September 10

FAQ For Creating Persuasive Sales Copy


"Relax, 'Cause We've Got Your Back With These FAQ's For Crafting Persuasive Sales Copy That Rocks!"

If you're a curious soul who wants to keep on rockin' with your sales copy - We've got the answers. 

Read on...

1. What is AIDA?

AIDA is a copywriting formula for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. Here's how to use this framework in a sales letter...

  • Attention: Your sales letter should include a benefit-driven, curiosity-arousing headline crafted to grab your prospects by the eyeballs. E.G., "Now You Too Can Discover the Breath-taking Metabolism Secret That Will  Jump-start Your Fat Loss Instantly!"
  • Interest: You have the reader's attention, so your sales letter opener is designed to hold that attention and build interest in your offer. Make sure your opener evokes your prospects emotions. Maybe by telling a relevant story showing you've experienced similar pain.
  • Desire: The next step is to build desire for your offer, which you do by listing all the product's benefits. Explaining how NOT using your product will keep them in the situation they so desperately want to escape.
  • Action: Now that your audience wants what you're selling, you ask for the sale. You tell the prospect precisely what to do and how to do it. E.G., "Take out your credit card and click here to get started!"

2. What are the keys to crafting effective sales copy?

You can improve your response rate by understanding and seamlessly injecting the following ideas...

  1. Understand Your Audience: Research and identify your customers' top needs, desires, and pain points. Ten craft copy that aligns with these points, showing your prospects how your product can help them solve these issues.
  2. Highlight The Benefits: Your audience primarily care about themselves and how you can help them solve a problem, achieve a goal, or enjoy a hobby. So, make sure to focus on benefits and emphasize how your product or service solves their problem or fulfils their desires.
  3. Use Social Proof: Your prospects are interested in what you tell them, but DON'T fully believe your claims. To build trust and credibility, you'll want to include social proof through testimonials, reviews, or case studies.
  4. Create a Sense of Urgency: Convey limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or scarcity to prompt immediate action. However... avoid false scarcity, sales tricks or strongarm tactics (it'll only bite you in the ass later on!).
  5. Use Power Words: Craft strong, emotional, and action-oriented language to evoke a response. E.G., "Discover the secret of being genuinely, joyfully happy - even if your life feels like it's falling apart around you!"
  6. Address Objections: Anticipate and address potential concerns or objections to eliminate any doubts. You may need to spend time researching your market and talking to your prospects to fully understand their most common objections.
  7. Offer a Money Back Guarantee: Provide reassurance and reverse the risk by offering money back guarantees or warranties. Use a longer guarantee, which will boost conversions and reduce refunds.

Which brings us to the next question...

How Can I Prove My Claims?

There are various ways to do this. You can share...

  • Testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers.
  • Case studies with plenty of rock-solid data.
  • Photos (such as before and after photos of a project).
  • Screenshots
  • Scans (such as scans of newspaper clippings).
  • Videos
  • Demonstrations.

For example, if you're selling a traffic-generation product, you might post testimonials and case studies from customers and screenshots or videos of your traffic logs.

Or if you're selling a weight-loss product, you can share "before" and "after" pics of happy customers who've received great results. You'd also share testimonials and case studies.

What Does It Mean To Overcome Objections?

When someone lands on your sales page, they'll think about why they "shouldn't" buy your product. These are referred to as sales objections. And your job is to identify, raise and handle (or overcome) these bad boys. Essentially, you'll provide a counter-argument to the objection.

For example, perhaps you're selling a video course, but you know some in your audience don't really like to watch videos. You can overcome this objection by offering transcripts as well as the audios at no extra cost.

Another example: Many people are going to think your product won't work for them. You can provide proof your product works in the form of testimonials, case studies, and whatever other evidence you have. And you can even offer a FREE trial, so your audience can try it out with absolutely NO risk!

How Do I Improve My Conversion Rates?

There are a variety of ways to boost your conversions, including...

