January 17

List Building Tips 1


How To Condition Your Subscribers, So They Cling To Your List Like A Limpet On Roids…

Wow, that sounds a bit strong. I mean – do you know anyone who wants to be “conditioned?” I know I don’t.

But listen…

It’s happening around us daily, and that’s a fact. Call it building trust, making connections, building relationships, or conditioning… it’s all the same. The only difference is one is more “focused.”

You see…

Getting subscribers in the first place is great, but then you have to keep hold of them. Not only do you have to keep them, but you have to compete with the hundreds and thousands of other list owners. Making sure your ones get opened and read.

And how do you do that?…

The consensus has always been to use the “personal” approach—first name terms and adding some intrigue to the subject line. The same is true today, but it doesn’t alter the fact – no matter how personal you are… you’re far more likely to lose people’s attention and have them unsubscribe immediately after signing up.

Think about your own behavior for a moment, and you’ll see exactly what I mean. Remember the last time you subscribed to a list?

Maybe you wanted to grab a free report or have a newsletter mailed to you. Or, you were sold on the excellent guide on email marketing.

That’s all well and good… but did you stick around after receiving your goodies?

The newest subscribers always have the best chance of bombing out.

More because they only sign on to get your “freebie.” And on a more profound level, it’s because they don’t know you. After all, you haven’t built a relationship with them yet. Think about it…

How many emails do you open in a day?

And how many of those actually pump you up or turn you on?

I’m betting not many.

listen… this is why you HAVE to condition your subs to reach a stage where they’re firmly cemented to your list. If you’re not list building yet, or you lose most of your new subscribers each time you perform a mailing, etc. Take a pew, because this one’s for you…

You might have noticed throughout these tips everything I talk about relates to a journey of “development,” a process of sorts, whether it’s moving prospects from freebie seekers to the customer list to my prize customer list – where they’re treated like royalty. Or if it’s back-ending free products that are too cheap or expensive. It’s all about this journey/process every single time. And I do it for several reasons…

Firstly, it rarely fails. Secondly, it’s easy to test. Thirdly, It means my business is always moving forward. And finally, I can see exactly how every cog in the business machine works or not. Think about that for a moment… because maybe you could apply it to your business with the same success.

Anyway, we’re moving off topic… let’s stick to subscribers.

Again, they’re all about this journey. I know the longer someone is subscribed, the less chance they have of leaving. And knowing the effort I put in to acquire my subs, I don’t want to lose them… would you?

This is why I use my conditioning methods (or relationship-building techniques – if conditioning doesn’t float your boat).

All I do is bombard them with the best things they’ve EVER been bombarded with… ebooks, audio, free gifts, conference calls, manuals, videos, teaching, training, graphics, tutorials… I mean everything.

And the best thing is – it’s all on autopilot!

So, you’ve subscribed, your freebie comes in, you download it, then what happens? well…

First, I send a follow-up email that piques your interest and stimulates the curiosity bug burning deep inside your mind. Something like…

Take the time to fully “fuse” the profit-boosting nuggets you’ve received, adapting them to your business…

because tomorrow, I’ll be sending you something FAR more valuable… Believe me, your journey to success has only just begun!

By doing this, I’ve already raised my chances of keeping hold of you by 20%. The adventure continues with bigger and better “temptations.” And when the sequence ends, you can start winding down a bit because, as the saying goes… Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

The same applies to any successful business – it takes time, perseverance, and “powerful, actionable tips.”

But with the nuggets your subscribers have been loaded with… they now have the chance to take action (with your guidance, of course!). And by this time, the odds of keeping hold of your subs have increased by a staggering 80% (trust is building).

So, moving on, it’s over a week later, and now you’re on my standard list. You’ll receive everything they do, special deals, bonuses, and of course, the ads (don’t forget the ads).

It won’t be anywhere near the volume you’ve gotten from me so far, but now you’re beginning to associate my emails with something “positive.”

The act of repeating these steps forms habits. So, ensure you have a fantastic sequence loaded up for your autoresponder. This will develop amazing relationships with your prospects, eventually leading them to beg for everything you have to offer (as long as your offers are brimming with quality and value).

So, there you go. A down-and-dirty crash course in conditioning your subscribers. Carry this out, and you’ll see immediate changes in how long your average sub lasts, how responsive they are, and how tolerant they are to your mistakes. (remember, there will always be knobheads out there that will toss you off, so be aware and don’t let it bother you).

Don’t forget to track, test, and refine your follow-up sequence, keeping all those subscribers for at least two weeks. Do this, and you’ll develop a conditioned gang of happy customers/fans.


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