February 4


“What’s The One Action Missing From Your life That’ll Bring You Wealth, Respect, Relationship Success, & Total Confidence?….

And It Doesn’t Require Money, Skills, Qualifications, Or Special Connections”

It’ll not only bring you safety and security in all you do, but also…

  • Love and feeling of belonging.
  • Power and Achievement.
  • Freedom and Independence.
  • Recognition and Self-esteem.
  • Meaning and purpose.

And that’s not all… it’ll also give you so much enjoyment and pleasure you won’t believe.


You’re most probably nodding your head and saying… “Dave, you’re a plumb!”

But I’m being deadly serious because there’s a reason why only 1% of the population are truly successful in their lives. And when I say “successful,” I’m NOT talking about having 8 supercars parked in the garage of a 24-room mansion, surrounded by 10 acres of manicured gardens. No, No, NO!…

I’m talking about the ability to do whatever the fk you want in life… where ever and whenever. No matter if there’s a recession, depression, or someone yelling, you CAN’T do it!

But before we go any further, let me ask you a couple of important questions…

Have you ever been distracted by anything in your life?

I mean… has someone stolen your attention for just one moment?

You’re about to do something important and… hmmm

Of course, they have!… it happens every waking hour of your existence. Especially now, with social media, TV, Box-sets, magazines, books, and the internet.

All begging for a piece of your life attention.

And get this…

Not only do these activities steal your time, but they also train you to NEED more and more distractions (weird, huh?)

Focus is responsible for your moods, your driving ability, whether you’re liked on not, your wealth, and so much more. It’s a skill you’ve been trained to discard like a coat in a heat wave. A skill so important it’ll make the difference whether you succeed or suck.

So, tell me…

What do you want?

Because if you want more success in life, read on.

The Neuroscience of Attention

Focus is the one ingredient you need… to accomplish more of… well, anything! If you want to complete your work, tidy your room, get in shape, or make any other important change, you need to sustain focus just long enough to make a dent.

But this is where your brain might not wanna play ball. We’ve all been there… trying to focus on a job to get some work done, only for our mind to wander – or for us to keep finding more “fun” things to do.

Listen… if you’re serious about building a more successful life for yourself, you have to say goodbye to all the temptations. I mean… how much time, money, and potential opportunity do you think you’ve lost by not focusing on the crucial areas in life?

This is why focus is so important. But it’s not just one area of your life affected by the lack of focus… also a wealth of other things. All compounded to weave a life full of struggle and heartache.

And that’s why most people can’t see why they’re failing. They’ve been focusing on one thing, not realizing many moments have snowballed into a ‘kin great mass of confusion. Okay, enough already.

Let’s talk about what’s happening inside your skull and put a leash on that monkey.

How Your Brain Works… (Whether You Like It Or Not!)

When you attack a task with the sustained attention of a predator stalking its prey, you use a specific part of your brain known as the “salience network.” This is a network of different brain regions working together to decide what’s important… and direct your attention towards that thing. Naturally, this is all happening “inside” your head. So it won’t matter if it’s REAL or “imagined” the brain will send signals regardless. (and it IS all about the “signals,” NOT what YOU “think” it is).

So, how does “it” decide what grabs your attention?…

A little regulator called the “anterior cingulate cortex” is the culprit. And this sneaky little gerbil directs our attention using two “routes” through the brain. The “dorsal attention network” and the “ventral attention network.”

The first type of attention represents our conscious decision to pay attention to things. For example…

When you decide something is important and need to focus, you’ll release specific hormones and neurotransmitters (like dopamine) to determine its relevance. So… your attention is actively driven “via” the dorsal attention network to that activity.

The ventral stream, meanwhile, is reserved for situations where our attention is stolen from us by something interesting or shocking. A form of “reflexive attention largely out of your control… triggered by loud bangs, shocking headlines, or life, death situations.

How To Use This Knowledge To Build A Far More Successful Life

When reading the above, did you notice one form of attention is “conscious,” and the other is more of a reaction to stimuli?

If you do, you’ll notice a constant battle between the two. And not only that, but the ventral stream also drives you toward innate temptations such as… hunger, thirst, sex, tiredness, or discomfort.

So, Dave… how is this going to benefit me? (you might ask).

Well… first off, you’re now aware of the machine that drives your behavior (whether you like it or not). And being privy to this little nugget allows you to let your mind do what it does (because it will anyway) and “FOCUS” your energy on the things you CHOOSE.

A little trick used by the founder of WordPress (Matt Mullenweg) was to find his favorite music and play it on repeat. Because through repetition, his brain would eventually tune it out. Thus, guiding the ventral route to be otherwise pre-occupied… enabling him to use the dorsal network to focus on his current needs.

While simultaneously boosting his mood by listening to appropriate music (win-win).

Simply put…

He tricked his brain into happily focusing on what he wanted – make sense?

Entering The Flow State…

Make sure when you’re tricking your brain… to give it plenty of incentives. Your brain is built for survival… and over thousands of years, it’s helped your ancestors do this by focusing on the very best ways.

But unfortunately, in the “modern” world, real threats have been supplanted by irrational triggers that have been compounded over many years by engineers of the social variety (but we won’t get into that just yet).

If you can associate tedious but essential tasks with something electrifying, your brain won’t know the difference. Therefore transforming boring jobs into much more fulfilling ones. For example…

Imagine your dream income.

Now, to get there, you’ve got plenty of steps, all of which are vital. And every task you complete is nearer to building the whole. Think of it like this…

The Great Pyramids weren’t built from the top down. They were built by placing one stone on top of another… 2.3 million times!

What if the builders of this magnificent structure got bored after placing the first million stones? (or, in most people’s cases… 10 or 20).

This is why it’s vital to keep a complete vision of the finished project in your mind. Using the steps as a form of essential nutrition… nurturing your dreams right to the end.


If you combine the tactics I’ve shown, you’ll enter what’s known as the “flow state.” A state so powerful, you will accomplish soooo much more… quicker and easier than you ever thought possible. Blocking out or refusing to react to ALL distracting thoughts. Oh… and before I wrap this up…

Give meditation a try.

Not the type of meditation the “gurus” suggest… NOPE!

Keep it simple, and focus on one thing at a time while allowing all other thoughts to enter your mind. Start off with 30 seconds or even 10. And build it up whenever you feel you’re ready. Don’t make any attempt to slow your breathing down to start. Just let it be.

Because the more you TRY to do something… the harder it becomes.

Funny that!


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