Keepin’ All Those Plates Spinnin’ – Now, That’s Frickin’ Hard!
But, what if you had some extra hands on deck with...
- No Payroll to worry about
- No management headaches
- No pressure (phew)
- No risk (Yipeee)
- No expense
- No sweat!
If you’ve got an established business, WE’RE looking to invest OUR time, energy and capital to add multiple streams of $$$$$ to YOUR baby!
And for the right organization we’ll…
fund 100% of the startup and ONGOING expenses of…
- Surveying prospects and clients including complete survey analysis
- Offer framing, positioning, testing
- Copy-writing development
- Training, hiring and project management
- Email marketing for your offer
- FB Group monetization
- Live-chat salespeeps
Ongoing management of all the above so all you have to do is SERVICE your clients
(All at NO risk or cost to you)
If you’ve got a $500 offer or more, have been established for at least 2 years and have a track record of sales and CLIENT SATISFACTION… >> It’s time to decide<<
Why should you believe us?
You shouldn’t!
But get this... one of our partners broke down in tears because he couldn’t believe how fast things were moving (and how much extra money he was making)
( You don’t know, what you don’t know)
So, no matter what you believe, we’ll come in…
- Not disrupting any of your current operations
- Not taking up any of your time
- Enhancing your already great reputation
- Work in the background without breakin’ any plates (you won’t hear a peep)
- Pop in sales… pop! Pop! POP!
No matter how successful your business, there are a 101 things you could be doing but haven’t got the time, energy, or resources to do them all.
So, let’s spin those plates together, right now!
To see if we’re a good fit, and to know if it’s worth having a chat, send us your deets and we’ll get in touch
P.S: We put our neck on the block!
No sharing of zee spoils until we’ve honored OUR promise to YOU.
100% Risk FREE… NO catch… NO hidden surprises, and definitely NO sleazy sales tactics.
I feel like if I was further along in my business that this is definitely something that I could utilize! Is this something I could use in the early stages of my affiliate marketing business? Or for affiliate marketing at all?
Great article, I just want to know more about the different types of businesses you work with. I look forward to seeing more from you.
Hey Conner!
Great to see you my friend, and as for your questions about timing.
Yes, you can utilize this philosophy in your current business, as long as your offer is dialed in first (most people get this arse about face).
For example: If you’re going to promote an affiliate offer, first make sure the market for it is HOT! (is it something folk lie awake at night thinking about?)
Like wanting more money.
I know tons of people who never stop thinking about this shiz. So, even though the market is saturated (which means the topic is ripe for pickin’)
You can still make bank.
As long as you can make your offer not only stand out, but also freakin’ irresistible!
Hope this helps Conner.
Always in your corner
Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)
This is a great offer, but with no pricing, it is hard to decide on contacting you. My biggest issue at the moment is with email and social media marketing.
I would love to either pay someone to do it for me or learn to do it better and leverage a ton more business.
Thanks for this article, I know you say you don’t charge till your customer is satisfied, but knowing at least a baseline of what to expect could entice me to contact you.
Hey Stacie!
Thanks for droppin’ by and leaving such constructive advice (I’m all in on what you’re sayin’)
So, here goes…
It’s a rev’ share offer… where we “ADD” revenue, and share in the spoils with an agreed amount %.
For example: If we work an offer (distinct from what you’re already doing) and bring in an extra $100,000 for a 10 – 14 day campaign. (Money you wouldn’t have otherwise made) Then the percentage we agree would be one that would have to – not only motivate us to carry on workin’ with you… but also, to get YOU fired up enough
to want more, More, MORE!
Our policy is to create “TONS of value” first and “THEN” get rewarded.
In essence…
We become an ASSET rather than a liability (if that makes sense?)
Back to what you’re suggesting (brilliant idea BTW)
We’re testing various versions of the offer you’ve seen, because as you’re aware Stacie…
Opinion is NEVER better than “DATA.”
(We always let the market decide for us).
Hope this helps, and thanks again.
Always in your corner my friend.
Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)
Hey there
This is a great copywriting service you’re offering here. These days with everyone finding it easy to create content, there are underlying principles and techniques that only specialists know of. It’s good that as a Copywriter yourself, your offer is result-driven. I like that it’s risk-free to potential clients. I have a question though, what niches do you specialize in?
Hey Sie!
Thanks for poppin’ in and sayin’ hi.
And you’re makin’ me blush with all your compliments.
But, enough already…
Your question.
What niches do we specialize in?
I would say “email marketing” in a nutshell (although I’m not to keen on that phrase)
Relationship building is more our shtick.
Fired up by short punchy, entertaining, insightful messaging.
The market or niche we target with our magic?
Could be anything from personal relationships, finance, mindset, fitness, etc.
The more problems need fixin’ the more we want to help find solutions.
Hope this helps Sie?
Always in your corner.
Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)