May 5

Your Mission

"Powerfully Define your identity & influence with a mission statement Hand-crafted to perfection"

 In the last section, you learned the first business essential is to choose and define your ideal market. 

Once you know whom you're serving, and can decide what sort of impact your business will have on the world. You can answer this question...

Why does my business exist?

In other words, this is the step where you create your mission statement - And here's why it's important...

Imagine you were the captain of your ship, and it didn't have a rudder. Do you think it would be difficult to steer that vessel to your destination? And depending on the underlying currents... do you think you'd  end up anywhere, but where you wanted to go? What I'm saying is it's time to take the helm, and "control" your destiny... right NOW!

  1. Your mission statement tells people why you business exists and how it does what it does.
  2. It gives you a clear purpose that guides your decision-making and helps you stay true your values.
  3. It helps you stand out from the market, and to live by your rules (within reason).

As you evaluate your decisions and actions through the lens of your mission statement, it'll make sure you stay on course... spending time on things that move the needle in the right direction, and eliminating unnecessary activities.

So, create your mission statement using this simple "What-How-Why" formula...

What Your Company Does + How Your Company Does It + Why Your Company Does It = Your Mission Statement.

Let's walk through each part of this formula...

Part 1: What Your Company Does

The first step is defining (in basic terms) what your company does.

NOTE: Don't worry about making this a perfectly smooth statement at this point. For this step,  get it out of your head and down on paper. And later, we'll merge your statements into something more succinct, smooth, and useful.

Take a look at some statements that explain what your company may do...

  • I help people home-educate their children.
  • I help women lose weight with customized meal plans.
  • I help small business owners become more efficient by designing marketing apps for business.

Of course, these are only examples... but you'll need to create your own statements defining exactly what you do.

SIDENOTE: Did you notice the key phrase at the beginning of each of these examples ? "I Help." Always remember... this is the core of what your company does no matter what the rest of the statement includes... YOU help folk.

Now for the second part of your mission statement...

Part 2: How Your Company Does It.

Now to design this part of the statement, you need to think about your core competencies. Ask yourself these questions...

  • What is it you can do better than others in your market (or what others don't do at all)?
  • How do you create or deliver the product, that's more distinct than your competitors? (standing out is better than better).
  • What do you do in your business that incorporates your own "unique" values, experiences, processes, or way of explaining?

Once you've the answers to those questions, take whatever is most important to you and use it as part of your mission statement. Again... at this point, just get it down on paper - we'll polish it up later. In the meantime, here are some examples to get your juices flowing...

  • Provide superior customer service.
  • Offer unlimited free revisions.
  • Turn complex processes into simple systems.
  • Make it simple for beginners to get up and running... FAST!
  • Create BIG results with small steps.
  • Include personalized coaching.

Take time out to think about how you and your company do what you do. Then move smoothly onto the next part of the mission statement formula...

Part 3: Why Your Company Does It.

This is where you passion, drive, and motivation come to play. Ask yourself these questions...

  • Why did you start your business?
  • Why did you choose to serve this particular group of people? 
    For example...
  • I want to help people live active, healthy lives through weight loss.
  • I want to help people get out of debt and live financially FREE!
  • I want to help people restore and strengthen their relationships.
  • I want to help people get rid of pain that's disrupting their lives.
  • I want to help people share their Christian faith with others.
  • I want to help people start charities to help the underprivileged.

Now for the last step...

Pulling It All Together Into One Statement.

Once you've brainstormed the three previously mentioned parts, then it's time to pull it all together into one succinct statement. Keep this tips in mind...

  • Be succinct:
    An in depth analysis of mission statements discovered the optimal length to be approximately 15 words on average.
  • Be Clear:
    Avoid unnecessary "jargon" or business "speak." Be clear and specific.
  • Be inspirational:
    Your mission statement should serve to guide both your employees and virtual staff (where applicable), as well as your prospects and customers. So be clear why your business does what it does.
  • Be Unique:
    Many people turn all or part of their mission statement into their unique selling position (U.S.P.) So think through your statement carefully and use it to set yourself apart from the crowd.

TIP: Once your mission is sorted, it will guide you as you develop the structure of your business. And remember... all you future products and/or services will grow out of your statement and align everything you do with your core purpose (and we all need a purpose right?)

Keep in mind... your mission statement will have an effect in terms of both identity and impact...

  • Identity:
    Your mission statement is going to explain your uniqueness, and show why you do what you do.
  • Impact:
    It should also guide the trajectory of your business and make a profound difference in the lives of your target audience.

Now, here are some real-life examples of mission statements that will get your juices flowing...

  • Facebook:
    To give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.
  • Aflac:
    To combine aggressive strategic marketing with quality products and services at competitive prices to provide the best insurance value for consumers.
  • Nike:
    To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.
  • American Standards:
    Be the best in the eyes of our customers, employees, and shareholders.
  • Laidlaw International:
    Exceed our customers' expectations by being the leading provider of safe, responsive, value-added services in the student transportation industry.
  • PayPal:
    To build the Webs' most convenient, secure, cost-effective payment solution.
  • Kickstarter:
    To help bring creative projects to life.
  • Walmart:
    Saving people money so they  can live better.


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