September 16

How To Craft Killer Calls To Action!


The Step-By-Step Guide To Crafting Killer Calls To Action...

"And NEVER lose another customer ever again!"

When you write a sales letter, you might assume someone will know what to do next if they're interested in your offer.


Copywriters and researchers have demonstrated time after time, that a clear call to action - where you tell the prospect exactly what to do next - will boost conversions repeatedly.

That's why, for example, a television ad repeats a phone number multiple times and then clearly urges the viewer to "call now."


How do you craft a killer call to action?

Read on, and you'll find out...

Follow These Steps

Step 1: Define Your Goal

Before you sit down to create your call to action, you need to get clear about exaclty what you want your audience to do. Consider these common actions...

  • Purchase a product.
  • Request a free lead magnet.
  • Start a free trial.
  • Start a low-cost trial.
  • Download a sample.
  • Share the content (for traffic-generation purposes). 

And similar.

Once you've detailed what you want your audience to do, then define HOW to do it. For example...

If you want them to purchase a product, how do they do this?

Do they fill out an order form and use their credit card?

Do they use PayPal?

Do they select a payment plan?

Be as specific as possible about what your audience needs to do in order to complete the desired action. Then move to the next step...

Step 2: Craft Clear Instructions

Now we're going to start creating your call to action, where you provide clear instructions on what your audience should do. This is where you take what you outlined in the last step and boil it down to a succinct instruction.

E.G., "Take out your credit card and click here to get started!"

NOTE: Your call to action should not be complicated. Make it a short instruction, and the action you want people to take should be (relatively) quick and easy.

If your instructions are all over the place, you need to look at whether it's a problem with the way you've written them, or if the process itself is convoluted/complex.

If it's simply poor writing, no probs... you can fix it with a content tweak. If the process itself is complex, then you need to fix that too to make it as easy as possible.


If the instructions are short and clear, you need to be sure the process is easy to complete. Otherwise, it will affect your conversion rate. For example...

"Take out your credit card and complete the order form below" is a short and concises instruction.

However, if the form is long and includes unnecessary questions (such as "where did you hear about us?"), your audience may bail out in the middle of the process.

So... now you have the instruction in place, lets juice it up a bit.

Step 3: Provide a Reason Why

You can further improve the effectiveness of your call to action by providing reasons why someone should take this specific action. This "reason why" will generally fall into one of the following categories.

  1. The result of using the product. Here's where you encourage people to take action because they'll feel better, they'll solve their problem, or something else very positive. For example...
    "Take out your credit card and click here to get started, because an improved memory can be yours in just five minutes per day!"
  2. The result of NOT taking action. Here's where you remind the audience of the pain of their problem and how they'll continue to experience that pain if they do nothing. 
    E.G., "Don't waste any more money on your home heating and cooling bills - click here to discover how to audit and seal your home right now!"
  3. The reason to take action NOW. The idea here is to provide a sense of urgency, and it's one of the most popular ways to get people to take action (because it works). E.G., "Order now and save 25% off the regular price - but hurry, this offer ends tomorrow!"

Remember, there are a variety of ways to produce urgency, including...

  • Scarcity on the offer itself, such as a limited number of PLR licenses or a webinar seat.
  • Limited-time or limited-quantity bonus.
  • Limited-time or limited-quantity discount.
  • A combo of a limited discount with bonus.

Now, lets pull these three steps togeather with a few examples...

Step 4: Pull it All Togeather...

Remember, in most cases, whenever a call to action appears, you first need to share some of the top benefits of your offer. A lead page or sales page is the most obvious example as the entire page is geared towards persuading your visitor to take a specific action.

In other cases, you may have a piece of content that's informational, but includes a promo at the end. A blog post or guest blog post is one good example. For instance, you might create a post outlining dog-trianing tips, share the benefits of a dog-training guide, and drop a call to action encouraging your reader to click the link you've provided.

And with that in mind, let's look at a call-to-action example remembering that the copy which comes before the CTA is designed to lead to the call-to-action, and motivate people to make their move.

Check out these bad boys...

  • The best body of your life awaits you, so click here to download this proven nutrition guide right now!
  • Stop wasting hundreds of dollars on ad campaigns that aren't working for you. Click here to request your free traffic secrets video!
  • Click here to start your $1 trial membership now - but, hurry, this special offer ends soon!

Wrapping it all up...

You've just learned a simple four-step process for creating effecitive calls-to-action. So, make sure each sales page, lead page, advert, soft-sell, hard-sell, or other type of promotion includes a CTA. And ensure to test and track them to see which one generates the best response for you.

See you in the next instalment...


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  • Great article on creating effective call-to-actions! I’ve always struggled with incorporating strong CTAs into my website, but this guide provided valuable insights and practical tips. 

    The emphasis on using action-oriented language and creating a sense of urgency is crucial to grab visitors’ attention and encourage them to take the desired action. 

    I also appreciated the examples given, which helped me visualize how different CTA designs can enhance user experience. Overall, this article has equipped me with the knowledge needed to improve my CTAs and boost conversions on my site. Thanks for sharing!

    • Hey there Sophie! 

      Thanks a million for your awesome comment!  

      And we’re thrilled to hear that you found our article on effective call-to-actions so helpful. 

      Incorporating strong CTAs can definitely be a challenge, but you’ve hit the nail on the head – action-oriented language and creating that sense of urgency are total game-changers! 

      We’re delighted you liked our examples – visualizing is the first step to making those CTAs pop and enhance user experience. 🌟

      You’ve got this! 

      Your newfound knowledge is your secret weapon for boosting those conversions on your site. 

      So, keep up the great work, and thanks for being a part of our community!

      We’re always in your corner.

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • Hey there! It’s true that a well-crafted CTA can make all the difference in converting potential customers. Your step-by-step breakdown is very practical.

    I’m curious, do you have any tips for A/B testing different CTAs to see which one resonates best with your audience? Also, in your experience, have you found any particular words or phrases that consistently perform well in CTAs, sparking action and engagement? Looking forward to your expert advice!

    • Hey Stratos!

      I’m thrilled you’re clued in on the power of killer CTAs and that our article has been a game-changer for you. 

      Now, let’s dive into your question with some lightning speed!

      A/B testing is all about staying in sync with your audience’s vibe and the mood of the moment. There’s no one-size-fits-all template here.

      But, just to give you a sneak peek into our playbook…

      Our CTAs?

      Well, they’re like scenes from a blockbuster movie. Imagine this:

      “Buy now and unleash a daily dose of unstoppable energy that’ll have you jumping out of bed every morning!” 

      Hope this insight fuels your marketing fire, Stratos! 

      And remember, we’ve got your back, cheering you on all the way.

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

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