March 7

Introduction To Types & Tactix


How To Create 10 Of The Most Popular, Successful, & Profitable Pieces Of Content… Quickly and Easily!

Firstly, this isn’t your typical course… because each of the ten lessons you’re about to consume not only reveals to you how to write specific types of content…

The Lesson Itself is an Example of the Content it Reveals.

Let me explain… each lesson is written in the style of the type of lesson it’s explaining. For example…

The lesson on how to write a FAQ is written in the style of a FAQ. And the lesson on how to create cheat sheets is shared across three cheat sheets. Also, the one on writing list articles is… wait for it…

Written as list articles. And so on.

This makes my course unique in that it gives you instructions for creating various types of content right alongside a real-life example of the content. Good huh?

In each lesson, there are a couple of critical components…

  1. Types. This is the structure or framework of the piece, which makes it different from other methods of outlining and organizing content.
  2. Tactix. This is the plan or process for the specific type of content… leading to the desired result.

The “desired result” simply being…

To Create Content that Helps your Audience Achieve their Particular Type of Outcome.

By creating various forms of content (how-to, list, FAQ, etc.), you can keep your audience engaged while at the same time helping them progress towards their goals, which is a win/win in anyone’s book.

Make a difference in the lives of your audience, and you’ll make a profit for your business… simple!

  • Prospects become paying customers.
  • Paying customers become repeat customers.
  • And repeat customers become brand ambassadors.

And it’s all built on serving your audience the right content…

“Popular, profitable content.”

The “types & tactiX” that you’ll be learning in this course apply to FREE and paid content, even though there might be a slight emphasis on one or the other… know the same principles apply evenly.

So without ironing out too fine a point – let’s crack on…

Specifically, here are the ten lessons I’ll be sharing…

  • How to Write A Step-By-Step Tutorial That Helps Readers Get Results… FAST!
  • Five Keys To Writing A List Article That Stands Out & Satisfies
  • Five Questions (and Answers) About Creating A Useful FAQ
  • 3 Cheat Sheets To Help You Create Your At-A-Glance Resources
  • The 4-Step System For Crafting Checklists Your Audience Will Love
  • The Five-Day Guide To Creating A Daily Planner For Your People
  • 5 “Do This, Not That” Helps For Creating Dos And Don’t Content
  • A Case Study In Crafting Social Proof Content That Convinces Your Community
  • A Revealing Conversation… How To Create High-Quality Interview Content
  • 5 Mis-Steps (And How To Avoid Them) When Crafting “Mistakes” Articles.

Each lesson is relatively short, making them easy to read and digest… so you can put the knowledge to work for you immediately. So, it’s perfect for beginners and seasoned professionals alike.

But whether you’re one or the other, the nuggets you’ll glean will make a HUGE difference to your response rates, injecting more money into your bank account.

Think about it…

On most sites, the one size fits all content leaves your readers feeling bored and jaded. But on the flip side… my guides will keep your content fresh and exciting, leading to a much more satisfied audience.

That’s why you must create a kaleidoscope of content, from how-to tutorials to multi-day planners to practical case studies. Each different way of presenting information provides a unique angle and approach that benefits the people you serve.

Every nuanced layer, look, and level of information helps your audience better understand and use your resources to get desired results.

As I’ve mentioned… There’s no fluff, no filler, and it’s easily digestible. So, don’t hesitate… go NOW and absorb the first guide… “How To Write A Step-By-Step Tutorial That Helps Readers Get Results…FAST.”


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