November 4

Goal-setting… What A Load Of B%ll*%ks


If You’re Not Doing This now – You’ll Regret It Later.

Okay, so what’s goal setting, and is it important?

  • Do you set goals every morning, and if not, do you still get through the day?
  • Is there a routine for the day – planned in your head?
  • What do you do apart from lying there playing with your giblets if there isn’t a routine?
  • At any time in your childhood, did you set goals – and if not, did it affect the days?
  • How would it have affected your life differently if you had written goals?
  • Who invented “Goal Setting”?
  • Does setting goals get in the way or make life better?
  • Was Alexander the Great a setter of goals?
Filtered and Clean

In a system so pure

Why would you want to spoil it?

These were some of the thoughts that raced through my mind this morning as I lay there scratching my… ahem.

Anyways… Having had a little scour of the net. I discovered shit-loads of counter-arguments about goal setting.

“In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable,”

General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Take It Now… It’s Yours

In an interesting interview, Jordan Peterson mentioned “complex systems.” Where he convinced his audience of the futility of trying to organize those systems. It just means there’s too much shit going on to predict an accurate outcome.

So, keeping that in mind…

Why would you try and set a goal in a complex system, knowing it’s akin to madness? But humans – being irrational for the most part, do. Every day, especially in business.

3 simple ingredients for an amazing life. You wanna know what they are?

  1. Water ( of the purest form)
  2. Food (of the best quality)
  3. Shelter ( As comfortable as possible)

Now think about the amount of material crap built up over your life – ready for the skip. All the non-essentials that were sold to you through advertising. Did you plan to own them, or did someone else plan a way for you to own them? But leaving that aside for a moment…

How much easier would life be if there were only 3 things to focus on? You know… the important things.

Would you agree our attention has continually been directed toward a kaleidoscope of shiny objects? Objects that leave us feeling empty and unsatisfied.


Of course…

goal setting can have its merits. Only because it steers you away from other people’s goals. (And that’s the only benefit).

Taking responsibility and having fun while riding life’s roller coaster is surely a much better way.

Listen, I know there will be tons of people reading this who’ll disagree with what’s being said here.

But it doesn’t matter…

Because the meaning in any situation is a bit like setting goals.

It’s a worthless exercise in a complex system. And only makes sense individually, at any “moment” in time. So, break free of all the noise and have some fun before it’s time to go to sleep…

Hopefully waking up to another great spontaneous day!!

(And stop playing with your giblets)


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