January 22



Do You Want To Know The BEST Way To Seduce Your Subscribers – Transforming Them Into Life-Long Customers Fans?…

Get This Wrong, And You’ll End Up Like 97% Of Your Competitors (Wondering Why The Feck You’re Failing), So, Read On To Discover The Right Way!

Here’s the thing…

I bet you’re already a persuasion expert. Having honed your skills long ago… waaaay before you decided to become an online sales “Meister.”

Even before you were taught how to sell, you were doing it big time in the school playground.

Let me give you an example…

You probably traded lunch with a friend. Or maybe, marbles, cards, conkers, toys, etc. But, tell me…

How did you do it?

I bet you started with an opening gambit, with some low-ball trade. And if your friend wavered – and you really wanted to complete the “transaction.” what happened next? Yep…

You threw in a sweetener.

For example, if you were trading sandwiches, you might offer one of your delicious chocolate cookies as a bonus. Or if it was marbles, you might throw in a couple of cat’s eyes – Point being…

By age eight or nine, you knew that bonuses, incentives, or sweeteners worked like gang-busters, persuading people to do what you want.

And guess what?

Bonuses, incentives, and sweeteners… have worked, still work – and will always work way into the future. Especially when it comes to business…

BUT!… and it is a BIG but!

That’s only if you know the “right” way to use bonuses and incentives in your business. And believe me… there is a RIGHT way.

Because if you do it wrong (which most people will), the whole thing will back-fire. And instead of being persuasive… your whole house of cards will come tumbling down, making you look like a right numpty.

And that’s why I’ve put together this fantastic guide for you. (I know… my halo’s getting brighter as we speak).

For your eyes only… “THE” guide to help you strategize your incentive program far beyond that of your competition…

Introducing “101 Tips, Ideas, Secrets, Suggestions, Hacks, Methods, Shortcuts, Resources, Templates & Lists For Bonus & Incentive Mastery!”

But before I show you what’s inside my guide, let’s explore why you need it and why you should always do things the RIGHT way!

  • 75% of customers say they’d likely make another purchase after receiving an incentive. Think about that for a moment. And how it’ll boost your profits BIG time!
  • 45% of customers made 1-3 purchases “because” of incentives in the past year.
  • 18% of customers say incentives always sway them to choose one brand over another.
  • Over 93% of customers say incentives are important in their buying decisions.

As you can see, incentives are very powerful when used properly, as they allow you to…

  • Drive engagement in social media.
  • Dramatically improve brand awareness.
  • Stimulate impulsive buying.
  • Build Trust
  • Boost your customers (LTV) lifetime value.

Think of it like this…

There’s a whole world of competition, desperately fighting to win over their prospects. Throwing all manner of bribes at them, hoping to hook them into becoming customers. The thing is…

It’s not as straightforward as just handing over a chocolate cookie (Unless you’re selling cookies, and you want to give away some little tasters). Your sweeteners must be as relevant as the product you’re sharing and be in the RIGHT place.


Here’s exactly what you get inside this jam-packed guide… How to optimize your bonus and incentive strategy.

Not only will we cover the three main steps you need to put your strategies on steroids, including how to…

  • Use Bonuses
  • Create Bonuses
  • Optimize Your Bonuses…

I will show you a handful of the 101 tips, tricks, and secrets you’re about to download for FREE! Yep… you got that right! FREEEEE.

  • You’ll discover 18 unique “types” of bonuses and incentives you can use immediately to grow your business.
  • You’ll find out how to “use” your bonuses to sell more affiliate products, boost sales of your products, get more subscribers, motivate your affiliates, and so much more.
  • You’ll receive 15 surefire places to promote your bonus for maximum effect!
  • You’ll get some call-to-action templates you can swipe, immediately putting them to use.
  • How to slash your refund rate?… I’ll show you four ways right off the bat!
  • What sort of bonus do you want to create?… don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with a mini-worksheet you can use.
  • You’ll discover five quick & Easy methods to create your bonus (and the three factors that will determine the RIGHT way for you).
  • You’ll find out how to obtain bonus products without lifting a finger – and it won’t cost you a bean!
  • Need some new ideas for bonuses? You’re getting 22 examples of successful bonuses across five popular niches.
  • You’ll learn a simple hack for turning your bonus into another income stream!
  • Magnetize your prospects towards the order button!… you’ll get a list of 10 types of red hot coupons that work like crazy.
  • Want to grow your business using referrals? I’ll. show you the RIGHT way.


You’ll get dozens more tips, tricks, hacks, lists, etc., which you can use as soon as you’ve downloaded them. So do it now before I attach a price tag.


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