How To Defend Yourself Against Procrastination The “SECOND-RATE CURSE”- that Wants To Control Your Business, Life & Income!
Discover a System Used by the Special Forces that’ll put you in First-Class quicker than you ever dreamed possible – killing procrastination stone dead.
I know it sounds unbelievable, but keep reading…
I’ve discovered a proven method to escape the rat race and banish the dreaded curse of procrastination forever.
But before I share this little secret – I’ve some important questions for you.
Think carefully before answering them.
- Are you low on physical or mental energy?
- Do you have to push yourself to exercise or do things you know are good for you?
- Do you eat (or drink) a lot of sugary substances?
- Do you have poor self-control?
- Have you struggled with addictions (alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, porn)?
- Do you have problems taking action to do things you know would benefit your future?
- Do you sometimes feel numb and lifeless?
- Do you have issues with focusing or concentration?
- Do you increase your motivation by consuming stimulants? (ie, Adderal, Energy drinks, large amounts of Caffeine, or even sugar).
- Do you tend to prefer immediate rewards to larger future rewards? (i.e., $100 now v’s $200 in two weeks)
- Do you procrastinate
If you’ve answered “YES” to any of these questions, I’ve got a surprise for you.
I’m going to share some ground-breaking knowledge that will give you the power of King Midas (you know, the guy who turned everything he touched into gold).?
Assassinating Bad Habits Like a Doctor at a Wart Clinic

So what’s the secret I’m about to share with you?
It’s a system that’s been hidden from us by the forces of evil since the beginning of time. And it’s been shared by a few select individuals to keep it safe and out of the hands of the masses.
But now I’m going to reveal this fantastic technique and show you how you can live life on purpose—making you the envy of everyone in your circle.
The Devil’s in the details…
Dread Living or… Disciplined to Live?
Live D & D evil.
Living is full of unknowns; if it weren’t, we’d be machines – pre-programmed to do the bidding of our masters.
Living lives of repetition and boredom.
Is this REALLY what you want?
Because stepping out of the relatively safe childish dependence into freedom and responsibility can be hazardous.
So have you got the cahoonas to open that door and start living your dream life? If you have, read below and discover what’s expected of you…

- Living demands activity and spontaneity, trial and error, sleeping and reawakening, competition and cooperation, adaption and reorientation.
- Living involves countless relationships, each of which has many implications and complications.
- Living takes us away from the dream of being protected. Also demanding, we expose our weaknesses and strengths daily to our fellow men/women, with all their hostilities and affections.
- Living is making a firm “contract” with yourself to accomplish whatever you want.
Make no mistake…
Living life to the full can be either easy or hard. And it’s only hard if you’re not willing to pay the piper. Meaning – the more you squander your time away, filling life with all the temptations of the fayre (TV, internet, magazines, video games, porn, etc.). The more difficult playing the game for real becomes.
You’ve Got to be Serious About Success For This To Make Sense
My Disciplined Life…
Ever since I was a child, I succeeded through varying levels of discipline.
I was disciplined at playing video games, drinking, smoking, watching TV, not doing school work, and eating too much of my favorite foods. Basically doing what the F% I wanted.
This level of discipline followed me through life, weighing me down like a sack of sh%t.
I was a pretender – always looking and acting like I was busy but never really achieving anything. And I still got paid (work that one out)
It wouldn’t surprise me if the school system is designed to make us this way. Wearing artificial masks, so we fit into the social fabric of life.

Trouble being…
The mask hides us from our dreams and ambitions, and eventually, we forget who we once were.
This facade carried on for decades. Where I worked jobs I hated and performed tasks that were “duty” bound.
And you know the worst thing of all?
An overwhelming feeling of guilt emerged from the quagmire that seemed to drown me in self-pity. Yep… something deep inside was battling to raise its head to the surface and scream, “LET ME OUT”!!!
I would drown this voice out with all sorts of strategies, substances, and entertainment just to feel alive.
We all know we’re wasting our lives at some level. And despite our best efforts to ignore these voices in our heads. We know deep down when we aren’t making the right choices to live the lives we want. A part of us is always watching, always alert.
It notices every choice we make and tallies it up on the board of our self-image. Every time we make a choice that betrays the hero who resides within each of us, our self-image gets marked accordingly.
Imagine dedicating years to betray yourself. How healthy would your self-image be?
People who don’t value their bodies or minds fill them with poisons that form habits, shaping their identity. Think about… you’re only ever comfortable in life to the degree you’re comfortable in your skin. Every choice you make decides the degree of comfort.
Self Discipline & Success
The mechanism of the mind is a profound system of organized power, which can be released only by one means, and that is by strict self-discipline.
Napoleon Hill

