February 13

5. Hypnotic Emails


How To Write Hypnotic Emails That Mesmerize Your Readers Into Your Offer… Step-by-Step

So… You’ve crafted a GREAT subject line, and you’re one HUGE step forward in coaxing your subscribers into devouring your emails. The thing is… you’ve got to craft emails that not only engage your readers but keep them hanging on to your every word… right to the end.

And how do you do that?

Simply by following these tips, tactics, and ideas…

Step 1: Start With the End in Mind

Before you write a single word, consider exactly what you want your readers to do when they reach the end… (Such as clicking a link to purchase a product). That way, you can design an email built around this end goal.

Step 2: Craft a Strong Opener

If your subscribers open an email and the first several lines don’t capture their attention… guess what?

Yep, they’re GONE!

This is why your opener is crucial in capturing and keeping your readers attention. Here are several solid methods to open your email…

Tell a Story

Stories engage people emotionally, keep them reading, and make your content more memorable. For example…

Suppose your email shares how to avoid common interviewing mistakes. Instead of jumping right into the mistakes, you can share a story of what happened during one of YOUR worst-ever interviews. This sort of story not only makes your content more enjoyable to read but also helps build rapport with your readers.

Ask a Question

Another way to open your email is by asking a question. The key here is to ask a question that requires either a YES or NO and one you already know “How” your reader will answer. For example…

If you’re writing to people who need to lose weight, you might ask the following yes or no question (only IF you’re sure your audience will say yes)… “Do you dread shopping for swimsuits?”

Another type of question is to make people think about something. This works particularly well if the question engages them emotionally, like the following question. “What would you do if your dog walker lost your dog?”

Lay out a Problem

Another way to open your email is to show your audience you understand their problem. For example…

Imagine this…

You worked so long on this product. You thought you did everything right. You even hired a top-tier copywriter to craft the sales letter.

And yet, when you opened your payment processor account, you didn’t see a single sale… NOT ONE!

What on earth just happened?


Build Anticipation

If you have “How To” or other informational emails, you might let readers know what they’ll discover if they keep reading. The idea here is to build anticipation. For example…

“You’re about to discover a simple yet wildly effective way to boost your metabolism. And get this… it doesn’t involve starving yourself, exercising for hours a day, doing some weird “cleanse,” or even taking pills…”

Step 3: Engage Readers Throughout the Email

If you have a good opener, your readers will be interested (for the time being). Now all you have to do is keep them engaged. So, follow these tips…

Use a Conversational Tone

Imagine you’re writing to a good friend using a friendly conversational tone throughout.

Make Your Content Easy to Read

Use short sentences and short paragraphs with plenty of white space. And remember… many subscribers will be reading your email on their phones or other small devices.


Here’s where you build anticipation and curiosity about what’s coming up. E.G., “In just a moment, I’ll share with YOU my strategy for attracting 1000 new email subscribers every single month – But first…”

Think “Edutainment.”

Your goal is to educate your readers, but you also want to entertain them, so they keep reading. Therefore, use light humor and storytelling to keep them interested.

Step 4: Proof, Polish, & Format

Your final step is to proofread your email to eliminate spelling, grammar, and factual errors. For best results, you could ask a friend to proof your email… as they’ll be able to catch the errors you’ve become blind to.

Secondly, you’ll want to polish the content, so it reads smoothly… anyone can follow the information – and it’s detailed enough for people to take action. Edit ruthlessly by cutting out anything unnecessary. Your subscribers are busy and will bail if your email is full of fluff and filler.

One final note: While we hope every subscriber reads every word of your email, it’s not always the case. Which is why you’ll want to write for “skimmers.”

The idea here is to highlight the most important parts of your email so skimmers can still get the gist

You can highlight important pieces by using…

  • Bolding, especially by creating sub-headlines
  • Italicizing
  • Underlining
  • Highlighting
  • Different Fonts
  • Different font sizes
  • Different font colors
  • Images that include important text.
  • Captions to convey important text
  • Johnson boxes
  • Bulleted lists

Remember, skimmers often read the first and last parts of an email, so be sure to include important information in those sections.

Also, use the above-mentioned highlighting methods sparingly (imagine a woman applying make-up)… the idea is to accentuate the features, not load it up, so it melds into one fked up car-crash!

NOTE: To see an example of the right way to do it, look at this lesson you’re reading now and go to the site’s sale letter section. You’ll notice how the paragraphs, sentences, and structure are simple to read and flow with easy-to-follow bullets and headlines.


So… now you know how to craft engaging content. Take a few moments to brainstorm how you’ll engage readers with the next email you create. And be specific about how you’ll use the tips you learned. For example…

If you’re going to tell a story, WHAT story will you tell? And if you ask questions… WHAT questions will you ask?

If you have an email created, use this lesson as a checklist. For example…

  • Is the content easy to read on a small device like a phone?
  • Have you engaged your readers on an emotional level?
  • And did you build anticipation for what’s coming later in your content?


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