For a Successful First Impression
Planning before taking action is critical in anything that’s important in your journey.
It’s the foundation for the rest of your life, and it is the beginning of wisdom…
We’re all aware of the old saying, that “A plan is only as good as the people who put it into action”.
Also, we’re well aware that many businesses fail because they didn’t have a plan.
So, how do you avoid the pitfalls of not having a plan?

It’s not as if you have to be a rocket scientist to write one…
Just that, you need to do your homework, be realistic about your goals and think about how much work it will take to achieve them.
The truth is…
Writing a plan is an integral part of starting your journey. In fact, one of the first steps in doing so is getting it out of your head and organising it in such a way, it becomes easy to put into action!
Laser Focused Essentials for you Home Page
Ignore them at your peril!
I’m writing this guide so you can feel comfortable planning out the home page on your site. These are the details that make the difference between success or failure. So use them to create the best experience for your “Visitors”.
If you’re not prepared you’ll be eaten alive.
Your websites homepage is best to be uncluttered, clean and specific. Meaning it takes the “thinking” out of the equation, (which can be hard work for your visitors).
“Plug & Play”, is the order of the day...
Imagine someone landing on your page. They’re usually coming from a source where searching something specific is their only goal.
And because time is critical on the internet (folk don’t hang around if they don’t immediately find what they’re looking for).
K.I.S.S (keep it simple sausage)
The copy on your home page should be as simple and specific as possible. Subject only to a cursory glance
It has to grab your visitors attention immediately.
Have a gander at my test site ( where I started learning how to set up websites. And you’ll discover how NOT to design a home page. It’s cluttered and has too many distractions. And this’ll cause your visitors to bounce right off the page and go elsewhere, (which they do).
First things First
Before you even begin to design your homepage you need to know exactly what your content’s going to be about. And then, design the entrance to your site around that specific idea with laser like focus.
It’s the same when structuring sales pages. The research part is always completed first. Because you have to know what your customer wants (deep down)
Here’s one for you…
Do you ever go on holiday and just wing it. Or is it best to plan things out before you go?
I mean…
Yeah, it’s good to be spontaneous. But if you’re going on holiday to relax it’s best to whittle down the uncertainties, so you know exactly where your going, what to expect, and enjoy some uncomplicated relaxing down time.
Anything with integrity stands the test of time
The “Title” of your page is where they’ll instantly see where they are, after landing on your platform, (A stage where you’re going to entertain and keep your fans glued to their screens)
Next their beady eyes will scan from top left across the page and down. (Attention has to be provoked).
And if it’s not, they’ll simply be gone in a flash. Never to be seen again.
This is where the “Headline” is so important.
Go and scan some of the tabloid newpapers. It’s vital the headline and subhead “GRAB” the attention of passers by.
Note: Tabloid means a compressed form or dose of anything
When you’ve decided on the direction of your content. The headline is the hook that grabs your visitor by the neck and pulls them into your site (it’s that powerful, or can be). And keep in mind the radio station, WII fm.
What’s in it for me…
Whenever your potential fans are hovering about, devouring your content. In their minds (silently) is a little demon, chattering, (what’s in it for me…)
The Lead
Body Copy is where you’ll lead your fans into the website from the headline. And once they’re lured in by the intriguing tantalising temptations waiting for them behind the scenes. They’ll want to be able to navigate to where you’re leading them.
Here’s a few questions for you when you’re designing your page…
- What is the purpose of the home page and the overall website?
- Who are your two or three main group of visitors?
- What are the pain points of your different groups of visitors?
- What’s the number one action you want visitors to take?
- What’s an alternative action that would also be considered a win?
- What’s the tone of the company?
The home page is all about your visitors, their own problems, dreams and their own frustrations. It’s a link to their salvation.
A solution to their problems, and the nurturing of that fire within.
Awaken the enthusiasm that’s so much dwindled, reignite the power that lies within us all.
Give them what they desire.
I hope this guide has helped you going forward.
All the best,
David Harrison