May 11

Maximum Results, Least Amount of Effort!

"Burnout is REAL"... 

How To Attract Maximum Results With The Least Amount of Effort!

Now for the FUN part...

Time to start building your business. And this is a hurdle where most aspiring business owners stumble. Because...

They Make The Process Way More Complex Than It Needs To Be!


A thriving business DOES have a lot of moving parts. But here's the thing... "YOU don't need to put all those moving parts in place right off the bat! That my friend, is the path to "Overwhelm City."

Because, guess what?

To make money, you only need two things...

  1. An Offer.
  2. And a Buyer.

And, as such... making money is as simple as building a community and providing them with a solution to their problems... easy peasy! (DON'T OVER-COMPLICATE THIS PROCESS)

NOTE: You don't "HAVE" to build a community, but it's much easier to get folk to buy your products if they like and trust you. On the other hand, if you know how to target people who want to buy your product right away without getting to know you... there are methods to do this - and I'll show you how in future lessons. 

Moving on...

So, all you have to do when launching your business to make money is...

  1. Craft an appealing offer.
  2. Create a mailing list.
  3. Choose a traffic source.

NOTE: The only selling you'll have to do is persuade your audience why your product is better than your competitors... which it is, right?

So, lets chat about how to take these three steps...

Step 1: Craft an Appealing Offer

The first decision you have to make is what to sell to your audience. And guess what?... You've already worked all this stuff out if you've read the previous posts in this series. Remember...

That market research you did at the start? 

You've discovered what folk are already buying in droves. Now all you've got to do is create something on those lines... but much better. Good huh? 

For example...

Perhaps you're catering to women who want to lose weight, and you notice products for low-carb diets tend to sell well. You can create your own low-carb diet guide. Which of course, you'll make even better by introducing...

  • A free low-carb cookbook as a bonus.
  • Six month's worth of meal plans (if your competitors only provide three).
  • Or videos for exercises. (simplifying things with your unique process).
  • A weight-loss support forum membership as a bonus.
  • Personalized coaching or accountability.

In other words, you make it your goal to serve your audience in ways your competition isn't. It''s not about you AGAINST your competitors... it's you for YOUR audience (you're their champion)... make it so!


If you make it your goal to help solve your audiences problems, your order book will be forever FULL! 

Folk will fall over themselves, knowing you're the go to person/company to help them get from problem to solution, every single time. In other words...


And how do you discover how to make a product better than your competitors? 

Like this...

Review top-selling products in your niche. That way you can decide the strengths and weaknesses of similar products. So, keep the strengths and improve the weaknesses.

Read Customer Reviews of top-selling products. You'll quickly get a feel for what people want in a product.

Request Feedback from your prospects. In other words, ask them what they want in a product.

Remember, you're in no way copying someone else's product. You're putting your unique "spin" on it. You're filling a GAP in the market. You're discovering what's missing... and filling the void that's been created.

NOTE: This isn't a comprehensive course on product creation... I simply can't cover every detail in this condensed business training.

So, decide what product you want to create (I.E., $97 or $20 membership site) and then learn the steps for creating it. (also keep your eyes peeled, because later in this course you'll discover the systems to do just that).

Step 2: Create a Mailing List

Now you need to encourage your prospects to join your "unique" mailing list so you can keep in touch with them repeatedly... providing them with valuable, helpful, FREE information... while simultaneously promoting your paid offer. (And further on... you'll be sharing other offers for them to digest). For this step, you need three pieces...

  1. An auto-responder. Go with a trusted third-party service like Aweber, GetResponse, or ConvertKit (Basically any company that's trusted and well established).
  2. A Free Offer. This free offer (AKA lead magnet) should be directly related to your paid offer, so anyone who wants it will naturally want your paid offer. This could be an eCourse, report, video, checklist, template, webinar, or any valuable in-demand resource.

    NOTE: When someone joins your list, the auto-responder should immediately deliver the free offer to your subscribers' inbox.
  3. At least five follow-up emails to send to your subscribers. These emails should be directly related to your paid offer (partly free content to build a good relationship... and also to presell your paid offer).
    For example...
    If you're selling a diet guide... you might send a five-part e-course called, " The 5 steps to melt fat FAST!" And remember... each email should share one secret while promoting your paid offer.

The idea is to always keep the spark of curiosity alive in everything you present. For instance... as you craft your lead magnet, design something "useful, but incomplete." Leaving a open loop that needs closure (bit like a cliff-hanger). For example...

  • Useful. When you content is useful, it engages your readers right to the end. Impressing them and building a good relationship. Making your readers more receptive to your offers. Your presell content should be genuinely helpful to them.
  • Incomplete. When you content is incomplete, it means it does what it says on the tin... but there are more advanced solutions waiting in the wings. This allows you to promote higher end products that are only available only to "serious" contenders.

In other words...

Your free offer helps the prospect while you paid stuff further helps by enhancing or expanding on what was provided in your FREEBIE! For example...

  • For the freebie, you offer a set of meal plans. Your paid product is a complete diet course.
  • For the freebie, you offer a report creating a Facebook ad campaign. Your paid product is a set of Facebook ad templates and graphics.
  • You offer a checklist as you freebie. And you paid product is a step-by-step course explaining every step from the checklist in greater detail.

And finally...

Step 3: Choose a Traffic Source

While there are tons of different methods to attract traffic, your job for this step is to choose just ONE source. Once you've mastered this first step, you can start incorporating other methods. 

Sidebar: This strategy applies to the rest of you business. Initially, create ONE offer, ONE list, and ONE traffic source. Focus on those 3 things, master them, on then move on to other methods. Don't spread yourself to thin or do things without maximizing your initial results first (slowly, slowly, catchy monkey).

So, here are 3 ideas for traffic...

  • Guest blogging. Search for related blogs in your niche that accept guest articles. Look carefully at their submission guidelines and send in some high-quality content, with a link connected to your landing page (where allowed).
  • Paid advertising. This includes platforms such as Google AdWords and Facebook's ad platform... both of which allow you to focus in on your target market. You can also place ads on niche sites. (Finding and placing ads directly is your best bet, but you can also use a service like or a host of other alternatives. There are plenty to choose from).
  • Partner Traffic. The idea here is to set up an affiliate program and let others in your market drive traffic to your site. You can create a brandable report and let your affiliates drop their links into the report... so they can make money with a "freebie." (Hint: Use a platform such as or to set up your affiliate program).

NOTE: We'll talk about how to get all the information you need to complete these three steps in an upcoming lesson. But do you see how this works by having the three pieces in place?

  1. People come to your site because you promise to help them.
  2. People join your list to get some FREE help.
  3. People buy your products to get your FULL help.


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