December 23

Action 9


The Act Of Becoming…

You’ll love this tip because it’s probably the most life-changing (and business-changing) nugget I can share with you. What’s more…

It’s probably the easiest and fastest to carry out. And something you can do right off the bat… like NOW!

I call it the “Act Of Becoming” because if you act out a role continuously, eventually, you’ll believe YOU are the role you’re playing. Let me explain…

Note: The activity of becoming is NO substitute for being competent in your chosen “ACT.”

Say, for example, you’ve studied at university, carried on to medical school, and after many years of disciplined attention, become an authorized Dr of medicine. Now practice this role for a few years until fully competent, then jump into the solicitor role!

Or… a vet, CEO, Sales executive, Grocer, Builder, Taxi-driver, Copywriter. The list goes on and on.

You might say… “yeah, right,” but you can’t just jump into another profession without learning the ropes.

And I’ll say to you… I know, although…

Those who have taken on their roles will find it difficult to change their “act” in the future. They become “institutionalized.”

And what’s this got to do with business?

Well, my friend, if you want to develop the traits of a successful business owner. First, act like one – through “habit,” you’ll gain all of their attributes – without any stress or hardship.

It’ll come naturally – over time.

The trouble is… most people develop their habits or roles without knowing it. And unconsciously become the thing they most do.

I’m a Dr, Vet, Solicitor, Builder, CEO, receptionist, Grocer, Candle-stick-maker!

All YOU have to do right now is decide to BE a successful business owner. It’ll take some time, but be patient and allow the process to do its work. You’ll be amazed.

And there’s more… (this is going to get a little deep)

Just for a moment, imagine not being in any of the roles. Make an effort to become neutral. Because I want to ask you something you might not have thought about before…

Who are you… now that you’re neutral?

Are you your body?

And if you are… what if your body was changed?

Would you still be YOU?

And how would you know?

Now think about what I’ve just said ( I mean, shut down the computer and think about it before reading on). By the way, when you get what I’m sharing, life will never be the same again.

If you’re NOT successful now, what does it mean?

It means you’re making the wrong decisions, mixing with the wrong people, in the wrong place at the wrong time, or going about things in a way that doesn’t get you where you want to be. So how do you fix that?…

How do you fix NOT being successful – to being at the TOP of your game?

Simple… you have to do what we’ve just discussed. Change your act (what you’re doing). If you keep acting like a loser, guess what you’ll always be?

You have to change your “habits….”

The way you react to situations (look at the word “re-act.” The Clue’s staring you in the face), your work ethic, how you write, how you market your products, who you learn from, and much more. Every time you learn something new from any source… put it into “action” and watch what happens.

These things you’re doing already, but on an unconscious level… so now you’ve been made aware of the wrong habits, you can either ignore what’s been said or keep doing what you’ve always done.

The choice is always yours.

Note: There are important reasons I shared tip 3, where I mention emulating at least 10 successful business people. And now you know what they are. (learn to emulate, then become competent).

Find out these things…

  • How are they different from you?
  • What kind of decisions do they make?
  • How do they write?
  • How do they talk?
  • How do they do business?
  • How do they ACT?

Copy it, steal it, assimilate it and use to your advantage. Once you’ve done this, you’re free to adapt your specific style.

And don’t be fooled into thinking this only applies to business. The technique allows you to experience many things from loads of different angles… gaining a better overall perspective.

While others are “blindly” influenced by others and the media (while denying it), You can live life on purpose, fully in control. Changing whenever the mood takes you.

And here’s the thing…

Don’t be afraid of change. Don’t be afraid of becoming someone else because it’s impossible NOT to be yourself (try it and prove me wrong).

The fact is…

If you can’t change, you can’t adapt. If you can’t adapt, you’ll be left behind, and if you’re left behind, it’ll be much harder to reach your true potential. (but stay away from the elusive “ladder”)

Note: If you’ve already delved into my previous “action tips,” you’ll know all about the elusive ladder

Do you see someone with something you want?

Look at how they got it, integrate it into your life, and you’ll begin to experience similar results… it’s as simple as that! And like I said earlier…

Don’t stop there – take it further. Adapt and develop your own specific style. You’ve heard of the student surpassing the teacher, right?


When you start adapting what you’ve discovered from multiple sources. What will happen is you’ll succeed far beyond those individuals you originally learned from. Good huh?

It’s never happened any other way. So why not start right now?

Steal the positive traits of someone that has something you want and watch in amazement as you quickly reap the same, if not much greater, rewards.


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