March 8

Power & Weakness


"Are You Weak Or Powerful?"

Useful Mantra...

"Start where you are... Use what you have... Do what you can."

A powerful person can leave home with nothing but the clothes on their back, pockets full of courage, creativity and commitment and can get anything they want...


A powerful person doesn’t NEED cash to get things done.

They don't NEED to lean on their reputation or covet a reputation from others

They recognize “authority” as a nice card to have in their hand, but it’s NOT the only card.

And the irony...

A person with POWER often enjoys an abundance of resources, strong reputations and charisma.

They realize there’s nothing important they can REALLY lose.

They don’t NEED much.

Shelter from harsh weather
Food, water for sustenance.

And good health...

Their innate power to do more with less guarantees much more will be given.

Change excites powerful people.

Change frightens weak people regardless of how much money, reputation or status they have in the moment.

(I know... 'cause I've been there and seen it)

Powerful people are attached to NO-thing.

Weakness is attached to nearly everything.

And remember...

The game is not about external markers of business success or money (although it might seem like it).

The GAME is doing "seemingly" hard things... we can grow into the full creative capacity of our souls.

The Problem:

The majority of folk living in the "western system" have been conditioned since birth to "believe" a load of BS! (hard to stomach, but it's true)

They're confused, stressed, and frightened of their own shadows. Shadows that have been tainted by constant media communications fed through social media channels, TV, magazines, books and the like.

The time has come to take you life by the balls and live it on YOUR terms...

STOP pretending to be someone elses puppet

YOU ain't!

The Solution:

If you've ever heard of the term "nihilism" it states there is no inherant meaning in anything. So from that stance know this...

You can be born again...

Anytime you want.

Wake up in the morning and start creating your own meanings.

Meanings and stories YOU decide to act out in the life you've been gifted.

No-one OWNS you -  but YOU.

YOU have a choice, and it begins right now.


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  1. Such a motivational and dynamic message that you’ve sent.

    I think it was the push that I wanted, and I am glad I pressed on your post! 

    You speak facts, and I like how straightforward you are. I hope your message helps others find their way in life. 

    I hope your message makes them realize you much things they can achieve and start acting.

    1. Hey Theodoros!

      Thanks for taking the time to leave such a great comment.
      It warms my heart to know I’ve helped someone (just a little bit) push through their conditioning.

      (that’s the most challenging part)

      Smashing through those imaginary boundaries put in place when you were young.

      You know…

      The – “I’m not good enough”

      “They’re better than me”

      “I’m not qualified”

      “I’m too fat… too skinny!

      Those excuses limit the fun you can have in your life and rob you of all new experiences.


      I’ll stop there ’cause I could ramble on for ages with this stuff.

      Have a great day, my friend.

      Always in your corner.

      Dedo (Cheif MEME Officer)

  2. Hi Dedo!
    I found your view on power and weakness both enlightening and refreshing. 

    It’s a rare nudge to remember that true strength comes from within, not from the external awards we chase. Your mantra of creating our “own” meanings and stories resonates deeply.

    But let me ask you…

    How do you suggest starting this journey of detachment from societal expectations while still navigating the practicalities of daily life? Thank you for your work and for sharing such thought-provoking insights!

    Warm regards,

    1. Hey Makhsud!

      Great to see you again, my friend, and thanks for droppin’ a comment.

      The question of how to best start your journey with detachment from social expectations is simple but NOT easy.

      (as with anything worthwhile)

      The difficulty being…

      You NEVER crush old conditioning; all you can do is provide your brain with new, more efficient ways to do similar things. (learning new skills)

      Arming yourself with many “perspectives” provides more ammo to help you decide the best way forward.

      Those with only one or two perspectives limit their life choices (if that makes sense).

      For example…

      You want to make money, and the only way you know how is to work a specific job. This limits your choices compared to someone with many skills, which gives them the ability and choices to forge their “own” path.

      They’re NOT limited to how the “economy” is doing because they can ALWAYS create perceived value for prospects who need solutions to their problems.

      Just remember…

      There are tons of conflicting ideas floatin’ about in your noggin, NOT helping one iota!

      Your job is to discover which ideas work for you and which ones hinder life’s journey (YOUR journey) –

      and replace those with more valuable alternatives.

      In my experience, MOST of the shiz floating around my brain is BS!

      Hope this helps Makhsud, have a great day.

      Always in your corner.

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

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