July 26

Goal Crushing Secrets

"Goal Crushing Secrets... How Top Achievers Slay Their Dragons!"

One thing that sets high-performing wizards from everyone else... is their ability to arrange specific goals and then SMASH those bad-boys right outa the park!

Crush Your Goals With These Quick & Easy Methods

And get this...

They then set more goals and begin smashing those... boom, Boom, BOOM!

So, get ready to achieve your wildest desires and discover the secrets to effective goal-setting to unleash your hidden powers!

Let's go set this road on fire...

Your road to superstardom...

1. Make 'em Measurable, So We Can Track Our Progress Like a Pro Sniper!

Okay, goal crushers, listen up! Because if you want to slay those bad-boys, you've got to rule them. And to do that you gotta measure them. Check out this example...

You wann bring traffic to your site. BOOM! You set a specific amount and set your scope to monitor it daily. I mean...

If you want to shed some stones...

Saying "I want to look better in my clothes won't cut it" Get specific, Define those inches and pounds, EXACLTY... so you know where you are, and where you want to be! 

Go get em tiger!

2. Get Super Specific, No Room For Sloppy!

Specificity is the name of the game! You want goals you can high-five and shout, "YEAH, I nailed it" So, scrap those wishy-washy " More targeted visitors... Instead, set your sights on a precise target: "I want 500 visitors every day baby!"

And check this out...

I'd like to lose weight ain't gonna cut it. Zero in to "EXACTLY" what you're gunning for and do it, step-by-step.

So, No more generic goals. Set your "specific" sights high and watch those victories roll in!

3. Keep it REAL!

Hey Visionaries, We're all about Big Dreams, but let's polish off the shiny. Because we don't want you chasing unicorns and rainbows, as reality slaps can sting. So listen up!

Choose goals that'll make you jump for joy, don't allow frustration to stop that train. Example...

#1 Building that online empire is awesome, but raking in $20,000 over-night is unlikely (at the beginning). Let's start with a fun $2,000 and go from there. Gotta walk before we run huh?

#2 Twenty-five pounds in a month? Sounds like a fad diet disaster! Keep it real folks 1-2 pounds a week is steady, and leads to success!

Remember, our goal is to keep it reasonable, keep it reachable, and keep it REAL.

Because once you achieve those little goals, you can move up to the super-leagues. Good huh?

4. Spice it Up With Goals That Rock Your Socks!


If you're chasing goals like a sleepy sloth, it's time to wake up and smell the awesome!

Dull goals = Boredom Central (And I know trains ain't goin' there)

Let's kick it up and chose goals that set your heart of fire. For example...

Makin' a pile of dough is GREAT. But let's add some spice. How about...

Helping 500 get what they want and receiving MASSIVE grats in the form of MOOLA! (an add-on that makes all the difference, agreed?)

Now give me a high-five!

5. Goal Ninja Mode - Work Backwards!

Start with a Big Kahuna Goal... the one that makes your heart go BOOM! Then gear up some sub-goals to conquer it like a boss! For example, want to make boat-loads of CASHOLA, well, time to get tactical with your target practise...

  • Calculate the monthly traffic you need
  • Lock in the mailing list subs you want
  • Nail those conversion rates on lead pages and sales pages.
  • Rock it with Ad Campaign Conversions
  • Ace those email campaign conversions
  • Crush sales targets for each product
  • GOAL! Success is imminent.

6. Mile-stone Mania!

Okay champ, time to bust out the dance moves. We all know BIG goals take time, but hey, let's have fun on the way.

Picture this...

You're chasing the dream 50,000 subscriber list, but hold your horses, let's celebrate the path to success...

Whoop, whoop! Hitting the 1000 subs, break out the confetti!

High-five alert 2000 subs, oh yeah, now we're rockin!

Bring on the fireworks 5000 subs... you're on a ROLL.

By celebrating each milestone, you'll stay fired up, sizzling to jump all over the next goal

It's all about momentum... it's always harder to start shunting that boulder, but when it gets moving!

