August 27

The Winning Copywriting Checklist


ATTENTION All Serious Entrepreneurs!

Discover Why You're NOT Vaccuming Up Thousands Of Extra Customers, Cash, & Clients

The Prime Copywriting Checklist

Before you sit down to write your next eye-sucking sales letter, lead page or other attention grabbing device. You'll want to print this checklist out, right now!

Because, then, you'll have (by your side) an immediate reference tool to guide you into your next successful launch.

So, let's crack on...

List of Steps

Step 1: Profile Your Market

First off the bat, you NEED to know who your audience is, so you can craft content that hits home:

  • Use Google or A.I to learn more about audience demographics and other characteristics. (Stick to reputable sources of data only).
  • Take the time to talk to your audience offline or online.
  • Delve into audience discussions on niche blogs, social pages or simlar.
  • Survey your audience to glean insights on what they desire, and what they hate (their pain points).
  • Create a profile, listing everything you can about your ideal customer.
  • Use your research to discover these characteristics of your audience:
  • What's their age range?
  • What are their gender percentages?
  • What's their average income?
  • Where do they live?
  • What's their education level?
  • What are their careers / jobs?
  • What's their marriage status?
  • On average, how many children do they have?
  • Do they own or rent?
  • What are their pain points / challenges?
  • What do they value?
  • What sort of solutions have they tried?
  • Why haven't these "solutions" worked?
  • What sort of features / benefits are they seeking?
  • What motivates them?
  • What are their worries / fears?
  • What are their hopes regarding the niche?
  • What else do you know about your audience?

Step 2: Brainstorm The Benefits

Next you need to analyze your product: 

  1. List all the features of your product.
  2. List the benefits of each feature.
  3. Find out the USP (unique selling point) of the product.
  4. Get REAL specific about your offer. (Price, guarantee, bonuses included, etc.)
  5. Identify the proof you have for your "claims" (Testimonials, photos, case studies, etc.)
  6. List anything else your audience needs to know to make the buying decision.

Step 3: Craft a (grab you by the balls) headline!

The headline is the starting gun for your sales piece. And if it doesn't go off... no-one's going to join the race - period!

So, ask yourself the following...

  1. What are the top two or three benefits of the product your audience values the most?
  2. What's the USP?
  3. Does the headline showcase those benefits?
  4. Does your headline evoke curiosity?
  5. Does your headline utilize social proof?
  6. Is your headline specific?
  7. Do you use attention-getting words?
  8. Did you brainstorm several headlines so you can track and test the best ones?
  9. Did you craft a bangin' subheadline that also speaks directly to the audience and their pain points?

Examples of attention-getting words:

  • You
  • How to
  • New
  • Exciting
  • Free
  • Guaranteed
  • Scientific
  • Proven
  • Quick
  • Fast
  • Easy Simple
  • Surprising
  • Startling
  • Discover
  • Secret
  • Revealed
  • You too

Step 4: Create Your Opener

If the headline draws attention, then your prospects will dive into your sales letter. So, here are some unique ways to create an opener...

  1. Tell a story
  2. Elaborate on the benefits from the headline
  3. Show your audience you care about their problem
  4. Show them you understand their problem
  5. Ask relevant questions (E.G., "Are you tired of dieting without losing weight?").
  6. Share a startling yet relevant fact.
  7. Remind them of the pain of their problem
  8. Introduce the product as "THE" solution

Step 5: Build a Bulleted List of Benefits

Build value in your prospects minds by sharing all the benefits...

  • Mention features, but tie those features to benefits
  • Create curiosity about the benefits where possible
  • Share how different your product is from all those similar offers.
  • List who your product is for (e.g., "For people who need to lose at least 25 pounds...").
  • Use attention-getting words (as listed earlier on).


You'll discover a simple trick for revving up your metabolism - (easy peasy!)

Discover the secret to a lean and toned body with our revolutionary workout program, that delivers results in just 15 minutes a day!

Escape to breathtaking destinations and create unforgettable memories!

Are you making costly and time-consuming mistakes that slow down your progress? Find out on page 19!

Step 6: Call To Action

Follow these steps...

  1. Justify the price (whether high or low)
  2. Recap the main benefits
  3. Craft a CTA - tell them exactly what to do next (click here and be on your way to losing 25 pounds, quickly and easily).
  4. Create a sense of urgency.

Ways to create a sense of urgency...

  • Scarce product (like seats for a webinar or PLR licenses)
  • Limited discount
  • Limited bonus offer
  • Reminding prospects that nothing changes if they don't take action NOW!

Templates adn examples...

  • "Don't miss out on   ______. Take action now and ______!"
    Example: "Don't miss out on our limited-time offer. Take action now and save 20%!"
  • "Discover the power of _______. Start your journey today and ______!"
    Example: "Discover the power of our advanced skincare system. Start your journey today and experience radiant skin!"
  • "Ready to _______? Click below to ________ and experience the difference!"
    Example: "Ready to boost your productivity? Click below to download our productivity guide and experience the difference!"

Step 7: Check These Factors

Put the finishing touches on your sales copy as follows...

  1. Create an intriguing postscript
  2. Craft a guarantee to reverse the risk
  3. Format the sales copy for skimmers
  4. Utilize short sentences, short paragraphs, and everyday words for easy readability.
  5. Insert professional graphics, such as ecover.
  6. Use captions to entice readers back into the copy
  7. Arouse curiosity about the product
  8. Create anticipation in your copy
  9. Include proof of claims, such as before and after photos.
  10. Use social proof, such as testimonials and case studies
  11. Utilize action-oriented verbs in your copy
  12. Avoid passive language (e.g., "the cat must be fed").
  13. Align your copy with your prospect's pain points
  14. Promise to solve the problem quickly and / or easily (where applicable).
  15. Engage prospects on an emotional level with your copy
  16. "Assume the sale" (future pace).
  17. Raise and handle common objections.

