January 14

Running Away From Challenges

Quick, Easy, And Guaranteed… No Matter Your Skill-set!

Did you know…

You become less competent the more you run away from challenges. Let me explain…

Personal competence is a bit like a muscle. Think about it.

What do you think will happen if you haven’t been to the gym before… and you dive straight into lifting weights?

Well, unless you’ve just popped out of your mum’s birthing canal, you’ll know…

In the morning, you’re gonna feel like shit!

Your muscles will be aching like a mother’ker. And they’ll be screaming at you to stop – for Christ’s sake STOP!

You put massive pressure on muscles that aren’t accustomed to being battered like that. But here’s a secret… “Work Through The Pain.”

Many people think if their body’s telling them it’s in pain… this is the signal to stop.

BIG rookie mistake.

When you listen to your body, you’re basically listening to that part of yourself telling you to take the easy street. You’re listening to the part of yourself that doesn’t want to be stressed, confronted, and challenged. And…

What do you think it will ask for?

That’s right.

It will ask you to stay in the groove.

Do something more pleasurable.

It will ask you to lay off anything that involves discomfort, inconvenience, or sacrifice…

It just wants you to take the “path of least resistance.”

But get this… If you want to reduce the pain, go to the gym and lift more weights. Sure, it feels like you’ve been in a ring with Mike Tyson the next day, but if you keep at it – the pain will evaporate like steam from a hot rock.

It turns out… the pain is a temporary necessity.

It’s the small “price” you have to pay to achieve higher muscle discipline and strength levels. But here’s the thing…

The same applies to your competence. If you want to focus on your current level of expertise and knowledge, guess what?

You’re NOT going to improve…

You’re NOT going to be curious about what else is out there.

You’re NOT going to challenge what you think you know.

And you’re NOT going to break things apart, try and put them back together, and figure out how to connect the dots and see bigger and better patterns.

You’re not going to achieve any of that…

Those are the things that will take your knowledge to the next level. Those things will enable you to become a more outstanding expert and authority in your field.

Unfortunately, many people think they can coast it or take “easy-street” based on their current level of expertise. They end up running away from challenges. They focus on the things they know. They focus on the “tried and proven.” They become “stuck in a rut.”

Sadly, the more they do this, the less competent they become because the value of their knowledge will erode over time. And, if you don’t challenge yourself, chances are you aren’t going to figure out better ways to articulate what you already know. You become “STAID.”

So, if you want to break away from this catch-22… positioning yourself for greater authority, credibility, competence, and confidence, keep reading these nuggets.

Because they’ll step your game up to heights you’ve only ever dreamed of…


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