December 11

Million Dollar Copy!


Don’t Be Left Behind…

I’m going to show you how to get into one of the most lucrative writing professions in the world…

To start earning premium fees well into the multiple “six figures.” And that’s not including commissions or royalties.

Now, most copywriting courses or “Gurus” will tell you that these results and a lot more are quite possible. The fact is… those are the very real headlines that are used to sell you their premium courses.

But the problem is – the reality of building a solid six-figure business simply “DOESN’T” happen to most aspiring copywriters.

Although my goal is to change that…

because it really isn’t that difficult – provided you do a few things right!

Before I start, let me be quite clear – I’m NOT a “Guru,” and I’ve no intention of ever playing that role. I’m simply an entrepreneur who’s walking a path very much like yours.

There’s a high chance you and I are similar…

I wasn’t blessed with a lot of luck or capital – or anything in my previous career or life that prepared me for the many pitfalls that many new copywriters face.

The bottom line is…

I’m really no different than you when it comes to becoming a six-figure copywriter right off the bat!

But if there’s one thing responsible for my success, more so than any other.

But first, let me tell you what it isn’t…

It isn’t any copywriting course currently on the market.

It isn’t any guru or copywriting coach currently offering their expert training.

And it isn’t any network of connections, friends in high places, or membership to an “exclusive” copywriting network…

The real secret to my success is very simple.


It’s my ability to use my brain and think for myself!

Believe me – it’s not an ability that comes naturally to me. For a long time, I was very good at taking orders from someone else. Almost to a fault… without question.

This might work while being “employed,” but in business…

This will get you killed – you’ll become broke in no time.


This guide is NOT about copywriting… although I do teach you the basics in my free training program to get you up to speed.

And to be frank… there are more copywriting tips and “advice” out there than we could ever apply in a lifetime.

Now here’s the thing – YOU don’t become wealthy from “buying” things!

You become wealthy by selling them. And that’s your missing piece of the puzzle right there.

The one puzzle to complete the entire picture of a high six-figure, potentially million-dollar enterprise. What interests me isn’t the art of writing copy. It’s the art of MAKING MONEY writing copy.

Because being a good copywriter and being a wealthy copywriter are two different things.

Just as there’s a difference between a best-writing and a best-selling author.

Most copywriters operate from a position of self-significance or self-importance. It’s often about their own ego – About achieving a worthy goal for themselves.

But knowing how to turn your knowledge and skill into dollars and cents…

Not that is what counts.

Not because money will make you happy… but because money gives you choices. Choices to live your life exactly as you want. And to have “the free time,” you need to figure out exactly what THAT is.

And that’s the entire reason I concocted this one-of-a-kind course…

To MONETIZE your skills.

Most courses talk about how to write copy – I show you how to MAKE MONEY writing copy. And once you’ve been on the “other side,” the side where creating wealth on demand becomes a reality for you…

There’s no reason for you to ever look back again. It’s just like being born. Once it happens, you can’t go back.

And let me tell you…

The view from where I’m sitting now is absolutely PRICELESS.

That’s why I’m calling this “The Million Dollar Copy.”

This program completes your search for wealth through one of the highest-paid, most lucrative writing careers in the world.

You’ll learn things like:

  • How to turn your copywriting skill into a monetizable, profitable business
  • How to create an attractive offer designed to pull in high-level Clients.
  • I show you where to find these Clients (I have a few favorite places to go to online, and really… you don’t need many to make this work.
  • I also show you how to close Clients – and, if you want, negotiate for royalty and earn a percentage from your vendors’ sales.

Copywriting is already lucrative, and if you do it right, you can also add the recurring income factor…

Get paid over and over again for work done only once!

And to complete this program, I also include my Copywriting “crash course”

In the interest of making this as holistic as possible, it only makes sense to throw this in too.

Also.. if by any chance you want to make money as a copywriter but you could use some training.

And I feel that’s for the best… you wouldn’t want to get Clients paying you only to learn you couldn’t live up to your prices!

Ironically, most copywriters don’t really have an offer…

Or their “offer” is pretty much “pay me first, and I’ll write for you. The problem with that approach is you will most likely zero in on stingy Clients… ring any bells?

And it’s quite a luck-based business where you depend on referrals and if they can refer Clients to you. That might work for some people, but as I said, it’s luck-based.

And anything built on luck isn’t a business.

Plus, it’s kinda hard to get noticed, especially when you’re just starting out. And what happens naturally is you’ll think it’s a good idea to offer your service at a cheaper price…

Just like everyone else.

Million Dollar Copy changes all of that. You can offer cheaper… or you can offer “DIFFERENT.”

With my program, you will learn how to DOMINATE instead of competing based on price. Once you do that, you can pretty much charge what you want.

And the strength of your positioning in your marketplace will determine how much money you make.

It’s like buying a Swatch v’s buying a Rolex… People don’t buy a Rolex because it tells the time any better than a Swatch.

They buy it because buying a Rolex means something to them… And the meaning doesn’t have a whole lot to do with money. It has to do with Value – It has to do with Prestige – It has to do with a “See what I’ve accomplished…” statement.

My suggestion?

Be The Rolex!

For many reasons, I should put a premium price tag on Million Dollar Copy. If you make a million dollars – or even build a six-figure venture from this… That’s how much this is worth to you.

But the good news is…

for now, I plan to make this FREE. So it can get into as many hands as possible.


Because I want to first prove my worth to you… and when you see the immense value I can bring to your business, wait ’till you see what else I’ll bring to the table.

Of course, the intro bargain isn’t permanent… and I reserve the right to expire this FREEBIE and bring it back to retail anytime in the future…

Whatever it is, I’m sure you’ll want to act now and deep dive into the material – starting to turn your skill into a business.

Click on the button below.

Act now, and you also get these fast action bonuses…

Bonus #1: My Business Proposal Template

That you can use to send to cold and potential prospects – just rebrand it with your details, and you’re good to go!

Bonus #2: My Sales Closing Script

This is my proven, tried, and tested process when talking to potential Clients and closing them on the call. Of course, feel free to personalize it with your details.

You also get these FREE with my FREE Million Dollar Copy Program. (I know I’m biting myself ; )

Act now and Click on the button below.


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