December 19

Action 7


Become A Jack Of All Trades…

The original saying was misinterpreted and was intended to be a compliment, NOT a derogatory slur on a person’s experience in multiple skills.

Here’s the original…

A Jack Of All Trades Is A Master Of None – But Often Better Than A Master Of One.”

The best way to manage any aspect of your business is to ensure you’ve had hands-on experience in the trenches. Meaning…

  • Do you know the intricacies of copywriting?
  • Do you know how to manage your finances?
  • Do you know how to build websites?
  • Do you know how to manage people?
  • Do you know about payment processing?
  • Tax obligations?
  • Web design?
  • SEO/SEM?

And the list goes on and on… it’s best to learn a little bit of everything when starting—eventually, hiring “specialists” to grow your business in the future.

Yes, it might seem overwhelming… but only if you try and do them all at once. Remember what I said about baby steps?

If you’ve got unlimited finance, then outsource your operations. But keep in mind, when you’re hiring, you’d better know what you’re looking for or NOT.

Because this is the point…

I know plenty of business people who’ve gone bankrupt because they couldn’t understand their accounts… or keep on top of them. (handing over responsibility to your accountant or any other part of your business can land you in deep water if you don’t know what you’re looking at) Not everyone is as honest as you, so be warned.

Think of your initial steps into business as an apprenticeship. Give it a year or two to get to grips with all the “machinery.” Get stuck in – you won’t regret it.

And get this…

I’ve written a 53-page e-book you can download for FREE, explaining all the nuances of outsourcing. But like I said… try not to jump the gun.

Getting a handle on all the essential cogs in your “business machine” is best before you attempt to fire her up and start sucking up all that money.

Although, you can still grab it if you want, by detonating that button below. Because I might be sticking a price on it very soon.


Never pass up the opportunity to learn something new.

And don’t think of it as work (you didn’t when you were tiny). Learning is what we do – from that grows individual creativity and stardom.


I’ve also got some valuable FREE information you can listen to in my Business Curriculum section. So go ahead and learn your way to the top. Before you know it, the years will fly by, and you’ll be picking me up in your new Lambo!


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