Test and track the components of your offer and sales letter to improve response. Focus on...

  • The headline and subhead
  • The opener
  • The bulleted list of benefits
  • The price of the product
  • The title / name of the product
  • The ecover graphics
  • The overall design of the sales page
  • The type of sales letter (video VSL, text SL, video and text)
  • The guarantee
  • The postscript.

So there you have it!

Make sure you print out this checklist when writing up your content, because if you don't...

It'll be like getting in a taxi, and not knowing where you're going!

See you in the next installment (The Sales Copy Headline Swipe File)


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  • This article is bangin’!.

    It’s important to ask, why you’re not vacuuming up thousands of customers, clients, and cash.

    Definitely helps entrepreneurs become a success. Because, there are lists of steps you should pay attention to in your work – such as profiling your market, brainstorming benefits, creating your opener, etc. 

    Observing and taking action with these steps can improve your business 10x (if that’s what you want?)

    • You’re absolutely right Liam! 

      This article is seriously bringing on the heat!  And hey, kudos for asking the million-dollar question:

      “why aren’t you scooping up a crowd of clients, customers, and cold hard cash right now?! ” 

      This read is like a turbo boost for entrepreneurs on the road to brilliance (and should be printed off so you can hold on to it as a reminder, of your future success)

      Those crucial steps you mentioned – profiling your market, unleashing benefits, crafting that killer opener – they’re the secret sauce!  

      I mean…

      Imagine the possibilities when you dive in and OWN those steps!  

      Your business could go from 0 to 10x in no time – who’s up for that kind of growth?!  

      So grab that opportunity and ride the wave of superstardom!  

      Let’s make those dreams a reality! 


      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • This blog post provides an excellent checklist for copywriting success. It covers all the essential elements one needs to create compelling sales copy.

    Step 1 emphasizes the importance of understanding your audience, which is fundamental for effective communication.

    Step 2’s focus on analyzing product benefits and unique selling points highlights the need to showcase value.

    Step 3’s insights into crafting a powerful headline are spot on – it’s the gateway to engaging readers.

    Step 4’s opener suggestions offer creative ways to draw readers in.

    Step 5 emphasizes building value through benefits, a crucial aspect of convincing potential customers.

    Step 6’s call to action tips, especially creating a sense of urgency, are critical for conversion.

    Lastly, Step 7 provides a comprehensive checklist for the finishing touches, ensuring a well-rounded sales copy.

    This checklist is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their copywriting skills and boost their marketing efforts. Thanks for sharing these insights!

    • Wow, Hanna! 

      Your enthusiasm is contagious! (I’m doin’ cartwheels)

      You’ve nailed it with your breakdown of this blog post’s checklist for copywriting success!  It’s like a symphony of savvy strategies playing in perfect harmony to create sales copy that sizzles.

      Step-by-step, this guide leads us through the dance of crafting captivating copy that’s impossible to resist.

      1.Understanding the audience? Check!  

      2, Analyzing product benefits and unique selling points? Double-check! 

      3. Crafting a headline that’s like a fireworks show for readers’ curiosity? Absolutely! 

      And those opener suggestions? 

      They’re like the opening act that leaves us craving more. 

      Building value through benefits? 

      Oh, you’re preaching to the choir! (I can almost hear the angels sing) 

      And let’s not forget the irresistible call to action tips that practically teleport readers to the checkout page. 

      The cherry on top? 

      That Step 7 checklist for those finishing touches! 

      It’s like adding the final brushstrokes to a masterpiece, ensuring every word or idea is perfectly in place.

      Your energy is infectious, and your appreciation for this resource is so refreshing!  

      Thanks for sharing your zest for copywriting brilliance Hanna!


      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • This checklist is a goldmine for anyone serious about copywriting!  

    Crafting effective sales copy is an art, and these steps provide a clear roadmap to follow. From profiling the market and brainstorming benefits to creating attention-grabbing headlines and building a bullet list of benefits – every element is covered in detail. 

    The emphasis on connecting with the audience’s pain points, understanding their needs, and presenting a solution is spot on. 

    Also, the actionable steps and examples provided for each section make it so easy to implement. And the reminders about using urgency, social proof, and engaging language are fantastic. 

    This checklist is a game-changer for anyone looking to supercharge their sales writing. 

    Thanks for sharing this invaluable resource!

    • Hey Les!

      You’ve hit the nail on the head!  

      This checklist is an absolute goldmine for all the copywriting top-guns out there!  

      Crafting killer sales copy is the icing on the marketing cake, and guess what? 

      This roadmap is the ultimate cherry! 

      Knowledge Nugget: Sales generated = 60% is in the list, 30% in the offer, and 10% in the copy!

      From market profiling to benefits brainstorming, and those attention-grabbing headlines – it’s a symphony of copy perfection!  

      And let’s talk about those pain points and solutions – BAM!  You’re right on the money, my friend!

      But wait, there’s more! 

      The actionable steps and real-world examples? 

      Pure genius. It’s like a copywriting buffet – take your pick and eat it all up! 

      And those reminders? Oh boy, they’re like the secret sauce of persuasion – urgency, social proof, and language that hooks ’em in!

      I couldn’t agree more – this checklist is a game-changer, a sales writing superhero halo 

      Big shout out for sharing this absolute gem of a resource to your friends Les.

      Your copy game is about to reach the status of LEGEND 

      So, keep rockin’ it!


      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

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