December 19

Action 5


Have FUN!

Action tip 5 follows straight from the previous ones. And what I consider an essential ingredient to whatever you choose to do… whether in business or not… have fun.

Think about it…

Why do most people look forward to the weekend?

Is it so they can take a break from their dreary “jobs” to let their hair down?

Wouldn’t it be a thing to reproduce those days throughout the week?

I don’t mean going out to get blind drunk (that’s a problem all by itself). I mean doing something you can enjoy.

I know…

It seems like a fantasy.

But it isn’t. It’s only because you’re mixing with a peer group who think it’s “normal” to work a dreary job for five days, so they can enjoy two days of FUN!

That’s 28.84% of your life “quarantined” to enjoy yourself… thanks, but no thanks.

So here’s the deal…

If you ever find yourself sitting in your chair in front of your computer, and you aren’t at least able to feel slightly positive about what you’re doing… STOP doing it!

There’s always another way to do things (always).

If you want to become rich selling products on the internet, that’s great… but does writing about business get your juices flowing? If not, get up and walk away from it. Create something for another market that gets you all fired up.

It can be anything from your favorite cheese, coffee, underpants, holiday, sexual encounter, or near-death experience. I mean ANYTHING!

The big boys have completely overlooked niche ideas that are just waiting for you to rinse. Fresh, clear, virgin water that isn’t blood-soaked like all the other shark-infested, over-competitive markets.

Ask yourself this…

Am I enjoying what I’m doing with my business and the day-to-day running of it?

If not, why are you still doing it? You may as well get back on the corporate ladder and receive a guaranteed income.

The whole point of creating a business is to help solve problems. And having fun helping.

And as a famous guy once said…

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.

Zig Ziglar

Be different, be the best… have FUN!


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