June 29

5. Market Research Insights


How To Gain Amazing Insights Into Your Ideal Customer's Thoughts... Feelings... and LIFE!

Now things are REALLY starting to get exciting. 

At this stage, you've created a well-developed outline of the system you're going to share with your audience. And if you're anything like me...

You'll be biting at the bit to turn that outline into a full-blown system that your readers will go crazy for.

But, hold on a second...

Before we connect rubber to road -  there's one vital ingredient that needs adding. 

"Turning your audience into life-long friends"...

It's the part that when they read your system, they'll think... WOW!, this stuff was written specially for ME!

Point being...

(And most online marketers get this WRONG!).

They think you have to tread carefully, pandering to your readers every whim, thought, and worry.

But NO...

That strategy will cause you bags of heartache. 

Let me explain...

What you want to do first, is discover who your "idea" audience is, and talk to them -  but at the same time speak authentically, in YOUR voice. A voice that not only comes from your heart, but isn't afraid to offend any die-hard sycophant. 

Don't get me wrong... if you want to communicate with sycophants and they're your cup of tea... "CRACK ON" (birds of a feather DO flock together)

Because... (and this is BIG).

Trying to click with people who are not on your level won't propel your business to where you want it to go... PERIOD!

"If you try to please everyone, you'll end up pleasing NO-ONE"

So, when someone complains about your messaging, politely ask them to leave.

Try not to miss the point here...

I'm saying you want to funnel down to an audience on your level. NOT a bunch of misfits. Because, believe me, if you do...

It'll be hard work, NO fun, and will suck the energy right out of you - BIG TIME!

Rant over, moving on...

That's why you've got to discover everything you can about your "ideal" audience before you start the writing phase.

You know what they want... but you've GOT to know "WHO" they are.

Let's go...

List of Steps

Step 1: Research Audience Demographics

Your initial step is to dive in and discover the basic demographic make-up of your audience. This is what you want to find out.

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Education level
  • Job/career
  • Income
  • Marital status
  • Whether they have kids
  • Whether they own, rent, or whatever.
  • How much money they spend in the niche.

And seriously... any other information you can discover will help TONS

TIP: Use Chat GPT as a shortcut for your research. It'll quicken up all the mundane stuff, so you can crack on with running your business...  

YOUR way!

Here's a prompt I used, that you can pump into Chatgpt...

"I own a website offering [                                  ]. Build me a comprehensive buyer persona that will allow me to market to them in the most effective way with the highest conversion rate. List all the information in outline form."

Step 2: Listen in on your audience

In this step, spend time reading your audiences comments on relevant blogs, product reviews, social media pages, discussion groups, and anywhere they hang out. 

And when you get reading, look out for things they find challenging or...

  •  Any solutions they've used in the past. 
  • Reasons they haven't worked.
  • Solutions they're using now.
  • Their hopes regarding the niche.
  • Their desired outcome.

And get this...

The more you discover what they're thinking and feeling, the easier it will be to create content that resonates with them.

Step 3: Survey Your audience

While you've harnessed tons of great information using the previous two steps... you'll also want to survey your audience. Do this so you can...

  1.  Gather more information than is available via research.
  2.  Ensure any information you're gathering is specific to your audience.

While it's tempting to create long surveys so you can gather as much info' as possible, most folk won't complete long surveys. So, keep the surveys short... gathering only vital information, with as few questions as possible.


Make sure you're asking "neutral" questions. Because the way your word them can skew responses. Even the way your order the questions can bias results (There's a LOT of psychology involved, way too much for this short article)

A common issue marketers face is asking leading questions... 

Questions that are based on assumptions. For example: "How much do you enjoy exercising?" This assumes the person enjoys exercising, leading them to sway more on the positive side (it's a form of priming)

A better way (assuming you DON'T want to "prime" your audience) is ask...

"How do your feel about exercising?"

TIP: Avoid posting polls or surveys where the results are public. What I mean is... don't ask a survey question on an open forum, because when people see existing answers, it tends to impact how they'll answer (funny lot, we humans).

