October 8

Profitable Niches


"How To Find & Utilize Profitable Niches Without The Headaches of Creating Mountains of Content"

Imagine lying on a sun drenched beach, listening to the sound of waves lapping against the shore - smelling the salty air while feeling your tongue stick to the back of your throat. 


It must be time for a nice cold, thirst quenching drink. 

And luckily, just as the thought crosses your mind...

A vendor offering iced drinks meanders by and grabs your attention!

$5 for a litre of the best fresh iced drink available INSTANTLY.

  • No need to get up.
  • No need to disturb your relaxation.
  • No need to que up at a shop five hundred metres away for half the price.


This'll do nicely thankyou.

You see...

When you're thirsty, or hungry, and convenience pops it's head around the corner. 

Convenience wins every time!

And this is why I'm going to share with you how to pick a niche, set up a page, spend a little dough, make a lot of dough, all in the name of convenience.

You ready?

# 1.How To Pick A Niche That's Profitable

When looking for a niche, it's always best to look for a hungry crowd that'll open their wallets in a heartbeat. That's all you really want.


Product selection matters.... Yes... copy and salesmanship matter too.


And demand satisfied in a quick and easy fashion... BOOM!

Do you suck at sales?

Doesn't matter when you know this stuff.

So, how do you evaluate a group of people and decide how hungry they are?


How many times a day does a person in this niche think about _____?

It's not a quantity you can measure specifically, but you'll know if they think about it once a month, once a week, once a day, or more.

And of course...

The more they think about this problem, the more they'll want a solution.

This is one of the most revealing of niche factors because... there-in lies so much of human nature.


  • Guys that want to date more (what do you think they think about most of the day?)
  • Pregnant women (what's on their minds most of the day?) It's definitely NOT what the men are thinking about above.
  • Couples about to break their relationship
  • First time home buyers
  • Parents with difficult children
  • People in debt
  • People worried about the climate crisis 

Can you see how all of those above will think about their situations and problems once or more per day?

I mean...

When you think about something often - it's important to you, agreed?

Now contrast the above with these examples...

  • People interested in origami
  • People with weeds in their gardens
  • People with poor language skills
  • People with poor memories

You see...

These are problems that affect people occasionally, unless for example: someone with a poor memory needs to study for an important exam. Then it will become a constant worry, but only during specific times in their life.

# 2.Take Their "Emotional" Temperature

Now... you can do this in most cases with a little common sense. What you want to do is gauge how powerfully a person "feels" about ___________.

Because, the more emotional a person is... the more motivated they'll be. Niche factors 1 and 2 will generally go hand in hand.

Think about it...

Those who think about things constantly throughout the day are generally emotional about the subject.


It's NOT always the case, which is why it's best to take the emotional temperature. 

look at it like this...

I take a pee more than five times a day - but I'm not emotional about it (although, I would be if I pissed my pants)

NOTE: If you're new to the niche and "can't read the thermometer" you'll want to go hang out with niche members at relevant forums. To do that, all you've got to do is click on Google search and pump in "niche+forum"

Do They Want To Talk About It?

Have you noticed...

When people are passionate about something, they can't stop talking about it. So, look for groups online and discover what they're talking about. And if the conversation gets heated, you know there's a LOT of emotion flowing.

A BIG BUZZER goes off in my head if I can't find active forums dedicated to the niche I want to serve.

How Much Are People Shelling Out?

How much does it cost to be part of ____________?

If folk are spending tons of moola in your chosen niche, it means you've got an opportunity to serve them better than the competition.

Look for a market where people need to update their wardrobe often... Like golfers, home schoolers, home buyers, coffee aficionado's etc.

For example... if you give me a choice between a jogger who needs a pair of trainers, and a golfer.

I'll pick the golfer all day long. 

# 3.Who Else Wants A Piece Of The Pie?

Ask yourself...

Are there other marketers paying to get traffic from _________?

You've most probably heard this one before - UNFORTUNATELY, this is ALL some marketers do. Which is a shame, because it's only part of the recipe... NOT the whole enchilada!

What I mean is this...

Go to Google and type in a few key phrases people in your niche would likely type in and see if other marketers are advertising.


Look and see if there are one or MORE affiliates in the marketplace. And if there are multiple affiliates, you'll know it's gonna work like gangbusters!

Does that mean you can take out any ad and make BIG money... NO!

But it does mean if you do a little homework... and the other niche factors are in place... you won't have a problem finding a "hungry" crowd.

TIP: Test small, roll out BIG!

Devils Advocate?

This is where you step into your prospects shoes and ask... 

"Why wouldn't _______ niche buy ________?

Then look at the answers and see if they are things you can overcome. For example...

Maybe they can find the information for free on google. And if so, you can introduce them to your three friends...


I understand how you feel

I felt the same way.

But what I found was...


... You've probably searched endlessly with Google and gathered tons of FREE info'. And I totally understand how your FEEL because we need to be as thrifty as possible in today's economy.

I FELT the same way, but what I FOUND was there's so much conflicting information online, I ended up being more confused than when I first started.

Does this work all the time... of course NOT. But I always say...

The more tools you can add to your belt that make life easier - then go for it!

# 4.DON'T Use Keywords To Evaluate Your Niche!

Unlearn old habits...

Keyword tools find keywords, and help find niche ideas, but they're a crap evaluating tool.

