February 7

2. Landing Page


“How To Build Landing Pages That Attract New Subscribers Like An Electro Magnet On Steroids!”

So… you’ve got a great lead magnet. You send valuable, engaging content… now you need to let your prospects know about the benefits of joining your list (compared to all the others). And the best way to do that is by setting up a landing page (also known as a lead page or opt-in page).

Essentially, your landing page is a mini sales page, as it “sells” your visitors on joining your mailing list.

The better your page is, the faster you build your list (and the more profits you’ll achieve). So, let’s look at a step-by-step process for doing this…

Step 1: Design A Professional Page

While the bulk of this lesson is about crafting the sales copy for your landing page, we can’t overlook the page’s overall design. If your page has an amateur, “cheap” design, your visitors will assume your newsletter is the same. That’s why you’ve got to make a great first impression with a clean, professional design.

If designing isn’t your bag… don’t worry. You can hire someone or use a content management system such as WordPress.org. This is the service I use, and it comes with thousands of designs (many of them FREE).

Step 2: Brainstorm The Benefits

Step two is to brainstorm the benefits subscribers receive when joining your list. In other words, you want to brainstorm as many reasons WHY someone should join. Here are some questions for your brainstorming session…

  • What type of lead magnet do subscribers get?
  • What are the benefits of the lead magnet?
  • What type of content do you send subscribers?
  • What are the benefits of this content?
  • What other perks do subscribers get? (maybe they’ll get exclusive discounts on popular products).

Once you’ve listed all the “perks” or benefits, move to the next step…

Step 3: Profile Your Audience

To craft copy that resonates with your audience, you need to know who they are, what they want, and how they think and feel. You can grab this information by researching demographics, following niche conversations on social media and other platforms, also surveying your audience with a high-powered magnifying glass. (not LITERALLY, but… you know what I mean).

For Example…

  • What’s the typical age and gender of your audience?
  • Where do they live?
  • What are their biggest niche problems?
  • What do they want?
  • What are their niche-relevant hopes and fears?

The more you “glean,” the easier it’ll be to craft high-response copy that speaks to your specific audience.

Which brings us to the next step…

Step 4: Structuring Your Copy

Now you know your audience and all the benefits you’re offering, it’s time to put it into a piece of hot-smoking sales copy.

NOTE: This sales page doesn’t need to be long… A headline, short opener, list of benefits, and a call to action are generally all that’s needed (Take a look at my sales page section to see what I mean).


You want to create an irresistible headline showcasing the top benefits of joining your list. For example…

  • “Now You Too Can Discover The Secrets Of Melting Away Ugly Belly Fat – This FREE Video Shows You How!”
  • Attention, Allergy Sufferers! Pollen Season is Looming Towards Us… Discover the Natural Way to Get Rid of Itchy Eyes, Sneezing, and That Irritating Runny NoseGet Your FREE Report Now & Enjoy Instant Relief!



Introduce a short opener of only a few sentences… further emphasizing what you’re offering – and identifying the problems you’re solving.


“Don’t feel miserable dealing with puffy, watery eyes all day. Knowing you’re going to get a barrage of people asking you why your sneezing or crying. And sometimes avoiding you because you might spread that “deadly virus.”

And never forget the constant itching! (oh, so annoying).

But there’s good news…

“You can get relief starting as soon as today. It doesn’t matter if you’ve tried every OTC pill under the sun… it doesn’t matter if you’ve tried prescription meds that haven’t worked. What you’ll discover in this FREE report will change how you think about allergies – and alter your life in a very positive way!

List of Benefits

After the opener, you’ll want to share a bulleted list of your top benefits.

When possible, instill a sense of curiosity. You can explain a benefit, but not HOW they’ll get it. Or, going against what most believe about the benefit will arouse curiosity.

For example… many people “believe” they need to experience hunger, rumbling stomachs, cravings, feeling deprived, and more when they’re on a weight loss diet. But you can evoke curiosity by telling them they can lose weight “without” all the unpleasant side effects. Using words like “secrets,” “discover,” and “reveal.”

A bit like… “You’ll Discover the Secrets of Safe, Effective Weight Loss… Even after enjoying a luscious helping of Chocolate Cake Every Single Day!”

Here’s another example… “Are You Making Profit Draining Copywriting Mistakes… Stealing Thousands of Dollars From Your Bottom Line, Every Year? See page 33 to find out!”

Call To Action

At this point, your visitor is clambering about, excited to join up, but doesn’t know what to do… so, what do you do?… You must insert a Call To Action along with your opt-in email form.

E.G., “Fill in the form below and click submit to receive INSTANT access to [the main benefit, lead magnet, etc.].”


Listen… the fact you know your newsletter is great for your subscribers doesn’t mean diddly unless THEY also know.

The lead page lets you explain the fantastic FREE offer to your audience and how easily they can access it by just handing over their email address. A swap they’ll be tickled pink with as long as you’ve constructed something that will truly benefit them.

Because, of course… your goal is to “help” your audience, NOT trick them.

See you on the next installment…


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