January 6

A Recipe For Failure?


Why Everything You’ve Been Told About Having The Right Mindset Is WRONG… And How To Get Back On Track Quickly & Easily.

What would you do if there’s a code for being successful… but you were only told half of it?

For a long time, all over the world, influential people, from teachers, politicians, journalists, and clergy, were fed incomplete ideas. These people, in turn, taught children and adults their mindsets. Sowing the many “truths” they’d been “sold.”

But please don’t misunderstand because much of what they were taught is crucial for living a full life… although parts are missing. And when you’ve finished reading this article, you’ll know the secret.

Have you ever heard the term “self-esteem?”

If you have… you’ll know having a healthy self-image is key to being “confident.”

But does that information lack a specific ingredient? Does it need a vital element to work 100% of the time?… Can you be confident without having high self-esteem?

If you rely on building your self-esteem by chanting affirmations or imagining you’re where you want to be. I’m afraid to say… you’re building your house on sand. Sadly, this is precisely what happened to generations of people fed on a steady diet of self-esteem stimulation (and that’s all it is).

You’ve stimulated the formation of self-esteem… not through actual achievements, accomplishments, sacrifice, hard work, and other “physical” indicators of success.

Instead, people got self-esteem by being respected for showing up… that’s it!

It’s all you need to do… show up and win a prize for participation. And according to this school of thought – your feelings are “paramount.”

If only things worked that way in the land of the “real.” Sadly it doesn’t, and those who practice these “techniques” know how hollow their confidence is. Because they wake up every morning feeling fake, moving through life full of fear and trepidation.

I know this because I lived it for many years… and only when I started taking “real” action did my confidence levels climb, matching similar degrees of competence.

It seemed the more competent I became, the more confident I felt, and the more self-esteem soared through my veins… pushing the image to my brain and eventually releasing an overwhelming feeling of euphoria. It was like a key had been placed in a secret door—a door hidden for thousands of years, waiting for someone to open it.

Self-esteem without competence is a sure-fire recipe for being unfulfilled. If you’re having a tough time in any part of your life, or you feel frustrated and stuck in any area… maybe it’s because of this.

Sure, you feel good about yourself, and it seems you have a high estimate of your abilities to get things done.

Unfortunately. unless and until that high estimation is based on experience and results… you’re probably wasting your time. It’s going to be incredibly difficult for you to overcome challenges. And you’ll be easily tempted to quit when confronted with any “real” difficulty.

There’s a relatively straightforward and simple solution if you suffer from any of these.

Ask, and you shall receive…


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