To evaluate and discover if the niche is viable, go through this post and imprint the ideas in your mind with a hot branding iron.


Practise by going into town and browsing products that are being sold and matching them to groups of people you think would be hungry for them.

Skip working on your muscles and start workin' your brain. Because once you've mastered this skill...

It can take care of you in style for the rest of your life.

See you in the next post where I'll be sharing how to create a sales page that rocks!


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  • Hi, how are you?

    This article really breaks down the process of niche selection in a way that makes a lot of sense. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where demand meets emotion, and this insight on evaluating how often a niche’s target audience thinks about a particular problem is a game-changer. 

    The tip about looking for active forums is also brilliant – there’s nothing like seeing passionate discussions to gauge interest. Thanks for sharing this valuable info!

    Now, a question for the community: What niche have you had the most success with, and how did you go about selecting it?


    • Hey Claude, we’re great thanks!

      How about you?

      Thanks a million for your awesome feedback!  

      We’re pumped to hear you found our article on niche selection so spot-on.  

      Finding that perfect intersection of demand and emotion really is a game-changer. And we couldn’t agree more—the “problem-solving frequency” insight is a total ball-buster!

      And as for active forums… 

      They’re great to feel the pulse of a niche and see what really gets people buzzing.

      So, thanks again Claude for your great comment!

      We’re in your corner…

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer) 

  • Hey thanks a bunch for this post!
    This is a really helpful piece of information especially for those who are starting out in the online business or are thinking of setting up a new business but unsure of what the topic shall be. 

    I am currently planning on picking another niche but wanting something that is profitable. This post has gave me a more in depth insight into how I should think when coming up with the next one and how to make it profitable. I like how you have layed it out too, much easier and fun to read!

    Thanks again and have a great day!

    • Hey Sariya!

      Great to see such enthusiasm shine through your comment.

      And get this…

      Even though it seems like the post is directed at newbies – there are lessons here that many veterans fail to implement.

      Most “experienced” folk make it hard for themselves by overthinking how best to serve their customers. When all they have to do is “listen” to what their audience is asking for.

      (I remember a quote by the great copywriter Gary HalbertIf all else fails, just give them what they want)


      You may have discovered by now, by reading this information.

      I like to syphon through all the confusing rubbish out there, and dig out the REAL gems in online marketing. 

      Gems that not only help your customers get what they REALLY want, but also put money in your pocket.


      Have a great day Sariya –  and go kick some ass!

      We’re forever in your corner!

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • Thank you for posting this article! 

    I’m still finding some niches:  Food, horror, books, etc.  There’s something out there for everyone.  Trying to find your target audience is key to making a successful niche based business. And experimenting with little ideas can make a huge difference.  

    For example, I’m trying out Indian food, as I love food and Indian culture.  I do want to see if I can make it work, but I would need to find my target audience first.  

    • Hey Anshu!

      Great to see you’re dipping your toe in the online world of “business”

      And cheers for taking the time out of your day to leave a comment on my article (we’re doin’ cartwheels over here in the office)

      Anyway, ’bout your niche…

      I just pumped in a prompt for ChatGPT and here’s what came up for you…

      Regional Cuisine: India is incredibly diverse, and each region has its own unique culinary traditions. You could focus on a particular regional cuisine, such as Punjabi, Bengali, South Indian, or Rajasthani cuisine. This allows you to explore the nuances and flavors of a specific region.Vegetarian and Vegan Indian Cooking: Indian cuisine has a rich tradition of vegetarian and vegan dishes. You can cater to this growing global interest in plant-based diets by creating content, recipes, or products that focus on meatless Indian dishes.Indian Street Food: Street food is a vibrant part of Indian food culture. You can create content or set up a food business that specializes in popular Indian street food items like chaat, pani puri, vada pav, or dosas.Fusion Cuisine: Blend Indian flavors with other global cuisines to create fusion dishes. Indian-Mexican, Indian-Italian, or Indian-Chinese fusion dishes can be intriguing for those looking for something unique.Cooking Classes and Tutorials: Offer online or in-person cooking classes and tutorials where you teach people how to cook authentic Indian dishes. You can focus on specific skills, such as mastering the art of making Indian bread like naan or creating the perfect curry.Healthy Indian Cooking: With the rising interest in healthy eating, you can focus on creating low-fat, low-sugar, or gluten-free Indian recipes. This niche can cater to individuals with dietary restrictions and health-conscious consumers.Spices and Ingredients: Another niche is to sell Indian spices, herbs, and specialty ingredients. You can offer unique, high-quality spices and blends that are not readily available in local stores.Indian Sweets and Desserts: Indian sweets and desserts are incredibly popular, and you can specialize in making and selling traditional Indian sweets like gulab jamun, jalebi, or halwa.Restaurant or Food Truck: If you have the resources, opening an Indian restaurant or food truck can be a way to share your passion for Indian cuisine. Be sure to identify a unique selling proposition (USP) or concept to stand out in the competitive food industry.Culinary Travel and Food Tours: Organize culinary tours or food-related experiences that allow people to explore the culture and cuisine of India. This can be a fantastic niche for those passionate about both food and travel.

      I hope this helps to whet your appetite my friend. And don’t forget…

      You can granulize this list even more to find those low hangin’ fruit. Because as you know…

      Research and planning are essential to making a success in your business. So keep rockin’ and see you on the other side

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

      P.S. Go read my latest post >HERE

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