February 10

4. Subject Lines


“How To Easily Craft Original Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened FAST!”

The Essential Part Of Any Email Is The Subject Line… So Make Yours Count

Think about it…

The subject line acts the same as the headline in your sales letter… it’s the fire that ignites the fuse. In other words, it won’t matter what’s on offer if you don’t attract attention with your subject line because any motivation inherent in your reader will have fizzled out, stopping them from moving any further forward.

So, here’s how to keep that fire burning…

Step 1: Determine the benefits of your email

As with any “Headline,” you need to pull out the big guns for your subject line. In other words, what’s the single biggest benefit your reader will enjoy if they open your email?

That’s what needs to appear in your subject line.

For example… will your reader learn a faster, easier way to do something?

Are they going to receive a FREE tool?

Will they get a special bonus or discount on a paid offer?


Don’t use clickbait-style subject lines. They need to be irresistibly compelling AND 100% relevant to the content inside the email.

Step 2: Draft A Variety Of Compelling Subject Lines

Now you know your main benefit, you need to brainstorm as many potential subject lines as possible featuring this benefit.

In addition to showcasing a benefit, you might consider using social proof in your subject line.

And finally, as with landing-page headlines, you can arouse curiosity with your subject line to boost open rates. For example…

Share a counterintuitive benefit or words like “secret” or “discover” to suck them in. Sometimes, a question mark can make people curious enough to click. Something like…

“Housetrain a senior rescue dog in as little as 48 hours?”

The question mark exists because many people think it’s difficult to house-train an older rescue dog, although this subject line suggests it can be done in as little as 48 hrs. People in this niche will be curious enough to click through.

Here’s a list of templates you can use to get started…

  • The Quick & Easy Way To [get a benefit]. e.g., The Quick & Easy Way To Shed 10 Pounds
  • Are you making these [type of] mistakes? e.g., Are You Making These Costly Home-Buying Mistakes?
  • Who else wants [a benefit]? e.g., Who Else Wants A FREE Dog Trick-Training Video?
  • The #1 way to [get a benefit], e.g., The #1 Way To Get Into Med School (It’s NOT What You Think)
  • [Get a benefit] Without possessing something specific or doing something difficult]? e.g., Land a $100k Job Without a College Degree?
  • Save [amount or percent] during this [limited] flash sale! e.g., Save 50% During This 12-Hour Flash Sale


Step 3: Develop Your Subject Line

Now you have a draft of your subject line, you’ll want to do the following to develop it further…

Keep It Short

Most email clients truncate long email subject lines. While the character count varies, generally, it’s around 60-65. As such, make sure they’re short and immediately grab attention.

Consider Personalizing It

Personalize your emails with the recipient’s first name included in the subject line. While you don’t want to overuse this tactic, using the recipient’s first name every once in a while can make a big impact. For example…

  • Are you at risk of a heart attack, John?
  • This dog-training tip is for you, Suzy
  • Jane, you can save 25% with this special offer…

Crafting a Matching Preview

Most email clients allow their users to preview the first one or two lines of the email without opening it… Therefore, be sure those lines work hard to capture your reader’s attention.

For example… you might tell a story at the beginning of your email, being sure to use words that will intrigue anyone who’s still looking at the preview. e.g…

“I could hardly believe my eyes when I opened my PayPal account…”

Use a Swipe File

It’s a good idea to build a swipe file of subject lines, especially from people who’ve grabbed your attention in the past. Then you can look to your file for inspiration.

For example, in your email, you may see a subject line like this…

“Who Else Wants Tighter Abs In Just 15 Minutes A Day?”

The basic formula for that subject line is… Who else [wants a desired outcome] in just [a very short period of time]?

You can use it to inspire your own great subject lines…

Who Else Wants to Double Their Conversions in Just 10 Minutes?

  1. Build your swipe file by subscribing to several good newsletters inside and outside your niche. You can even set up a special email address to collect them. And then create a folder to copy the very best ones.
  2. You can also check out sales letter headlines since they follow the same basic formula as subject lines.
  3. And finally, look at swipe files other people have collected (free and paid). For example… you can run a Google search for “email subject line swipe files.”

And finally…

Test It

You’ll always want to test subject lines to improve your open rates. ‘And test the personalization (with or without), test whether icons improve or decrease open rates… test punctuation – in fact… test everything that can be tested. Your job is to keep improving, and you can’t do that without something to compare with.


You’ve now discovered how to craft effective email subject lines that grab your readers by the eyeBALLS… persuading them to open your emails – So make sure you commit to testing and tracking, determining which ones produce the best response.

See you in the next lesson, where I’ll show you how to keep your viewers reading right to the end.


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