May 21

Put Your Business On Automatic

Grow your business automatically (24/7) - Using these 3 amazing "set it & forget it" Proven methods

Do you want to help more people while making more money with minimal effort?

Well, here's an overview of what's in store...

1. Getting Customers...

  • By increasing your traffic generation.
  • Also increasing your traffic conversions.

For this lesson, we'll focus on traffic conversion, which is getting more of your site visitors to become paying customers.

2. Get more customers who spend more per order

  • This means increasing the amount of money people spend with you per transaction.

3. Get more customers who spend more per order... more often.

  • In other words, we'll look at ways to increase the frequency your customers buy from you.

NOTE: While this lesson is about increasing revenue, remember what we discussed in the previous post in this series. It's all about the HELP you provide your audience...

Give them help... more help... ongoing help... and the MOST help!

That's what these three strategies for growing your profit will also accomplish. So, let's take a closer peek...

1. Getting More Customers

The key to customer acquisition is to increase conversion rates. Here are some examples of how...

List of Steps

Tweak your Sales letter & Offer!

While there may be room for improvement on nearly every part of your sales letter, you'll want to focus on the following most impact-full pieces.

  • The headline: Aim for a benefit-driven headline that will make your prospect sit up and say " OMG, what's that... must have a look!"
  • The overall offer: This includes the price of your offer, as well as bonuses and positioning.
  • The titles of your products: This can have a huge impact on conversions, so be sure you spend time creating eyeball busting titles that will have your prospects drooling for a way in.

Track your emails.

You use emails to connect all the pieces of your sales funnel, so make sure they're working hard to create orders by getting more people to read and respond to them. The most important pieces to test include...

  • The subject lines.
  • The overall offer inside the emails.
  • The day and time of day you send them.

Test ad campaigns. 

This includes keywords (where applicable), headlines, body copy and graphics. This is how you get more customers from the same amount of traffic. You should always be testing, tracking and tweaking your marketing materials to improve conversion rates.


2. Get More Customers Who Spend More Per Order

The idea here is to up-sell, cross-sell, and nurture your customers to get even more help to their problems, so they spend more money per transaction. Let me explain...

  • Cross-sell: Where you sell a related item. (E.G., "Would you like to order a low-calorie cookbook to go with your diet guide?").
  • Up-sell: Where you offer an upgrade for an additional charge. (E.G., "Would you like to order the video of this course for only $5 more?").

NOTE: The term "Up-sell" is often used to define any offer sold at the point of sale... so, don't let terms confuse you.

And did you notice how these examples provide additional, different, relevant HELP to your customer?


Here are some different ways you can offer up & cross-sells.

  • Directly on the sales page. When the prospect gets to the bottom of the sales page, they have a choice of purchasing the main offer or buying an upgrade. (E.G., The choice to purchase the Bronze, Silver or Gold version, with each level providing access to an increasing set of resources.)
  • On the order form. Once the prospect clicks through to the order form, you can pitch a relevant offer. (E.G., Would you like to purchase a set of fill-in-the-blank ad templates for just $10 more?).
  • As a page between the sales page and order form. This is where you might present a one-time offer. When people click off the offer page and go to the order form, they’ll lose the chance to purchase the special offer.

The Ideal Cross or Up-sells...

Are any offers that enhance the use and enjoyment of the main product. Let me give you a few examples...

example # 1

You're selling a video about how to create a marathon training program. You offer a personal coaching as a cross-sell.

Example # 2

You're selling a blogging course. You offer a package of WordPress themes and plugins as a cross-sell.

example # 3

You're selling memberships to a leadership site. You offer a "Platinum" membership as an up-sell, which includes access to a private Facebook group.

IMPORTANT! By offering these various up & cross-sells, your customer is in full control of the kind of help they want and can afford. So there's no need for high-pressure, strong arm, tactics or psychological mind-games. Show your audience how sincere you are in helping them solve their problems... and you'll forever reap the benefits.


3. Get more customers who spend more per order more often.

This is where you sell additional products on the back-end of your business, so customers not only spend more money with you... but also spend MORE often!

These offers can run the gamut from low price to high-ticket. And might include...

  • E-books and reports.
  • Videos.
  • Audios.
  • Membership and subscriptions.
  • Software, apps, or plugins.
  • Tools such as templates, checklists, worksheets, planners, etc.
  • Coaching / Consulting.
  • Access to private groups or forums.
  • Licensing.

Here's where to insert these offers...

Inside all follow-up emails - Inside all your other products (e-books, reports, videos, etc.) - Inside membership sites - In the dashboard of software /apps /plugins - On your blog - Across social media - In postcards or other materials you send via the postal mail.

Basically, any time you communicate with your existing customers is an opportunity to mention another related offer.


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