January 10

Are You Faking It?

Is Competence The Keystone, Holding Confidence In Place…

Let’s put this bad boy to rest… As you may know, many types of fake confidence exist worldwide.

After all, the idea of “faking it ’till you make it” has taken off big time in western culture. And a lot of people have been fooled into believing… as long as you look successful, things will eventually “catch up.” Showering you with “real” success in the future.

Note: If you’ve read action tip 9, I mention similar… although the post is more about changing the belief of who you are before you take action. Read it and you’ll know what I mean…

And get this…

Some believe (I shit you not) if enough folk buy into the idea you know what you’re talking about – then it’s as good as the real thing. These clowns make a big deal of formal “titles” or “one’s” placement on any organizational chart.

The idea is… “your role defines you.” In other words, if you carry a title, your title somehow bestows some instant competence.

I remember a true story about a guy who got the CEO position of a major company some years ago. Anyway, he took the company from the RED into the black over the space of a year. But some knob-head discovered he hadn’t got the proper “qualifications,” So… get this…

They give him the tin tack! (sack)


The guy was BIG time “competent,” but because he didn’t have the “proper” paperwork to “prove” his ability to do the job… they got rid!

So, if you ever find yourself being dictated to by a so called expert. Take the time to do your own due diligence and make sure their competence is fully verified.

Okay, rant over!

Both of these ideas about faking it involve magical thinking, leaps of faith and ignorance of logic. But sadly, there are so many dopes who believe this bolox (which I was one). That the line of people has become unbelievably long.

Of course… as you’re now know, it’s all fallacy, because there’s a profound difference between looking like you know how to do things and being able to deliver. Unfortunately, we live in a society that’s so obsessed with self-esteem (which they equate with self-confidence), that from this very notion BIG problems have arisen. (if you look around, I think you’ll agree?)

Keep in mind… it doesn’t matter whether you think you know how to build bridges, or you think you’re a genius or not. What matters is if you’re competent in your confidence.

Competence is the true building block of real confidence because it’s tried, tested and battle hardened. Think about it…

How confident do you feel after you’ve faced adversity, challenges and failure in the past… and came through to where you are now?

Much more confident than someone sitting on their ‘putor faking it all day, I’m sure!

No doubt, there’s a tremendous amount of discomfort and inconvenience getting to this stage, but that’s precisely the point. It’s not something you get for just showing up… not some plastic award. It’s something you fight for. It’s something you earn. And it’s something you make sacrifices for.

Think how Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz felt when she sailed across the world on her own. Think of all the sacrifices, battles, woes, heartaches and pain she endured.

How confident was she after her journey?

And how did she gain her competence to be confident?


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