December 18

Action 2


Baby Steps… One At A Time

Before tip number 2, I’m going to say… whatever you do, don’t take advice from anyone other than those you want to emulate.

Get a mentor, someone you trust and respect. It’s the quickest way to whatever goal you have in mind. It also saves you from making “stupid” mistakes. However, some errors are inevitable and can be valuable learning curves.

(Even my advice should be researched to make sure it’s valid) Never rest on your laurels because that’s the time your competition will bite you in the a**e. And you don’t want that… do you?

Anyway, enough of my ramblings – here’s tip number 2

Don’t take on more than you can chew… if you find yourself working all the hours under the sun – slogging your guts out when everyone’s asleep – showering, and not knowing if it’s morning or night…

This is the time to re-evaluate the cost-reward ratio for YOU.

It’s never about anyone else or their opinions. What’s important is the overall health benefits of working yourself to an early grave.

Because I know plenty of wealthy deadbeats who are mentally and physically exhausted. But are habitually working to keep up with the next level of “joneses.”

Is this going to be YOU?

Think about it… is that working, Smart?

Have you ever heard of that ladder people keep talking about… you know – the one they all want to climb to the top of?

Don’t get on it… it’s too full, and you’ll fall off!

Go somewhere you can make some space.

Somewhere you can use your brain and THINK.

Away from the chattering masses, milling around on autopilot, taking advice from similar automatons who are considered “Gurus.”

Is this making sense?

It’s a negative spiral of development that keeps you on the bottom rung – because there’s no space to move. You’re unable to see the wood through the trees.

Step back and look from a macro perspective, then zoom in and take your project to the next level using baby steps…. one at a time. Never try and rush your progress… you’ll only mess up.

Combine ideas and re-imagine your future far away from “normal” routines; eventually, over time, you’ll be where you want to be. And remember to have a bit of fun on the way.

Every successful person I know has taken these steps.

The idea’s a big one, so don’t think because it’s simple, everyone knows how to do it…. they don’t!

Successful people understand this philosophy and take action using it… and now you can too.

So go for it!


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