December 21

Action 8


Success… It’s All About The Structure!

Okay, you’ll love this tip because there’s not a huge amount of explaining to do. And once you organize things like this… business will become easy peasy.

What we’re going to do is take a quick look into the structure of your business.

How do you manage multiple websites, record your results through tracking campaigns, write sales letters, plan work, and create products?

Most people I know are obscenely disorganized. With files here there and everywhere, It’s amazing anything important ever gets done without loads of heartache and hassle. And strangely enough (coincidently), none of them have reached their business goals yet – many have given up completely.

A common trait in any successful organization is the ablilty to not only arrange all tasks and resources for maximum efficiency. But also to “systematize” operations.

So, head over to your computer now, and create a folder called businesses. Inside that folder create another folder for each domain you own. This is where all your HTML, sales letters, graphics, and products can be stored.

In addition, create an admin folder. This is where you can keep your usernames, passwords, URLs, website addresses, registry entries for outlook, graphics your purchased rights to, client details, list backups and so on.

Next up…

Create maybe the most important folder of all, R&D. This is where your ideas go.

Ideas come at us every second of the day and night, so make sure you jot them down and store them in your folder for future use. Rarely do the initial ideas come to anything, but all you’re looking for is the BIG one! This is the baby that will put you on the map. So be serious about collecting them.

Next, create a resources folder. This is where all your guides, purchased books, motivation, tutorials, and the like will be sorted for quick and easy reference.

Finally… create a tracking folder. This is where you want to record all your tracking data, from statistics, split-run tests, sales letter and ad examples, what worked, what didn’t work, why, your predictions, how and where you tested, conclusions, etc.

Tadaaa! simple as that…

So, from now on, keep everything in that business folder… If it’s related to business, it shouldn’t be anywhere else but in there. Back it up daily, use it, and see how much easier it becomes to keep things organized to find your files and folders.

Be sure to keep it tidy too. This is for the people who’ve already created a system. It defeats the object… and the efficiency advantage is lost unless you keep things as pristine as it was when you first organized it.

So, make a move now and start as you mean to go on. Imagine the feeling of being super organized. Your whole business managed like a well-groomed, highly efficient battalion of supreme warriors.

Just waiting for your command at any given moment. And knowing the where, when, who, what, why, and how of every discipline in your armory… It’s brand new, pristine, shiny, efficient, and something to be proud of… something your fellow business owners don’t have.


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