January 12

Building Your List


How To Increase Your Profits Massively By Using These Quick, Easy, No Bull’ Tips

24 Unique Ways to Ignite Your Emails into Action… Building a Raving List Full of Buyers for Your Products & Services

Every one of these tips, tricks, gimmicks, ideas, principles, and strategies has proven to work – because they’ve worked for me and many others.

Some may seem deceptively simple. Others may seem obvious… some you may have heard of. Others you may not have. But one thing’s for sure…

You’ll get FANTASTIC results IF you bother to use them!

I’ve created this little book to give you a quick, down-and-dirty guide with simple-to-use email marketing and list-building ideas. You can get them to “immediately” work for you in your business without needing any complicated or bloated systems.

Each idea is short, to the point, no bulls*%t, and fluff free.

Every-one stands on it’s own.

You can go directly to any idea, take the advice, and use it immediately.

And finally…

To get the most out of these tips, read each of them one-by-one… in any order… and see which one catches your eye – is most relevant to your business.

And you’ll be off to the races.

So, let’s get you started…

Leverage Your Emails Like A Master!

First things first… do you hate writing emails?

I get it, sitting down to craft a good message can be the equivalent of writing a blog post, and if you’re writing them daily, it can become a right drain… agreed?

But who says you have to do them both?

Listen… rather than sitting down to write a blog post, or a Facebook message, create a video, and write an email. Why not spend a good 30 minutes or more writing a great email message and then turn that same message into all the other three?

This is potent stuff right here!

Most see email writing as a separate thing from content creation. Although email writing “IS” content creation. I mean… not all emails will be a thousand words, and why do they have to be?

Do blog posts have to be that long too?

No, they don’t. And I’d argue your emails are far more important than blog posts and definitely (100%) more important than Flakebook status updates.

Now, you don’t have to think about content creation. You have a systemized task in place to sit down and craft a great email message… simply distributing that message out to other sources. Maybe it’ll be tweaked a bit, but who cares? You’re spending less time and getting more content out there on other platforms. Plus, you have the added benefit of being more focused on your initial content task because one message expands to get further reach.

Don’t underestimate the power of this little strategy. Leveraging one piece of content will save you a lot of time and help you focus on creating much better content.

Think about it…

You now have to focus on writing only one solid piece of content, and the same piece will bring more traffic back to your sites. And don’t forget when you do this, it cuts down the dreaded info’ overload, which can lead to “procrastination.”

After all, motivating yourself is much easier when you know you’re leveraging your work for more benefit.

Set up a specific time to crank out an email to your list every day. Even if it takes you an hour to write one email message, you know it can be used on your blog, Facebook, and any other web spaces you create content for.

Remember, the main goal of this strategy is to get you writing fantastic emails to your list. In the long run… that’s what’s gonna make you the most money. And it’s a cracking way to get the best out of your time and efforts. It’ll be well worth it, I promise!

And get this…

If you liked the tip above, all you have to do to get your hands on over 20 more groundbreaking email-list-building tips… is smash the download button below. And It’s absolutely FREE!

With my compliments… enjoy


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