Here's a good example of "How To Conduct Surveys"

See you in the next lesson...


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  • Every marketer I’ve ever come across, wants to increase their audience and following, as it impacts their earning potential. So this is a really helpful post with market research insights. 

    You mention that one needs to research the demographics of their audience. But do you have a specific method or site where you do this research? Any pointers for a beginner marketer would be greatly appreciated. 

    • Hi Line (Nordic?)

      Great that you’ve soaked up some useful information from my recent post. 

      And as far as researching your audience… the best sites to search are dependent on who specifically you’re researching. For instance…

      My target market is Online Business Entrepreneurs. So apart from visiting various forums, and looking at comments made on social media, etc…

      What I did was ask Chatgpt-4 to give me a detailed buyer persona for “Online Business Entrepreneur” and use that specific information to create an ideal avatar for my business. 

      I know their goals, psychographic information, interests and hobbies, pain points and challenges, behavioral information, online behavior, buying behavior, communication preferences, key messaging and marketing approaches, etc. 

      Basically, it’s a detailed template you can filter down and mold to specifically match your ideal customer profile (remember, the relationship works both ways)

      As I mentioned in the post, make sure you form a perfect match, because when you do, business becomes much more fun!

      And keep in mind… Chatgpt is an up-to-date database (using AI)… of all online activity. So, it’s a great time saver for researching your audience.

      Have a great day, and if you need any more pointers, you know where I am.



  • I love the web site! 

    Good job putting the information together. It was informative and interesting. And I definitely like the part about not having to pander to your audience. (I’m of the same mindset.)

    If you try to please everyone, you’ll end up pleasing no one.

    From researching audience demographics to getting surveys, you covered a wide range. 

    Thanks for your information!

    • Hi Sandy,

      I’m pumped that you liked my article!

      As for speaking from the heart…

      It’s something that seems to be getting more and more frowned upon in today’s PC-dominated world.

      Maybe it’s a good idea to surround yourself with like-minded souls instead of constantly trying to appease all those whose minds have been (unknowingly) pre-set in a cultural cast.

      Sure, you’re going to piss people off…

      But so what, It’s good to have different ideas (Galileo thought so.)

      I mean…

      Wouldn’t it be boring if we all thought the same?



      P.S.: Keeping council with like minds is great as long as like minds agree to differing perspectives and a “non-dogmatic”  approach to life and business (lighten up and have a bit of fun)

      Isn’t “Entrepreneurship” GREAT…?

  • Thank you for this comprehensive article on the importance of market research.

    As a budding entrepreneur, I found your insights incredibly valuable and timely.

    The way you dissected the different aspects of market research, from understanding customer behavior to competitive analysis, is immensely helpful.

    Your explanation of how these insights can influence business strategies and drive growth provides a clear understanding of the practical implications of effective market research.

    • Hi Tony,

      I want to express my deepest gratitude for your thoughtful comment on my article.

      Your appreciation for the comprehensive nature of the content has got me grinning from ear to ear.

      Being a budding entrepreneur, I know the hunger for valuable insights that can propel your business to the next level. And I’m thrilled this post hit the bullseye for you…

      providing the knowledge you were searching for to make informed decisions.

      As you’re aware, market research is the secret sauce for success in the business world, and I wanted to dissect it’s various facets to equip go-getters like you with the tools for growth.

      From comprehending customer behavior to conducting competitive analysis, my aim is to provide “actionable” strategies you can implement right away.

      Knowing that my explanation of these critical elements resonated with you fills me with joy. I wanted to paint a clear picture of how market research directly influences business strategies and fuels exponential growth.

      Now let’s talk about practicality…

      We ain’t here for just theories and fancy words. NO SIREE!

      We’re here to make things happen. So, I’m thrilled you’re doing just that.

      Thanks again for your support and engagement. And should you ever wish for further guidance or have burning questions, you know I’m just a message away.

      I’m here to support you at every step.



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