February 5

List Building


“Revealed – 30 Easy Steps, Showing You How To Build A High Responsive Email List… Helping Your Audience While Generating Tons Of Orders For Your Business!

“Churn and Burn” List-Building Strategies Don’t Work!”

If You Want to Create the Sort of List Where Subscribers Eagerly Wait for Your Emails, Read Every Last Word, and Happily Click Your Links… Then You’re Going to Want to Check This Out Right Now!

It’s no secret that building a list is one of the most essential keys to building a helpful and profitable business.

But answer me this…

  • Is your email campaign responsive?
  • Do your subscribers look forward to receiving your emails each day?
  • Are you building great relationships with your audience, so they know, like, and trust you and, in turn, purchase your offers?
  • Do you sometimes get frustrated knowing your list isn’t as responsive as it could be?
  • Is your list full of freebie hunters who never buy your products/services?
  • What if you discovered a very easy method?
  • A specific order of writing emails forcing your prospects to give you their trust and buy when you ask them – would you want to know?

Of course, you would…

Building an email campaign is no different from structuring a sales letter. The format has to lead your prospect from one step to another… to another, right to the close. And there’s a long, slow learning curve involved… where you can burn through lots of time, money, and subscribers before you figure it all out.

And that’s where I come in…

I want to help you figure it out much faster, so you can help more people and generate profits more quickly for your business.

You’ll discover how to build your own tribe, people who will rush back to you again and again. You’ll find yourself making a difference, solving problems, and changing your audience’s lives in so many positive ways. You’ll finally see why people always say… “the monies in the list.” As you start generating sales and profits you always knew were possible.

But before I show you the valuable tips, tricks, templates, hacks, and more. Take a look at some of the things most email marketers do… so you don’t follow in their footsteps!

  • No Clear Strategy
  • Not targeting the right people
  • No tracking in place
  • Asking for too much personal information
  • Sending from “donotreply@yourdomain.com
  • Emails don’t showcase who you are
  • Treating list building as “just another task.”
  • Not engaging with the list regularly.
  • Sending emails that treat everyone the same
  • Not segmenting the list
  • Not handling unresponsive and unsubscribers the right way

So… are you ready to discover all the tricks, tips, strategies, and more to completely revolutionize how you communicate with your subscribers and change your life?

If so… keep reading – and don’t skip to the end to buy it… because I want you to see how powerful this really is!

You see, one of the strategies I use (mentioned in one of my previous reports) is to segment my list. This is essential if you want to communicate accurately with each segment based on their specific interests. So as soon as someone enters my funnel, they’re assigned to a specific part of my list. And this is how I can talk directly to any of my subscribers because we’re always on the same page mentally.

Here’s another one…

And it’s about bonuses or freebies. Now most marketers use these temptations as a stepping stone to bigger paid products/services. But they miss the point. Because the main goal of any “freebie” is to build trust. And I mean… genuine “trust.”

Never forget… your main purpose is to “help” your prospect – and fix their problems. NOT to sell to them.

“You Can Have Everything In Life You Want, If You Will Just Help Enough Other People Get What They Want.”

Zig Ziglar

And by discovering strategies hidden in my step-by-step “How to” tutorials, you’ll learn all there is to know… Not only helping your customers solve their problems but also driving more profits toward your business.

Each lesson is crammed with tips, ideas, and strategies that are designed to turn your mailing list into your single most profitable sales tool. And all by helping people!

Here’s the list in order. And, like I said… 30 cram-packed lessons for you to consume… making you the go-to email marketer.

  1. How To Pick An Email Service Provider That Is Right For You
  2. How to set up a landing page that gets new subscribers
  3. How to create pop-ups that help, not hurt your opt-ins
  4. How to craft subject lines that get your emails opened
  5. How to write emails that keep people reading
  6. How to develop a series of emails that presell an offer
  7. How to increase deliverability, so more people receive your emails.
  8. How to boost your open rates to get greater views
  9. How to “Uplevel” your click-throughs, so more people take action
  10. How to create a lead magnet that attracts subscribers
  11. How to segment your list to send the right content to the right people
  12. How to clean your list to keep them interested and remove the inactive
  13. How to make certain your emails are mobile-friendly for the best results
  14. How to nurture your list for a mutually beneficial relationship
  15. How to get personal, so your subscribers know, like, and trust you.
  16. How to create Re-engagement campaigns to warm up a cold list
  17. How to automate some of your most important tasks to save time
  18. How to create an onboarding sequence that builds brand loyalty
  19. How to write a welcome email that makes a great first impression
  20. How to plan an email calendar that stays in contact the right way
  21. How to plan email campaigns that meet your audience and business needs
  22. How to know and comply with email regulations to stay out of trouble
  23. How to create content that delights your audience, so they want more.
  24. How to define your audience, so you attract the right people.
  25. How to establish your list goals so you can create the right messages
  26. How to measure and analyze metrics so you can improve your results
  27. How to ensure your list is full of happy people, so you reduce Unsubscribes
  28. How to schedule your emails, so they are received at the right time.
  29. How to write a promotional email that offers hope, not hype.
  30. How to know what and when to send your subscribers to keep them warm

As you can see…

Everything is covered… it’s an email marketing education spread over 30 easy-to-understand… easy-to-use training sessions.

I’ve looked, and there isn’t another product like this one out there. And it won’t cost you a fortune to download these gold nuggets right now.

How Much Is This Revolutionary Digital Library?

Well… you’re in luck!

Because while I’m putting the finishing touches to my guides… you can drop me a line, and I’ll send you them for FREE – as soon as they’re finished!

How’s that for timing?


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