April 12

23. Punchy Content


How To Conjure Up Content That Will Transform Your Audience Into Screaming Fans… FAST!

Whatever goals or strategy you have for your list, the #1 objective is to get them to keep reading your content. For example…

    • You want more revenue… “More People Need to be Opening & Reading YOUR stuff!”

    • You want people to share your content… “Your Stuff NEEDS To Be Read!”

    • You want more conversions, like opens and click-throughs… “Anticipation is the name of the game.”

    • You want fewer people unsubscribing… “conjure up content that will turn them into screaming fans.

Easy to say Dedo, but how do I do it?

“Give Your People What THEY Want”

Which in turn builds loyalty, improves open rates, improves sales, and gets more people sharing your content. And how do you give people what they want?…

You do some DEEP market research is how. Find out what topics your audience is already buying into, survey subscribers to uncover more about their desires. And once you know what they want, you can then implement the following steps and tips…

List of Steps

step 1

Under-Promise & Over-Deliver

The majority of people who sign up for mailing lists find the whole experience, well... hum-drum, boring, and underwhelming. The lead page made the content sound SO exciting, but the content reads like the writer hasn't had their electric shock treatment yet, and needs a cattle prod shoved up their a%*e!

The writer has obviously lost their mojo and you're getting the brunt... or not if you've any sense.

Don't make the same mistake when writing your prose.  Ensure you prepare your mind before starting... because your reader WILL feel your energy. 

Be sure to keep up the tempo, from your lead page right through to every email. They should be punchy, engaging, valuable and useful to your audience.

step 2

Focus on Helping Your Audience

If there's one thing above all else you should remember, it's this...

DON'T treat you subscribers like mini-ATMs, because not only are they going to sense it... you'll also lose their trust BIG time! 



Always keep your focus on "helping"  solve their problems, keeping in mind, this is your main objective in business. 

Here's a juicy nugget to chew over...

Offer Quick Wins

Embed your content with quick wins... something like a tip or tactic that your subscriber can use fairly quickly and receive instant benefits. Do this regularly, and watch for the rewards (you have to put the wood in before you get any heat )

step 3

Share Fresh Information

If you want to excite your readers so they come screaming back for more. You have to offer them something NEW... preferably in every email you send. This includes...

A new tip your audience hasn't seen anywhere else.

And don't feel you've got to pioneer entirely new strategies to make a great first impression. One good tip that makes your audience say ("WOW" never heard that before), is all it takes.

Unique information... case studies, examples and stories

While others share this information, yours will be based on unique experiences you've come across in YOUR life and business.

step 4

Craft Engaging Content

You could have some valuable information to share, but if the writing's lame, and lacks that punch in the balls directness. It could fizzle out to nothing. So make your content  easy to read, refreshing, and kick-arse out of the ball-park unique! 

Here are a couple of good tips for you to think about...

Study Copy-writing and Fiction

Discover the art of sales copy and the skill of storytelling. This way you'll be able to keep your readers eyeballs fixed right to the end of your message. 

So, the key here is to focus on your reader, and make the story relevant to their experiences (which is why research is so crucial).

Read Your Content Out Loud

You do this to help your writing sound like it's being "spoken." And reading out loud also identifies which part of your content might be confusing or hard to read.


If you take a deep dive into "who" your readers are... their likes, wants, desires, and how they talk (read some reviews on Amazon or some of the forums they're most likely to haunt).

Because speaking your audiences "language" is one of the most important secrets to engaging with them.

So make sure you do the research, and you'll love how they come back to you for more and MORE of whatever you're giving them!


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