June 26

Be Mindful Vs Mind-Empty


“Get Outta Your Way, and Breeze Through Life”

It sounds counter-intuitive, but living life directed by those silent whispers can hijack the life you’ve always dreamed of (The little gremlins… Whatifs, and the Should’elves)

Let me explain…

Thoughts conditioned by social norms & expectations control people’s lives like the strong currents that guide massive icebergs through the ocean.

These are the UNWRITTEN silent rules that govern behavior in society, DICTATING what’s considered acceptable or unacceptable.

These slippery gremlins influence thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors, often subconsciously (below the surface)- affecting multiple areas of life.

Influence on Behavior and Decision-Making

Am I Right or Wrong, Miss?

    1. Conformity:
        • People mostly conform to social norms to fit in and be accepted by their peers and community. This need for acceptance can lead individuals to adopt behaviors and beliefs that align with societal expectations, even if they CONFLICT with personal preferences or values.

    1. Behavioral Regulation:
        • Social norms act as a regulatory mechanism, guiding behavior in social interactions. For instance…

        • Norms around politeness dictate how people should interact in various contexts, such as greetings, table manners, and respectful communication.

Shaping Identity and Self-Perception

    1. Role Expectations:
        • Social norms often dictate the roles individuals are expected to play based on gender, age, or social status. For example, traditional gender norms may pressure men to adopt behaviors perceived as masculine and women to behave in ways considered feminine. Or humans to identify as garden hoses. 😁

    1. Self-Esteem and Self-Worth:
        • People’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth are often tied to how well they adhere to social norms. Approval and recognition from others reinforce these norms, while deviation can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, or inadequacy.

Impact on Mental Health and Well-Being

    1. Stress and Anxiety:
        • The pressure to conform to social norms can lead to significant stress and anxiety. Individuals may feel overwhelmed by the need to meet societal expectations, leading to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. (and there ain’t a LOT of that goin’ around huh)

    1. Suppression of Authenticity:
        • Social norms can suppress individuality and authenticity. People may hide their true selves or refrain from pursuing their genuine interests and desires out of fear of social rejection or criticism.

Economic and Career Decisions

    1. Career Choices:
        • Social norms influence career aspirations and choices. For instance, societal expectations may push individuals toward certain prestigious or appropriate professions, often disregarding personal interests or talents.

    1. Workplace Behavior:
        • In the workplace, norms dictate professional behavior, dress codes, and interactions. Adhering to these norms can impact career advancement, job satisfaction, and overall professional success.

Social and Political Views

    1. Political Beliefs:
        • Social norms shape political beliefs and ideologies. The prevailing societal norms influence what political views are considered mainstream or radical, affecting how individuals perceive and engage with political issues.

    1. Social Justice and Equality:
        • Norms around race, gender, and class influence attitudes toward social justice and equality. These norms can perpetuate stereotypes and biases, impacting efforts to achieve social change and equity.

And To Wrap it All Up In A Nice Bow…

Thoughts conditioned by social norms control people’s lives by influencing behavior, shaping identity, affecting mental health, guiding economic and career decisions, and shaping social and political views.

While these norms provide structure and predictability in society, they can also limit individual freedom and authenticity, highlighting the complex interplay between societal expectations and personal agency.


Be Mindful OF your Thoughts Young Skywalker – Or the thoughts provided through various media WILL take controlALWAYS.


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  • You are right. One’s thoughts can either make or break them and we have to be really careful what we are putting out there. Sometimes it takes a serious look inside oneself to realize why your life isn’t going the way you would like. Negativity can drag us down.

    I am a firm believer in practicing gratitude daily. This has made a huge impact on my life and made me a happier person, as I feel that I have everything I need and I feel content. It also opens you up to receiving more gifts. This definitely helps to turn the mind around. What tactics do you find help you the most?

    • Hi Michel!

      Great to see you here (I always appreciate a smiley face)

      And I’m gonna TOTALLY agree with you ’bout the gratitude attitude.

      As you’re aware, none of us will get out of this alive – so make the most of the gift of life as we live it… every single day.

      I don’t have tactics to help me; I know that most of my thoughts are useless for getting me what I want “IN” the moment (so, I ignore the little *kers!).

      Many people (IMO) take their thoughts too seriously, which is probably why so many lost souls are milling around, seeking a fantasy world created by those who’d benefit from a population of confused, fearful, unthinking brains.

      Hope this helps Michel… pop your head in again;  we look forward to seeing you!

      Always in your corner


  • Hi! 

    Your blog post delves deeply into the pervasive influence of social norms on individual lives, highlighting how these unwritten rules can subtly dictate behavior, shape identity, and impact well-being. 

    It’s a compelling reminder of the tension between conforming to societal expectations and staying true to one’s authentic self. 

    By urging readers to be mindful of the thoughts they entertain, you emphasize the importance of self-awareness in navigating these influences.

    Question: How can individuals balance honoring societal norms for social acceptance and maintaining authenticity in their personal and professional lives?

    – Scott

    • Hey Scott!

      Thanks for takin’ the time to pop your head and leave a comment (most appreciated)

      And to answer your question, I’d say…

      All you’ve got to do is play-act. 

      As a man once said,

      “All the world’s a stage… and all the men and women are merely players. They have their exits and entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts”.

      For example…

      If you were to meet with an indigenous tribe while trekkin’ across the Amazon, you’d find a way to “fit in” by honoring their system and behaving in a way that wouldn’t offend.

      You know you’re NOT part of their tribe, but you can adapt at the drop of a hat.

      This is a skill learned by people who can listen to people around them and mirror their behavior (or the behavior that’s been conditioned INTO them since birth)

      It’s NOT about standing with your hands on your hips, saying I’m right – you’re wrong. 

      It’s about TRULY appreciating where people’s minds are when you meet them. 

      Hope this helps Scott. Onwards and upwards, my friend… skies the limit (or maybe not)

      Always in your corner


  • Wow, this article really hits home on how societal norms can silently dictate our lives in ways we may not even realize. It’s eye-opening to see how conformity to these unwritten rules impacts everything from our career choices to our mental well-being. Learning to break free from these constraints and embrace our true selves seems more crucial than ever for leading a fulfilling life. Definitely a thought-provoking read!”

    Cheers Graham

    • Hi Graham!

      Kudos to you for realizing how the world and culture have been constructed to blind you to the “TRUTH.”

      Okay, not the truth per se… but a more USEFUL method of navigating your environment.

      Most probably why most folks are frantically spinning their wheels, but NOT getting where they want to be in life.


      Thanks for stopping by Graham, nice to meet you.

      Always in your corner


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