September 3

Conversion Rates


30 Ways To Improve Your Sales Letter Conversion Rates

If you're like most marketers and copywriters, you're always looking for ways to improve your response rate on your sales letter. That's why I've compiled these ideas, tips, and tricks so you can improve your conversions. Take a peek...

  • 1. Craft a compelling headline that grabs attention and creates curiosity
    Be sure to showcase your offers top benefits in the headline. E.G., "Now You Too Can [Get Benefit] and [Get a Benefit]!"

  • 2. Use storytelling to engage readers and create an emotional connection
    For example, you might share a story of how someone just like the prospect overcame the same problem, which gives them hope they can do similar.
  • 3. Highlight the unique selling proposition of your product or service
    What makes your offer (and business) better and different than your competitors? Make sure to clearly state this difference as the "reason why" someone should buy from you.
  • 4. Showcase the other benefits and value your product or service provides
    Your prospects are wondering, "what's in if for me?" And you can answer that question in your copy by highlighting the benefits.
  • 5. Use customer testimonials to boost conversions
    Testimonials help confirm proof of claims and also builds trust
  • 6. Create a sense of urgency by incorporating limited-time offers or scarcity
    For example: "Order in the next 72 hours and you'll enjoy 25% off!"
  • 7. Avoid strongarm tactics or sales tricks
    These "tricks" may work... once. But after that, your audience will no longer trust you, meaning they won't buy from you... reducing your conversions.
  • 8. Include a strong call-to-action that prompts readers to take immediate action.
    Your CTA should clearly state what the prospect needs to do next and why. E.G., "Take our your credit card and click the order button to get started - hurry and do it now before this special offer ends!"
  • 9. Make the copy about your audience
    Focus on using the word "YOU" far more often than you use words like "me" and "I."
  • 10. Raise and handle common objections
    For example: If a common objection is "this won't work for me," then you'll want to provide proof it works AND offer an unconditional guarantee.
  • 11. Keep the letter concise and focused
    Go through your letter and ruthlessly edit out anything that doesn't help make the sale.
  • 12. Break up the text with subheadings and bullet points for easy readability.
    Use bold or italicized text to emphasize important points, which will help those skimming the text.
  • 13. Incorporate "trust signals"
    Provide your contact info in a prominent location, plus let prospects know their credit card information and other data is safe and secure.
  • 14. Offer a risk-free guarantee
    A long and strong guarantee both boosts conversions and reduces refunds (versus a shorter guarantee).
  • 15. Use power words and action verbs to create a sense of energy and excitement
    This includes words like... You, How to, secret, discover, amazing, proven, scientific, quick, easy, simple, and the like.
  • 16. Segment your audience and tailor the letter to specific buyer personas
    For example... If you have a weight loss product, your might create one letter for men and one for women.
  • 17. Use data and statistics to support your claims and build credibility
    While people often make a buying decision based on emotion, they rationalize that decision with logic.
  • 18. Use conversational language to make the letter feel more relatable
    Imagine crafting a letter to your best friend, and then use the same friendly tone
  • 19. Incorporate social media sharing buttons to encourage word-of-mouth promotion
    Think of how Amazon includes share buttons after the sale - you can do the same. When a customer refers their friend, that friend comes to your sales page already warm and interested in what you have to say, which boost conversion.
  • 20. Offer a bonus or incentive for immediate response or purchase.
    Even better, create a bonus that overcomes one or more objections. For example, if your audience thinks a process takes too long, then create a bonus that makes it faster (like a tool).
  • 21. Include case studies
    These provide social proof and show your prospects that they too can get great results.
  • 22. Use visual cues such as arrows or highlighting to draw attention to important elements
    This will help draw in the eyes of skimmers. For example... put arrows next to your main benefit statements.
  • 23. Ensure your letter is mobile-friendly for readers accessing it on smartphones or tablets
    You'll also want to ensure your page loads quickly. Otherwise, you'll have a high bounce rate.
  • 24. Tailor the letter to align with the specific needs and pain points of your target audience
    Show them how your product is the easy "bridge" between where they are right now and where they want to be.
  • 25. Use clear and concise structure with logical flow to guide readers through the letter
    Think of your letter like a greased slide, and be sure each word and sentence is compelling enough to get the reader to the next word and the next sentence.
  • 26. Build credibility and authority within the sales letter
    Why should people listen to YOU? List the credentials and demonstrate why you're the expert on the topic.
  • 27. Include a compelling opening paragraph to hook readers right from the start
    You might tell a story, ask a question, or even elaborate on the benefits mentioned in the headline.
  • 28. Show the desired outcome or transformation that readers can expect
    Provide hope for your readers and show them how it's possible for them to get a desired result
  • 29. Use video or audio elements to deliver your message in a dynamic and engaging way
    A "talking head" video featuring you will help build rapport and excitement, so be sure to let your enthusiasm shine through.
  • 30. Continuously track and analyze the performance of your sales letter
    The best way to know what's really working is to have your visitors vote with their wallets. 

