February 26

10. Lead Magnet


How To Create Lead Magnets That Attract Subscribers Like Moths To a Flame!

Getting people to join your list isn’t as easy as saying…”Hey, I have a list – Wanna Join?”

You See…

People are damned protective of their email addresses, so they only join lists they’re REALLY interested in. And the only thing that sparks their interest (in many cases) is a JUICY incentive.

Note: After you’ve read this post, click on the link above, and it’ll take you to a bonus page explaining all about incentives. (you’ll be pleasantly surprised)

Of course, I’m talking about lead magnets, which could be either a free report, tool, or resource you offer to subscribers in exchange for their email addresses.

So, how do you create a lead magnet? Well… that’s what you’re about to discover in this lesson. Let’s get started…

Step 1: Discover What Your Audience Really Wants

Your first step is to offer a lead magnet your readers want. And to figure that out, you’ll need to do a little market research.

Even though you’re offering freebies, one of the best ways to discover what your audience wants… is to see what they’re already buying. If they’re buying info products on a particular topic, you can be sure they’ll happily exchange their email addresses for the same product type.

TIP: To discover what’s HOT… go to info product marketplaces like Amazon, ClickBank, JVZoo, and Udemy. Run a search for your niche keywords and pay attention to which topics are bestsellers… as well as ones with plenty of competition. Both of these are clues there’s a healthy market for your topic.


Step 2: Decide What You’re Selling

Now you know what topics most interest your readers, your next step is to decide what you’ll be selling from within your lead magnet. In other words… what’s your tripwire product (or loss leader?)

You want to create a lead magnet that naturally leads to the paid offer. It should be useful but incomplete. Useful in that it solves part of the problem, but it’s incomplete as it doesn’t solve the problem in its entirety… which allows you to promote your paid offer. For example…

  • You’re selling a guide, creating effective Facebook ads. You might offer a set of Facebook ad templates as a lead magnet.
  • You’re selling a debt management guide. You might offer a set of debt management worksheets as a lead magnet.
  • You’re selling a weight loss course. You might offer a free report that provides an overview of what’s in the course.
  • You’re selling a golfing course. You might splinter the course and give one lesson away for free as a lead magnet.

So, to reiterate… Pick a topic your audience wants (see Step #1) and a topic that naturally leads to your paid offer.


Step 3: Decide on the Right Format

There are multiple types of product formats you can use to create your lead magnet, including…

  • Videos.
  • Audios.
  • Webinars.
  • Membership sites.
  • Apps/software/plugins.
  • Checklists.
  • Worksheets.
  • Templates.
  • Swipes.
  • Cheat sheets.
  • Spreadsheets.
  • Planners/calendars.
  • Lists.

Now it’s time to decide the best format for your lead magnet based on 1) What your audience wants, 2) The best format for this specific topic… considering what you’re selling on the backend. For example…

Maybe you’re selling a weight loss guide, and your market research shows people in your niche want to know what to eat without feeling hungry all the time. You can offer some meal plans and recipes as the lead magnet. And remember… people who like this lead magnet will want to learn about the diet. Plus, they’ll want more meal plans and recipes, both of which your paid offer provides.

Step 4: Develop Your Product

At this point, you know exactly what type of product to create—attracting a targeted audience while helping you promote your paid offer on the backend. Now you need to develop the product. You can do this yourself or outsource the task. Either way, keep these tips in mind…

Be Sure Your Product is Valuable

Even though the lead magnet is a freebie, it must be valuable. It wants to be something you could easily attach a price to. To do this, ensure you’re offering fresh information… something your readers haven’t seen before.

Create a Compelling Title

Some people will decide whether to claim your enticement based on the title… so make sure it grabs them by the eyeBALLS. Something compelling and benefit-driven. For example…

  • How to [Get a Desired Outcome] In Just [Short period of Time]
  • The #1 Way to [Get a Benefit]
  • The Top Ten Tips, Hacks, and Secrets for [Getting a Benefit]


Presenting a Professional Look

To make a great first impression, be sure your product looks professional. This includes professionally formatting the product’s interior, layout, and design. It also includes getting a professional e-cove design to insert on your lead page.

And if you’re unable to do these tasks, no problem… Outsource them by using sites like Fiverr.com, Upwork.com, PeoplePerHour.com, or Guru.com. You can hire a proofreader on these sites to ensure the finished product looks professional.


You’ve just learned how to create an effective lead magnet, but here’s another little tip to take away…

Don’t Create Only ONE Lead Magnet

Instead, create multiple attractive lead magnets and segment your audience based on their desired lead magnet. Doing this will ensure you reach a wider audience, building your list faster and creating a more responsive (segmented) list.


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