It’s funny how ideas work because when I hear someone say “discipline,” my brain pictures soldiers being drilled on parade. Although, I’m not talking about that sort of rigid discipline.
I’m saying that life throws us all sorts of ups and downs, and we either deal with them, or we don’t. I’m suggesting that when you make certain habitual decisions, you “WILL ALWAYS” reap the fruits of those choices – be they negative or positive.
As a young adult, I habitually betrayed my true calling.
This was done out of ignorance; I didn’t know what each choice cost me until it was too late. Unbeknownst to me, I’d paid the piper, and It was costing my life.
These habitual betrayals of my highest self led me to a dark place. It happened slowly, almost imperceptibly, over the years. That’s how choices work; they add slowly and steadily, compounding on one another. Until one day, you wake up with a monolith of consequences spearing themselves into your life.
So what I’m saying is…
We all have discipline, but sometimes that discipline is directed in a way that harms us (without us being aware). Let’s now move the needle in the RIGHT direction. Are you ready?
Don’t Get Bogged Down With All The CRAP
When I talk about moving the needle forward, all it really takes is putting one foot in front of the other.
It’s the constant cry of the motivational speaker… take action, take action.
But no one explains what action to take; it seems too complicated. You’ve got so many things going on in your head that it feels like it’ll explode anytime soon.
We’ve all been there.
So here’s a solution, and it’ll seem so simple you’ll tell me to take a hike when I explain it to you.
Taking action is as simple as moving your eyes from left to right. Your brain gets involved whether you like it or not.
Because we assume taking action is hard, we avoid doing it. But we’re taking action unconsciously every day of our lives. Here’s something to think about…
How many people do you know who park their cars in the garage?
You can bet your bollocks to a barn dance they don’t – because hey presto! Now it’s so full of crap; the car doesn’t fit anymore.
Am I right, or am I right?
Listen… it took many years to fill the garage of your mind – Just one piece of junk after another. One baby step at a time. But alas… with the right mindset, you can throw it all out and start again. Simple!
Eliminate Temptation With a Simple Switch
Tempted by the BSBULLSh%t lately?
It’s my take on Bright Shiny Objects. There’s a constant battle for NEW ideas on the NET. All fighting for your attention. Don’t get me wrong; I’ve been seduced many times by the devil’s treats, although, as I mentioned before – all it did was keep me suspended in other people’s reality (not mine).
And here’s where my first big aha moment snapped me out of my self-induced hypnotic state.
It’s this…

In all the years of searching out there for the holy grail (mission impossible). It was with me all the time, perched in position just above my eyes (most probably why I couldn’t see it).
However, Credit where credit’s due. It was an author from 1916 named Henry Hazlitt who shone the light for me. In his book – titled “Thinking As a Science.”
Go read it. You’ll pay a few bucks from a reprint publisher, “Forgotten Books.”
And get this…
It’ll change how you read books forever.
The simple trick is to think for yourself. Which is fast becoming a distant memory for most. Only because the fixation on TV land & social media world has captured most people’s minds.
Think about it…
The thoughts that churn around your noggin have mostly been installed (by you) through BIG media (TV, magazine, Internet, radio, mp3, books, etc). I’m not saying it’s good or bad. Just that the details aren’t being managed consciously by YOU. Remember what you read earlier about details and the devil?
Here’s a tip to help you realize the profound nature of what’s being explained.
Tip: When you wake up in the morning, count how many seconds it takes to snap back into “reality.” Does it feel more relaxed or less relaxed? Because believe it or not, the feeling you get is your “programming” engaging your mind for the rest of the waking day. And unless you become aware of it – for the rest of your waking life.
The Guaranteed Path To Living Life On Your Terms
Are you ready? I’ve saved the best ’till last…
This is going to piss quite a few “motivators” off. But do I give a duck?
At first glance, you’d think this post is about killing procrastination (whatever that means). But it’s not. The procrastinatory loop is a fiction created by wrong thinking. Allow me to explain…
Motivation, or to be motivated, operates on the false assumption that a specific mental or emotional state is required to complete a task. But this is where the problem begins. It’s completely the wrong way around.
The “idea” of discipline smashes to bits any form of motivation and creates a life unbound by limits for those disciplined enough to ignore their “desires.”
Note: Direct response copywriters stimulate people’s desires, motivating them to buy stuff.

It means regardless of how you feel at any given moment. Just do what’s on your list – one step at a time. And believe me, your garage will soon be full to the brim with all the great things you want. Not the junk that’s been collected over the years because of other people selling you crap.
It’s simple – if you want to persuade people to buy what you’re selling. Feed their desires. And on the contrary, if you don’t want to be sold to, cultivate discipline.
Okay, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article.
Go train your mind to be disciplined, and your body will follow.