weeks or months refining the entire letter with testing and tracking to optimize conversion rates and increase sales.

See you in the next instalment...


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  • The journey of perfecting sales letters has been a rollercoaster ride. I’ve had my fair share of flops and successes. What stands out about these 30 tips is that they’re not just theoretical advice; they’re battle-tested techniques. I’ve stumbled upon some gems here that I wish I knew earlier. It’s refreshing to see a list that focuses on authenticity and ethical practices in an industry sometimes plagued by shortcuts and gimmicks.

    • Hey there Matias!

      Great to see you again, and hats off for knowing a gem when you see it.

      And as you rightly point out…

      The internet’s a jungle filled with “opinions” pretending to be tried-and-tested-true-wisdom. It’s a real ball-ache, because tons of folks fall for the hype and start thinking business is more complicated than it really is

      But here’s the scoop…

      It’s as simple as pie. 

      All we gotta do is find our tribe, the folks we WANT to rock with, and swoop in like superhero’s to solve their problems.

      Easy Peasy, right?

      Yet, somehow, many folks make a real mess of it!

      But hey, before I start drifting off into the wild blue yonder…

      Wishing you nothing but the best in your adventures Matias. Catch you on the flip side.

      Always in your corner.

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • This Sales Letter Optimization Calendar is a handy guide for creating and improving sales letters. Breaking down the process into daily tasks makes it feel more manageable. 

    I’m curious – how effective have these methods been for others who’ve used this calendar? 

    Have you seen significant conversion rate and sales improvements by following these steps and conducting tests over time?

    • Hey there, Stratos!

      You’ve nailed it when optimizing your sales letter – breaking it down into bite-sized, easy-to-manage tasks is the key to supercharging your efficiency.

      Now, let’s tackle your burning question: Can you achieve significant conversion rates and turbocharge your sales by following these steps?

      The answer is a resounding YES!

      Picture this…

      Transform your tasks into a well-oiled, organized, and observable machine, and you’ll join the ranks of thousands who’ve already harnessed these tools for incredible results.

      But here’s the kicker – you’ve got to set sail to make your ship come in. 

      I’ve seen it repeatedly…

      Those who analyze endlessly without taking action will forever stay stuck in the same spot. So, take that first step and unlock a world of untapped opportunity!

      Have a great day, and remember…

      We’re always in your corner Stratos!

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • if you need a day-by-day guide for crafting an effective sales letter in just one week, this article offers a comprehensive one. 

    From clarifying your offer to understanding your audience and researching competitors, it breaks down the complex process into manageable tasks. It even extends into weekly schedules for A/B testing and optimizing various elements of your letter. 

    It was Ideal for me as a beginner, this calendar aims to simplify the daunting task of sales letter writing, making it achievable for anyone so I find it helpful to start experimenting with sending letters with it. thank you for your article. I will share my experience later.

    • Hey there, Liam!

      Welcome back, my friend! 

      I’m thrilled you’re diving into this calendar because it’s my secret weapon, the result of countless hours spent breaking down the beast of sales letter writing into this neat and tidy schedule.

      Let me tell you…

      When I first dipped my toes into the copywriting world, I had no idea the sheer amount of elbow grease that goes into crafting these marketing masterpieces. 

      It’s like trying to untangle a spaghetti mess!

      And that’s why I’m sharing this calendar with awesome folks like you. 

      It’s the shortcut I wish I had back in my copywriting rookie days – it’s your turbocharged ticket to quicker, easier success!

      But enough of my chit-chat! I know you’re ready to conquer the world, Liam. 

      Have an AMAZING day, and remember, we’ve always got your back!

      Catch you on the flip side.

      Dedo  (Your Chief MEME Officer

  • Hi there! Your Sales Letter Optimization Calendar is a great resource for anyone looking to create an effective sales letter step by step. 

    I appreciate the detailed breakdown of the process, especially the emphasis on understanding the audience and researching competitors. 

    One question that comes to mind is… 

    How do you determine when you’ve gathered enough data from testing and tracking to confidently optimize your sales letter? 

    Do you have any specific benchmarks or recommendations for this crucial part of the process that you could share? 

    It seems like a critical step in fine-tuning the letter for maximum conversion rates and sales success.

    • Hey Ashley!

      Huge thanks for dropping some epic commentary on my “Sales Letter Optimization Calendar.” 

      We were just cleaning up the confetti and party poppers from a wild celebration that your response triggered about 30 minutes ago! 

      But now, let’s dive into your brilliant question…

      You hit the nail on the head—the testing and tracking phase is a non-stop journey. Markets are like elastic bands, always stretching and bending to the allure of “bright shiny objects.” 

      But, our mission is to be there for those who need us most, building lifelong relationships along the way.

      And get this… 

      Even if you craft a killer “control” (an optimized sales letter), there’s always someone ready to challenge it!

      So, we give it our all and keep pushing forward, constantly testing and tracking our progress.

      Bottom line: No laurel-resting here—only a relentless pursuit of excellence!

      Have a great day Ashley, and thanks for being here with us, we’re always in your corner.

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

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