October 11

Call To Action…


"Call To Actions That WILL Trigger Momentum Through-out Your Whole Funnel!"

A call to action (CTA) is where you encourage your prospects or customers to perform some specific action. And you give them the instructions to do so.

If you're running a business, you're going to be crafting a lot of CTAs, including asking folk to...

  • Join your list to receive your free lead magnet.
  • Purchase a product.
  • Watch a video.
  • Read a blog post.
  • Join a contest.
  • Follow you on social media.
  • Share your content.
  • Call you.

And whatever else you want your audience to do.

So, get this...

I've made it quick and easy for you to craft your own brilliant CTAs by including a set of examples below. Feel free to swipe, tweak, and use to your hearts content.

The ball's in your court!

Keep Reading...

# 1: Advertising CTAs

These are CTAs to use in your ads, blog content, social media content, emails and other content and ads. Typically, these CTAs point people towards your lead page to get free yet valuable product. Examples...

  • Now you too can discover the secrets of saving thousands on your home heating and cooling bills. Click here and get your free report!
  • Are you making these same sorts of costly and time-consuming mistakes with your Etsy store? Find out more by clicking here...
  • Ever wondered what the world's top marathon runners eat during training? Find out by clicking here... the answer might surprise you!

# 2: Lead Page CTAs

Here are examples of CTAs you'll put on your lead page, where you specifically tell visitors to fill out a form with their name and email address in order to request your free lead magnet. 

  • Insert your name and email address in the form below now, click "join," and you'll get instant access to this eye-opening report!
  • Just use the form below to request your free video - and do it now, while this exciting offer is still FREE!
  • Don't even think of purchasing a digital camera until you read this buyer's guide that could save you hundreds of dollars. Fill out the form below now, and I'll send it to you for FREE!

# 3: Sales Page CTAs

Below you'll find example CTAs that you'll put on a sales page, encouraging someone to purchase a product.

  • Whip out your credit card and click here to get started - and do it now before the price hike!

  • All you have to do is click here to join the membership - and if you do it today, you'll save 25%. But hurry, this offer ends at the stroke of midnight. So, join now to snag yourself the very best deal possible!

  • It seems like you've tried everything to lose weight - now it's time to try something that really works to lose fat and keep it off for good. Click here to get started - and do it now because a leaner, sexier you awaits!

# 4: Order-Form CTAs

These bad-boys are for order-form upsells and cross-sells.

  • For just $4.99 more per month, you can upgrade to platinum membership, where you'll get access to a private members-only forum, and you'll get the free app as a bonus. Click here to upgrade now.

  • If you want faster, easier, and better results, then you're going to want to get this toolkit. Click here to add it to your cart for just $27.

  • If you'd like to jumpstart your business growth, then I suggest you take advantage of this coaching offer. You can put my three decades of business experience to work for you to start and grow the business of your dreams. Click here to add personalized coaching to your order now for just $10 per day.

# 5: Miscellaneous CTAs

Here you'll find additional CTAs to use in the course of your business...

  • Are you ready to earn your chance to win up to $500 in prizes? Then click here to join the contest of a lifetime!

  • Our best affiliates are generating $11,450 per month, so just imagine how much you'll earn when you join our partners program too! All you have to do to get started is fill out the form below to let us know how you'd like to receive your commissions...

  • Hurry, there are only 500 seats available for this webinar, and they're going to go real fast. So, click here to claim your spot, right NOW!..

  • If this video made you laugh, you know your friends are going to love it too. Click here to share it with them now...

  • Like this post if you think big dogs rule and share it if a small dog has won your heart.

  • Are you ready to refresh and optimize your website so it starts generating more leads, subscribers and sales for you? Then fill out the form below NOW to request your FREE, no-obligation quote...

  • Am I following you on X(Twitter) yet? If not, click here to follow me, and I'll get you back as quickly as I can.

  • I share some of the very best workout advice and videos inside my private Facebook group. And the good news is it's free to join, at least for now. That's why I strongly encourage you to click here to join at no-cost now or never.