  • Create a user-friendly site: Not only should your site look professional and pleasing to the eye. It should also have a responsive theme for mobile users, and load quickly. You'll also want to ensure your payment process and other links and forms work on the site.
  • Eliminate unnecessary exits: The primary way for your prospect to leave your sales page should be by clicking on the "order" button. Delete any unnecessary links, such as navigation links to your blog, links to other offers and similar. If you give prospects an exit ramp, they'll take it - and your conversions will plummet.
  • Make Sure Your Copy is Scannable: If someone scans your copy, they should be able to get an overall gist of your offer, especially the main benefits. To see a good example of scannable copy, check out About Dedo
  • Test and Track Your Page: Finally, you don't want to mentally masterbate about what works and doesn't work on your sales page. Instead, find out for sure and let users vote with their wallets by using split-testing.
    You'll want to focus on the factors that are going to have the biggest effect on your conversion rates, such as headlines, openers, benefit statement, calls to action, price, overall design, and similar.


And there you have it - the questions and answers you need to know to craft more effective sales copy. Make sure you put these tips and ideas to good use ASAP and watch your conversions soar!

See you in the next instalment...


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  • Hi, I signed up to your list as writing persuasive sales copy is the key to online marketing success. 

    I have a number of websites that I think will benefit from my subscription, i just need to assess which level of membership is most appropriate for me and each of my websites, thank you for sharing the “How” story about writing persuasive sales copy, handling objections etc Alan.

    • Hey there, Alan!

      Hope you’re doing fantastic! 

      Big thanks for dropping that awesome comment on my article, “FAQs For Crafting Killer Sales Copy.” 

      And you’ve nailed it, my friend! 

      Direct response copywriting is the key to turning prospects into raving customers.  But always remember, your offer has to be absolutely BANGIN’


      Even if you’re the best copywriter on the planet, without a killer offer, your response rates will plummet! 

      So, here’s the secret sauce… 

      Make your offer so mind-blowingly irresistible that your prospects can’t resist snatching it up right NOW! 

      Catch you on the flip side, Alan! 

      We’re always in your corner, cheering you on. 

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • Hey, just wanted to say how helpful this article is.

    I’ve never heard of AIDA, but I’m loving the acronym. Such an easy way to remember to incorporate all of these things into my content. 

    I completely agree that story telling and evoking emotional responses are key to successful sales. And the trust part…It’s crazy to me how much of my own content has done so much better if I share my own personal stories and my own before and after photos. 

    Truly excellent info throughout this article, will definitely benefit ANYONE in sales that comes across it. Thanks so much for sharing!

    • Hey Jenna!

      Thanks a million for the awesome heads-up! 

      I hope you’re crushing it with the epic info from our site because guess what? 

      Believe it or not… 

      A whopping 90% of folks out there soak up knowledge like sponges, but they never take the leap and put it into action! 

      Crazy, right? 

      NOTE: The majority of people fail to make any moves, because they fear the chance of failure. But your boat will never come in if you don’t leave the port!

      Now, check this out… 

      If those 90% decided to kick it up a notch and embrace failures like a badge of honor (not many succeed first time around), they’d be dancing in success rainbows quicker than a ferret up a drainpipe!

      Remember, every legend out there has had their fair share of mini-failures on the path to greatness – it’s all part of the game my friend.

       And guess what?  Most folks are WAAAAAY too uptight about this stuff.

      But, we’re not cut from that same cloth, are we Jenna?  

      We’re the champions of the first degree, and we laugh in the face of trouble and strife.

      So, once again, a HUGE thank you for swinging by, we can’t wait to see you again.

      Cheering you every step of the way! 

      Dedo  (Chief MEME Officer)

  • Hello,

    Thank you for revealing your most valuable and successful tips, tricks, and techniques to create sales copy that will captivate and compel the target audience to take action! 

    This will help make products irresistible to any customers. Sales copywriting does indeed have to be persuasive in order to turn casual browsers into loyal customers.

    I liked the idea of giving a free trial so the audience can try in order to overcome sales objections. Great advice!

    • Hey there!

      We’re doin’ back-flips that you’re pumped about our article. It’s great to see go-getters like yourself join in the conversation. Because that’s how we get to know one other, and discover any chinks in our armour. 

      But get this…

      We love, honest, constructive feedback, because it gives us a chance to improve to help make your journey so much more enjoyable and profitable.

      And when that happens, hopefully, you’ll never want to leave.

      Will you?

      (A win-win, if I do say so myself)


      Have a great day, and hope to see you again my friend.

      Always in your corner!

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

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