7. Deadline Dynamo

You know the saying... "A goal without a deadline is just a dreamy daydream"

So, lets knock procrastination to the curb and set hard, concrete, focused targets like a pro.

No more "Someday" or "Next year" - get specific! Pinpoint the exact date for your epic achievment (July 30th here I come).

Why the deadline magic you ask? Because it's a motivation machine. The clock is ticking, and your'e in the driving seat.

8. Goal Setting Manifesto - Put it in INK!

Here's the scoop... Writing down your goals is the real deal.

Take your pen and grab that goal by the horns, and write it down.

NO more wishy-washy Wandering thoughts. Make your goals official.

You wanna get serious?

Create your own goal-getting contract. Seal the deal, make it binding, and light that bad-boy up good and proper!

NOTE to self: Be specific, and add every juicy detail you can think of, BOOM!

Okay, that's all for now, I'll post the next 9 essentials soon!


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  • I browsed through the target page of your blog, clicking through a couple links there.  

    And I can say…

    Your blog is filled with humor, good nature, and a heaping dose of intellect.  Your business acumen is truly dizzying, and the way you go about your different points, and the way you set the flow of the blog has inspired me to do something similar with my own!  

    I find it ingenious how you found a way to grab people’s emails and other crucial info to be used in the future, by making something they feel they can’t miss out on, and, it’s FREE!

    The free book that is downloadable is thinking outside the box, for sure.

    I appreciate your candid and brutally honest nature in describing “The Road To Super-Stardom”.  Great advice within those paragraphs, with eye-catching vignette-style photos along the way.

    If I was to say your blog is decent, that would be an understatement. 

    I found all your witty banter to be filled with super useful info that I’ll implement into my own “Goal Crushing”, especially the part about writing it all down, actual pen and ink style. 

    Thanks again, Dedo; take care my friend!

    Adam P (LifeHackExpert)

    • Hey Adam P (LifeHackerExpert) extraordinaire,


      Your words have me grinning from ear to ear. Thanks for taking the ride through our blog and discovering all the gems laid out for your future success…

      …in this universe of online fascination and adventure.

      The pen and ink (old-school style) has been said (by some), to connect our ideas with “reality.” 

      By injecting our thoughts onto the physical realm… bringing to life something that at first was hidden, then released, to spring out and share with the world.

      Take care, and shine my friend.


      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • Some great advice on hitting those goals, or, as you put it, “slaying that dragon.”

    Unfortunately, most people don’t plan, they just do, and then they can’t understand why they’re not moving forward in life.

    I find what works well for me is, first of all, breaking goals into achievable chunks.

    Then I take a chunk and work backward from the time I have reached the goal until the present, and in that way, I normally get a pretty clear path on how to get to that goal. 

    It definitely takes planning, or it just never happens.

    • Hey Dragon Slayer!

      You nailed it… 

      Planning is the secret sauce to success. Chunk it, flip it, and roll them goals

      Plan it, do it, and own those targets, because with a killer strategy, your dreams can become reality.

      So, Michel…

      Keep slaying those goals, and let’s take on the world.

      You’ve got this dragon slayer.


      Dedo (The goal-getter Guru)

  • Hi Dedo,

    Thanks for this article, very inspiring and empowering.

    There are excellent reminders to us all to ‘go get it’ if we really want it, rather than waiting for it to come to us.

    A good reminder for everyone. Make it measurable. Be specific. Keeping it real and Spice it up, these are pointers I will keep in mind. Thanks for this

    • Hey Chezstar (great name)!

      You’re absolutely welcome, and I’m thrilled you found the article inspiring and empowering. Makes all the difference, right?

      Also, you’re so right. Waiting around for success is like expecting a pizza delivery without ordering it. We’ve got to get off our arses and make it happen.

      BTW, those pointers…

      Making it specific and measurable?

      Is like crafting the perfect recipe, while keeping it real is like adding the secret sauce that makes everything come together in perfect harmony.

      Thanks for your time, Chezstar (is that Cheryl?)


      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

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