So, there you have it - 30 proven ways to boost your sales letter conversion rates. Be sure to print off the list and review it every time you sit down to craft your next profit machine!

See you in the next instalment


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  • I’ve been struggling to make my sales letters more effective for a while now, Im sure some of the items in this list will be a game-changer. I feel like incorporating storytelling and creating a sense of urgency will be particularly effective for me. I can’t wait to try some of these strategies. Thanks for sharing your expertise

    • Hey Matias! 

      We’re pumped you’re diving into these killer tips,  because it’s taken us years of relentless hustle and learning from our share of setbacks to lay this digital wizardry on the table. 

      And Matias…

      Don’t ever let that “secret” formula for online domination slip your mind!

      Remember, it’s all about the List > Offer > Copy, or what we like to call the dynamic 60-30-10 rule. 

      And while it’s not etched in stone (let’s face it, what is?), it’s a golden rule you’ll want to tattoo on your marketing playbook.

      So, as you’re crafting those epic sales letters, don’t make the blunder of preaching to those who don’t give a rat’s arse! Focus on the ones who are ready to rock and roll.

      Wishing you nothing but the best my friend, and remember, we’re always in your corner.

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • Wow, this post is a goldmine of valuable tips to boost conversion rates on sales letters!  Thanks for sharing these 30 power-packed strategies for creating persuasive and effective copy. Every marketer and copywriter should bookmark this for reference! thank you so much for sharing it. I will share it with my friends.

    • Hey Liam!

      It’s fantastic to have you back in the mix, and we’re over the moon you’re diving into these invaluable tips and strategies.

      I’ve gotta say, it warms the cockles of our hearts to see our blood, sweat, and tears put to such great use. After all, when you’ve got a stellar product or service, it’s practically your sacred duty to unleash them on the world!

      And here’s the golden ticket my friend…

      Convincing folks that your offer is THE missing piece they’ve been hunting for all their lives.

      In a world filled with problems, consider us your trusty problem-solvers – here to tackle at least some of those challenges head-on.

      You’re crushing it my friend. Kudos to you!

      Wishing you nothing but the best, and always remember, we’re in your corner bud’

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • This is a fantastic list of tips for improving sales letter conversion rates! I especially love the emphasis on crafting a compelling headline and using storytelling to engage readers.Do you have any advice for beginners like me, or are there standard outlines for sales letters that could make writing them easier?”

    • Hey there, Lily!

      What a thrill it is to have you back in the mix, and we’re amped you’re diving in headfirst to soak up the pearls of wisdom we’ve sweated and toiled to uncover!

      Now, when it comes to advice for the rookies on this exciting journey…

      Here’s the deal…

      If you want to be an absolute rockstar for your customers, you’ve got to become the Sherlock Holmes of their frustrations. Hunt down those pain points with the ferocity of a bloodhound and then, oh yes, find that magic product or service to douse those flames!

      In simpler terms…

      Don’t just sit there daydreaming about what YOU think they want. 


      Dive deep into the abyss of their woes. 

      Ask, inquire, and keep on asking until you’ve got it all figured out.

      That way, my friend, you become the ultimate service champion, and you’ll be mastering the art of copywriting on this incredible journey (two birds, one stone)

      Does that make sense?

      Keep rockin’, Lily, ’cause we’re in your corner!

      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

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