  • Now you too can earn $50 in credit every time you refer a friend who becomes a paying member. Even better - your friend gets $50 in credit too! Click here to get started, and you could earn your first $50 as soon as today!


So, remember...

Whenever you want someone to take a specific action, you need to provide the reasons why they should do it (what benefits they'll get) and then follow that with a call to action. Now you can create your CTAs quicker and easier by using these tried and tested, successful swipes.


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  • Ahh the call to action that is such an important piece of the sales process. It’s a way o gently guide your customers to decisions that are in their best interest. When you love your customers and genuinely care about them then it’s just a natural part of the transition. Thanks, have a good day.

    • Hey Jake!

      Thanks for swinging by and leaving such an insightful comment – you’ve hit the nail on the head!  

      It’s not just about a plain old “Call to Action.” 

      It’s a non-stop, turbo-charged sequence of gentle nudges that propel people past their natural inertia.

      In other words, it’s about keeping that momentum rolling!  

      That’s why we’re not just in the business of entertaining our customers; we’re here to ignite their minds, fuel their growth, and steer them toward smashing those goals.

      So, never stop asking those questions! 

      It’s the only way to unveil the hidden desires of your customers and steer them toward success!

      Keep rockin’, Jake!

      Always in your corner bud…

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • Thanks for this wonderful list of CTAs! Sometimes, we are not aware that we must tell the reader clearly what he/she must do. And you must be direct about it. 

    For me personally, I decided to add a subscription form at the end of each of my articles. I’ll see how it works, and hope my new tactics for CTAs will give me the results I expect!

    • You’re absolutely right Angeice, and I’m thrilled you found the list of CTAs wonderful! 

      Because it’s all about telling your readers exactly what action to take next.

      So, kudos to you for taking that step and adding subscription forms at the end of your articles. That’s a fantastic strategy! 

      With your new CTAs in place, you’re on track to grab those stellar results you’re aiming for.

      Stay laser-focused on your goals, keep experimenting, and watch your engagement soar! 

      Here’s to your success, my friend

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • The diverse range of examples you’ve shared makes it easy for readers to grasp the concept and apply it to their specific needs. 

    But to enhance your post, would you consider a brief section explaining the psychology behind compelling CTAs? Because it would give me a better understanding of the what, why’s and wherefores’ (if that makes sense). 

    Overall, it’s a valuable resource for marketers and entrepreneurs looking to improve their engagement strategies. Great job!

    • Hey there Stratos,

      First off, thanks a million for your awesome feedback! 

      It’s a total boost to know that the range of examples I’ve shared has hit the mark for you. Making things practical and applicable is the name of the game, after all.

      And you’ve got a great point about diving into the psychology behind compelling CTAs. 

      Understanding the ‘what,’ ‘why’s,’ and ‘wherefores’ of it all can really take things to the next level, right?

      It’s like getting into the nitty-gritty of what makes those CTAs tick!

      So, thanks for the suggestion – I’ll definitely consider adding that section to enhance the post. You’ve highlighted an excellent way to give readers an even deeper understanding.

      (There’s nothing more important than giving readers those “AHA” moments, so thanks)

      Your support means the world, and I’m thrilled to be able to provide valuable resources for marketers and entrepreneurs just like you. 

      So, keep rocking those engagement strategies, and if you ever have more ideas or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

      You’re the best!

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • Great post! It’s so important to have effective Call to Actions (CTAs) in your marketing strategy. The examples you’ve provided here are really helpful for crafting CTAs that drive action.

    I’m curious, which type of CTA have you found to be the most successful in your own experience as a blogger and marketer? And do you have any tips for ensuring that CTAs are compelling and aligned with the audience’s interests?

    • Hey Hanna!

      Great to see you again, my friend…

      I’m glad you realize the importance of using powerful CTAs in your messaging. And if you pop over to the follow-up post from this one HERE

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