January 28



Who Else Wants A Fun, Profitable, Secure Online Business?

Well, You Can With These 50 Proven Surefire Tactics For Business Success!

Most readers will ignore me, hate this text, and think I’m a toss-pot!

But guess what?

It’s NOT aimed at those people. It’s aimed at a special few, who, when reading these lines, will realize why they must keep reading.

This isn’t a step-by-step, hold your hand, and I’ll change your nappy.

NOPE! This is for those who swim against the tide. It’s for those who know they’re destined for more extraordinary things.

Turn off all TVs, and all music, close all the doors and remove all distractions because I know anyone who grasps what I’m about to share will move onwards and upwards faster and easier than they’ve ever imagined.

It was a revelation when I discovered the B.M. Unfortunately, it was too late for me because it had already taken several years. But it’s not too late for you… so pay attention and don’t waste another year in “Groundhog Day,” repeating the same shit over and over again!


I want you to think about something for a minute. Conjure up a picture of the perfect business. YOUR perfect business. And think of yourself sitting at your computer.

But instead of earning what you do now, you’re making the amount you’ve always dreamed of… sales are landing in your inbox every couple of minutes, and you know every time you hear that “ping,” You’ve just received more in that instant than someone working for days in a “normal job.

This isn’t happening only once, though… NO WAY!

It’s happening every couple of minutes – Ping! Ping! Ping!

You head to your inbox and see your list… “Payment received” and “You’ve just made a sale” – all the way down the page. Delivery times:

10. 26am $50. 00

10.29am $200.0

10.30am $69.97

10.32am $50.00

10.33am $200.0

It’s non-stop, over and over, almost like some tw%t is spamming you. But you’re NOT being spammed… it’s a continuous flow of dough! One thing’s for sure – life will never be the same again.

This, my friend, is what it feels like to launch a successful product.

Now, I want you to look around you…

If this is the picture of your ideal business, what are you doing?

How are you spending your day?

What product did you create to get those sales pumping in like that?

Can you remember back when you were creating those products…?

How do you construct your sales letter?

How about promotions? Where are you spending your advertising budget on getting those returns?

What software do you use?

What’s the name of your site?

What does your website look like?

Okay, SNAP out of it… back to reality!

Most, if not all, marketers day-dream, or in the evening, dream about their perfect business. I mean… When the arrival of “super-success” changes your life, giving you an overwhelming sense of self-worth, achievement, and fulfillment. There’s nothing wrong with picturing the result. It’s only natural to think about it and imagine it.

You know…

The sales, money, lifestyle, houses, cars, new computers, traveling, etc. In fact… it’s to be encouraged. Because no matter how bad an imagination people say they have, it could be this one “vision” that keeps them striving, persevering, and pushing for success when everyone else and their dog gave up and went home – settling for some crappy JOB.

But, here’s the thing…

People “day-dreaming” about the outcome get nowhere. Although, those who not only dream of the outcome, but also focus their energy on achieving the tasks required to complete the steps. Well… yes, those people DO get somewhere.

Let’s say you see a friend or family member in a position you want to be in. A new hobby, sport, business, or traveling opportunity. You begin to think seriously about following in their footsteps, achieving similar. So what do you do?

You start learning from them. You take the same steps they take, making similar decisions… you start acting and learning their techniques and methods. Fact is…

If you mimic this person well enough, you’ll begin to gain similar or better results.

Business is the same. The only problem is that people are dreaming about a process they’re ignorant of – and worse, they put that “process” to work for them. Crying and failing because they believe it can’t be them, they “know” how to run a business. So, it must be the fault of the elusive “others.”

And this is the number one reason most readers will blank me. Because what I’m about to show you won’t match up to their expectations of how a business should run. And get this…

Very few people suck it up and admit they “don’t know.” Most folk think they already know how it works, even those who have been in business for decades. So here’s the deal…

Know your outcome, dream about it, think about it, and work towards it. But don’t under any circumstance think your thoughts alone will get you there… unless you’re already successful and know what it takes from personal experience to get into this kind of “Sale A Minute” position.

Unfortunately, if you can’t accept this and still want to do business your way, continuing down the path you’re going… following the image in your mind you think is the path to success – then I can’t help you (no one can).

If, however, you have your heart set on an outcome and are open-minded about the process (or can be open-minded about the process as you read this), You’re in luck! Because you’re a member of the 1% club, who’ll receive the full benefits from these tips, ideas, and methods. Even if they’re totally opposite to what you’ve been doing or “believe” to be the perfect business.

Consider this an advanced warning…

You’ll be taken out of your comfort zone while reading this so, if you don’t want to be.

PLEASE STOP READING ANY FURTHER! because it’s highly unlikely you’ll ever going to take proper action. And you’ll still be in the same position 20 yrs from now.

There go 99% of the readers… (thank fk for that!).

Good news is…

If you’re still with me, I’m honored to be sharing my knowledge with someone extremely special. Someone who knows their full worth. Someone who doesn’t follow the herd and someone who will surpass all those who stand in their way.

Anyway, now that’s out of the way, and anyone who doesn’t have serious potential has left (goody, goody gumdrops). But before we start, I want to give you a quick run fun down of what to expect. And don’t forget to start taking action on these today, no matter how trivial you think they might be.

I wasn’t bullshitting when I said these nuggets are revolutionary for business. In fact… I’d suggest reading the intro’ a second time (never rush the “process” because you might miss something extremely important).


So, the sections are split up as one tip after another as they relate to online marketing. Feel free to skip straight to the ones you find most interesting by using the “contents” section at the beginning of the guide.

  • Product Creation Tips – All about product creation (duh)… from how to come up with a flood of almost never-ending ideas for new products.
  • Joint Venture Tips – Securing the all-important JV with the potential for ad circulation of millions, meaning lots of sales (and profit), now and into the future.
  • Promotion Tips – Promo tips – looking at everything from building resources to affiliate promotion and how to spot products and services to be wary of.
  • List Building Tips – Everything from how to keep a responsive list to how to get one in the first place and how to condition those that are unresponsive into those that respond.
  • Pricing Tips – A rundown on how to price things the right way. Most people use their competition as a guide. But that’s the Wrong strategy if you want to “increase” profits.
  • Tracking Tips – Showing you how important tracking and testing really are and how to get the most out of your statistic-gathering efforts.
  • Action Tips – How to get the most out of your business through your attitude, approach, and health. The mindset and methods changed the face of my business forever. I deem this the least directly related section yet the most important.
  • Backend Tips – Selling the future, multiple products, product packages, and reaping three to six times the sales volume from one product, not to mention anything from ten to a hundred times the profit!

There you go…

Quick and easy business boosting methods you can use right this second. And you won’t have to spend ages building out websites, changing your whole business model, or collecting statistics. Check out all the tips either one at a time on my blog (dedoharrison.com) or download the guide I’ve compiled for you.


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