October 23

Beyond Fear & Greed


Warning! Don’t Go Anyfurther, Unless You’re Willing To Take Full Responsibility For What Lies Ahead…

Read This Now… Or You’ll Hate Yourself Later!

What if I told you everything you’ve learned about Fear and Greed is a lie?

Moreover, If I’m right…

how good would it be to know the truth?

  • A little-known idea that will drive your success forward – without limits
  • In less than 3 minutes, you’ll own that secret
  • How ordinary can turn to extraordinary.
  • A single phrase that will turn your world to the sun forever

Read on, and I’ll show you what you’ve been missing.

Einstein Was Right…

when he said: “Three Great Forces Rule The World – Stupidity, Fear & Greed.

Stupidity can be when someone lacks intelligence or in a more romantic spirit – according to William Blake and Carl Jung, “The Mother of Wisdom”

But let’s keep with the former for argument’s sake.

I think you’d agree; when we mutter the words stupid, we mean dull of mind, half-witted, idiotic, moronic, dopey, dense, or boneheaded.

Stay with me on this because it’s important.

When someone who’s assumed to be intelligent judges a numb skull. What’s actually happening?

One person is casting their shroud of “normal” over another who’s considered “ab-normal” (not conformed or conforming to rule)


The person who’s conforming to “rule” is considered intelligent. (Now the William Blake & Carl Jung quote makes more sense)

In essence, they’re suggesting that – before we become programmed >HERE< we have more chance of discovering new ways of thinking and doing stuff.

YOU know…

thinking outside of the box sort of idea.

Know Thyself?

Being a direct-response copywriter – this sort of stuff is my bread and butter. Because knowing how humans think or have been led to think is a crucial component in discovering their dreams, wants, and desires.

The phrase “Know Thyself,” according to This guy…

Whosoever looketh into himself, and considereth what he doth, when he does think, opine, reason, hope, fear, etc, and upon what grounds; he shall thereby read and know, what are the thoughts, and passions of all other men.”

Thomas Hobbes

In other words, knowing who you are doesn’t only help you; it helps you understand others as well.

But how do you know yourself when you’re being showered with so many other conflicting ideas?

I’m glad you asked. Read on, and I’ll explain…

Get Rid Of Doubt Once & For All

To put it simply…

If all your thoughts flew in the same direction and there were NO conflicts. You would be at peace with yourself.

Now imagine moving up a scale and mixing with others in a large community. They’d have to be in one mind, or there would, again, be conflict and unrest.

This is why the 10 commandments were invented, to manage large groups of people who lived together.

I’m not advocating any particular religion, just suggesting – for a group of people to live in harmony, they must first be singing from the same hymn book.

Make sense?

T.V, podcasts, Netflix, Radio, Magazines, Internet are all overload systems. Too much information can create indecision and doubt. And when this happens, you either stagnate or, if you’re aware – keep moving on the path you’ve created for yourself.

LINGCHI… Death By A Thousand Cuts

Lingchi, roughly translated, means the slow process, the lingering death, or slow slicing.

This is the process over time when you’ve attached too many distractions to your life. A kaleidoscope of short disconnected stories that compound exponentially inside your noggin.

Turning it to mush. Or if not mush, into a confused, disorientated mess.

Don’t Be Fooled By A Playground Full Of Illusions, False Paths, False Values & False Ideas

In my previous article, “Self-Image & Motivation,” Top neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barret was mentioned. She’s a professor of psychology at Northeastern University.

In her groundbreaking research, she states that we don’t react to our environment as we first thought.

What happens is – our brain forms a pattern of connections from previous encounters with reality – and then projects that onto the present.

Note: Pattern of connections can be anything from a thought to an experience turned into a collection of thoughts

For instance…

Imagine seeing a cat for the first time, and it ferociously chewed on your leg. Not only did it hurt like a motherf%*ker – but you also got a nasty sonofab*%tch infection.

Okay, keep that in mind for a sec’…

Imagine coming across another cat in the future. How do you think you’d react or “predict” the outcome?

This is how the brain functions. It becomes programmed, so life is more predictable. Now add that ingredient to someone who doesn’t think for themselves. Or…

They’re completely unaware of what I’ve just shared with you. Do you think they’d become, as Einstein once said:

Man like every other animal is by nature indolent. If nothing spurs him on, then he will hardly think, and will behave from habit like an AUTOMATON

Albert Einstein

Once more, for clarification, because it’s crucial you get this shit!

When your brain projects reality onto the windmills of your mind. It stimulates you to RE act on every experience unconsciously.

On the other hand – when you act consciously, it’s because you’re at Drama School. And know you’re performing to a given script – It’s a game.

In short – you either act out a life of your own design or re-act a life dictated by others.

The choice is yours.


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